Big Eclipse Energy. 🌑

Last night there was a total lunar eclipse. This is what the astronomers and astrologers call it when the sun, the moon and the earth slide into total alignment, causing the Earth’s shadow to fall over the moon and causing the moon to turn a dark, blood red.

Spiritually and astrologically, this alignment is said to herald abrupt and sudden shifts in circumstance. Big changes and fast. Evolution at high speed.

As I was lying awake in the Big Change, Big Eclipse Moon Energies last night, I made a note to myself to share something with you I shared with the attendees at my UPGRADE event last month:

That the SIZE of the changes you make in your life and the SPEED with which you make them are directly proportional to the discomfort, disruption and upheaval you will experience as you make these changes.

And, please Brilliant One, catch this principle: This is true whether the changes you’re making were desired and designed by you… or not.

A few months ago I was chatting with my therapist, Miriam, and she—knowing I have a Master’s degree in Psychology—gently asked me if I remembered learning in grad school about the Durkheim Suicide Study.

I replied that yes, I vaguely recalled that it was the first study to reveal that in times of economic crisis, more people killed themselves.

Miriam said, “Ah. But everyone remembers that study incorrectly. Durkheim found that in times of economic CHANGE, suicide rates go up… whether the economy is on the decline or on the upswing.”

Here’s the deal: All systems “desire” homeostasis. And you, beloved, are a system. That’s why Gay Hendricks calls our inner resistance “upper limits”. Because we’re all wired with this strong thermostat setting for how good we’re willing to let our lives get before we start sabotaging ourselves and our desires and blowing things up.

What’s a spiritual cosmonaut like you, a beautiful little alien mutant out here on the leading edge of human evolution, just out here on your own Hero’s Journey to be their Big Self and do their Big Dreams before they die… what are YOU supposed to do about that?

It depends.

Think: Seasons.

Sometimes, the answer is to have a season of stability and stasis. A season of integration and just letting things be calm and easeful.

Sometimes, the answer is to to have a season where you’re making changes, but you’re letting them be slow, deep and integrative.

But it ain’t always the season for slow.

Sometimes it’s eclipse season. Sometimes the rapid changes, the rapid alignments, that feel like loss and pain and death and grief before they feel like alignment are not ones we chose or intended, but are creating the space for a new life we haven’t even been able to imagine yet, it’s so freaking good.

That’s Big Eclipse Energy.

And when it’s eclipse season, you’ve got some options.

You can make yourself and your life as comfortable as possible in every way you can except the area of upgrading your business, diving into the deep end of your wealth and success, and building your Empire.

You can make the commitment to stop dabbling in your dreams so that you go all in, get to the level of mastery where you really belong and start to build a new comfort zone at that level (versus getting very comfortable with your shadow career or unfulfilled dreams).

You can embrace the visual of the eclipse as a parable for your Personal Alignment Adventure.

Your True Self is the sun. The life you were born to live is the Earth. And the moon is the life you’re living.

Let them all line up.

Let your destiny—your future story, starting now—eclipse your history.

The single most powerful thing you can do to soothe the inevitable discomfort of the transition into your Big Self building the Empire of your Soul is this:

Tell a way better story to yourself… about yourself.

I gave this advice to a client who was building a beautiful profitable business that was taking over his life.

I told him he needed to rebrand himself… TO himself.

He needed to expand his story and his identity from successful but chronically depleted small business owner to the creator of an Empire of the Soul: a thriving engine of profit and transformation that benefits everyone it touches, while giving him the abundance and creative fulfillment he needs and the time to enjoy this one wild and precious lie.

Now THAT’s a better story.

In your Human Design Chart, alignment lives in Gate 26—we call it The Gate of Integrity in Quantum Human Design.

Within this Gate are the full spectrum of potentials you need to live in the delicious-feeling, inside out, bones to skin, fingertips to your toes, whole-life alignment (aka Integrity) on five different dimensions of your being:

  1. Physical Integrity—taking care of your physical body
  2. Resource Integrity—taking care of all your resources, including the people who support you, your time and your money
  3. Identity Integrity—Radical authenticity—are you pretending to be something you’re not for external validation or to prove your worth?
  4. Moral Integrity—No compromising our values.
  5. Energetic Integrity—stop saying yes when you really mean no, among other things. If it don’t feel right, we don’t participate in it. Period. Punto. Thassit.

But catch this principle, Brilliant One: Small hinges swing big doors. 

And there’s one single small hinge that can rapidly swing all five of these parts of you into alignment AND at the same time, can rewrite the story you think, feel, speak and create to yourself about yourself.

That small hinge is your self-value. Self-love. Self-worth. 

The state of your heart. 

When you love and approve of yourself, you take good care of your body, your resources, you live in radical authenticity, moral and energetic integrity. And you do it with ease. 

And the opposite is true: The more unloved you feel, the more you believe the world won’t allow you to be successful AND be who you really are, the more painful your alignment spurts will be and the more likely you will be to backslide into your small-playing self-sabotage patterns. 

The more you love who you are—

  • The less often you put on a mask and present a false self to the world
  • The less you shrink yourself down
  • The more you give yourself permission to want what you really want
  • The more intensively you seek to understand your own unique wiring, ways and energies without judging them negatively
  • The less you judge, rush, track yourself or your progress
  • The less you equate your worth with anything that can be measured numerically
  • The more you invest your time, energy and money in your own self and your own dreams…

The more you’re willing to heal what needs healing and see what needs seeing to catch a vision for your life that causes you to fall head-over-heels in love with your future…

The more you dial up the resistance-dissolving power of the focus that can only flow from a congruent, self-loving heart.

The more you love yourself, the more likely you are to let the Empire of your Soul out of your soul and into the world.

Oh yes—and the more you love yourself, the more likely you are to maintain the confidence and consistency you’ll need to ever reap the fruits of aligning to who you really are and why you’re really here—big love, big money, radiant health and a Pro Level of peaceful, profitable creative power.

The child developmentalist Dr. Ross Greene wrote that “[e]very kid has the same task: Figure out who she is—her skills, preferences, beliefs, values, personality traits, goals and direction—get comfortable with it, and then pursue and live a life that is congruent with it. This is self-actualization.”

At SoulTour, we call this Self-Mastery.

But we also call this self-love.

And it’s not just the job of every kid.

This is the job of your Inner Child and the Wise Inner Being part of you—the Inner Respectful Parent—that is right now tasked with reparenting that Inner Child.

Start Here: When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself the question my Mom asks me every time I talk to her on the phone, even now at 46 years and 11 months and 2 days old*…

What’s your story, Morning Glory?

Then take a sacred pause to remind yourself that your thoughts create neurotransmitters which create emotions which create the magnet for the people, places, things and experiences that create your day.

And then write a self-loving story about who you are into your journal, whether you believe it yet or not.

And if you feel like you need some expert help stepping into a new story and building the Empire of your Soul, just click this to book a call with someone on Team Tara.

We’ve cracked the code on that. We’ve got you.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician™
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

P.S.: *My birthday’s Sunday! 

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI | YT

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