fast_companyWhat You Need To Create Stellar Teams Within Your Company
Fast Company

What You Need To Create Stellar Teams Within Your Company
You may not need all star players for the best teamwork, but there are a few conditions to keep in mind before assembling your taskforce.
BY Tara Nicholle Nelson

I recently read that a cup of brewed coffee is only 4% coffee—the rest is water. When I read this, it struck me that such a small fraction could determine the essence of something and how it operates.

I work in Silicon Valley, where it’s extremely common for companies to prioritize the cultural fit of job candidates as highly as their skill set. But while many leaders believe if you hire only A-players, then you should end up with an A-team, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes all it takes is a small amount of star power.

The idea that all superstar performers will create unprecedented excellence at your company is actually a myth for a couple reasons:

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Date: December 2, 2014
Appearance: What You Need To Create Stellar Teams Within Your Company
Outlet: Fast Company
Format: Other

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