NEVER use your thinking mind for these 3 things ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾

On Sunday morning, after Londyn’s skateboarding lesson, I sat in the hot tub, intentionally resetting my aura… washing my energy of the accumulated stresses of the long weekend, fine-tuning my state for the delicious, yet challenging, journey ahead.

I’d just received word from an iconic venue that they would, indeed, be able to host my first major live event this October.

That email had me feeling like:

At first.

But as I turned on my old lawyer brain to review the details of the proposal, I could feel the thinking brain begin to do what it does: TAKE OVER.


Think it all through.

Forecast all the unwanted things that could happen.

Pinpoint the as-yet unanswered questions, like who will handle what and how will this all play out?

I could feel the ghost of my old, long-retired Inner Critic try to knock at the door of my thinking mind, like the witch in Snow White offering up a poison apple in the form of the thought: That’s only 4 months… you’re already behind!

But I’m fortunate that I’ve been in the Spiritual Strategy game a loooong time.

In fact, I created this particular version of this particular game, in collaboration with Source, of course.

So, while my thinking mind said: Take Londyn to Kids’ Club and start working on the marketing plan…

The Divine Mind that I am said: Take Londyn to Kids’ Club, get into the hot tub, start working on your state…

and DREAM.

And that’s what I did.

Because I know that when I feel that inner pang, to say “ah! I just hit a new Upper Limit!” and congratulate myself for doing it right. Because you only hit Upper Limits when you leave the la-la land of your fear trances and self-narcotizing comfort zones.

And I know the power of a Big, Delectable Dream that feels like licking the plate of your life.

I know what happens when you fall in love with your own future. You become unstoppable. Your unlived life comes online. You get access to new powers you’ve never accessed before.

I know that the power of that emotion will carry you over every mountain and through every valley you will inevitably pass through on the way to being the being you came here to be, and diving into the deep waters of fulfilling your sacred contracts.

I know that, under Universal law, there are no happy endings to miserable journeys.

As a Projector in the Human Design System, my energy and aura are so encompassing that my students often report getting a contact high from being in the room with me… so I take great responsibility for tending to the energy I bring into any room.

And that’s how I knew that the first steps for the perfect unfolding of this transcendently magical, transformationally delicious event have nothing to do with budgets or spreadsheets or even staffing, though all of those will come together in due season.

In my Self-Mastery Method, the first step to create anything you ever want to create on the journey to fulfilling your Self and your Sacred Contracts is to RECALIBRATE.

This weekend, I took the first BIG step into the next season of my Big Self and my Big Dream: RECALIBRATION.

I got into receptive mode.

I rested.

I invited Spirit to show me the way.

I saw where old patterns wanted to rear their heads. And I noted them, named them, surfed the wave of them and let them pass on by.

I stopped trying to think the whole thing through.

I stopped trying to figure it out.

I stopped trying to problem solve.

I did an energetic upgrade to get into the exact, expansive, limitless state of being I want to transmit to every single brilliant soul in the room at UPGRADE (and that includes you, Brilliant One).

I ran a few miles and threw some weight at the gym, got in the steam room and then let all those energetic ya-yas dissipate into the swirling bubbles of the hot tub.

And as I closed my eyes, I could see the vivid vision for UPGRADE.

I could literally see YOU, dressed to the nines, heart open with the resonance of the teachings I transmit at the event… downloading your own vivid vision, with my guidance, and re-discovering your own delicious magic.

I could hear the music. Taste the food. Smell the fragrance. See the art.

I could see the dream, in technicolor, just like I’d seen it when I downloaded the early vision for this event—UPGRADE: Your Money + Your Life—in the first place, a few months ago.

Your energetic intelligence, your spiritual intelligence… what we call your Divine Mind—is about 100,000 times more intelligent than your thinking, cognitive mind is.

That’s because your thinking brain is highly susceptible to fear and conditioning, so it will often lead you down a path of fear-based, conditioning-based momentum.

On top of that, we live in a culture that is entranced by the immature masculine traits of over-intellectualism, production, conformity, performance and the lie that rapid output is somehow superior to Divine Timing.

That’s why most people who have a big vision, dream or goal immediately overthink all the joy out of it, suck the life out of it and never actually do it, because they lose the inner tug-of-war between their Wise Inner Being and their Hindering Inner Critic who hijacks the brain, pleading a very convincing case that you’re bananas if you think you can pull that off.

So here’s a guideline for you. Your thinking mind— aka your head centers, in Human Design: crown and ajna—are good for following things, and the following things ONLY:

  • Downloading brilliant, inspired ideas from higher realms (and you know ‘em when you feel ‘em).
  • Dreaming Literally, slowing your thoughts down a bit and letting yourself daydream about hypothetical scenarios that feel good to you, just because they do, without trying to make anything happen. When you do this, you begin to tune your heart to the emotional channel that allows you to see and energize all the opportunities and resources and collaborators around you that want to co-create your dream with you.
  • Documenting. Your thinking mind is very good at tracking and measuring, which are very occasionally helpful functions… just know that it wants to do this way more than is helpful, and because it’s susceptible to fear and conditioning, it will almost always look for ways to track, measure. Rush and judge your progress as deficient. Again: Not helpful. This is one reason why the most prolific creators are those who suspend the budgeting, tracking and spreadsheet-ing until a stage of the process where the creation has already taken root.

And—this will likely run contrary to everything you’ve ever been taught—your thinking mind is very BAD at doing the following things: 

  • Desiring. Your brain—and your Inner Critic—will have you set goals that seem logical, linear, smart and… rarely achieved, or rarely satisfying when they are achieved. But the desires of your heart are another animal entirely and, like Divine Order, are very rarely logical or linear. 
  • Deciding what to do with your life. Once you desire a pure desire, you must add the spark of decision—commitment—to go from a dream or desire to an intention. Your mind wants to argue for your limitations, not your expansion, so don’t let it run your decisions. That’s the role of your intuition, which “speaks” differently for different people, according to how we’re uniquely designed. (More on that later.)
  • Determining how things will or should play out. Your thinking brain wants to determine all the hows, but 9 times out of 10, life will throw a few plot twists in the mix. So, write an action plan if you must, but keep your attachments to it verrrrrry light, grasshopper. To the extent possible, let the Divine handle the how, and just watch for the natural next steps to line up and light up before you. 

I have this thing I like to say to Londyn as I whisper sweet somethings to her before bed.

“You have a world-class brain,” I tell her, with every intention to instill that as an unconscious narrative she doesn’t even realize she’s thinking, but will serve her for a lifetime.

“I have a world-class brain,” she repeats drowsily.

And you do, too, Brilliant One.

But never forget that your world-class brain is your servant, not your master.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

P.S.: Look for a save-the-date for UPGRADE: Your Money + Your Life later this week!

P.P.S.: Let me know if you want me to share more about when I use a checklist (thinking mind) and when I do a vibe check (intuition) during my  move to Portugal. Just type THE MOVE in an email to

P.P.S.: Want more like this? Become a SoulTour subscriber for just $11 a month.

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