Transformation Tuesday | How I’m using Human Design to pick a new country!

Today, I’m here to talk to you about something that’s pretty personal, actually, I’m going to talk to you about the process that some of you and I’m going to start talking to you about this process a lot, actually, I’m in the process of making a major move to a new country. 

And I want to share with you a lot about how I’m actually living that process out you that I teach, right. So using human design, we’re going to talk mostly today about human design, how that’s playing, and how that’s an incredibly powerful tool in my toolkit to make these very big decisions. 

But it’s really this talk is really going to be about this is Transformation Tuesday. So that’s what we’re here. 

And we’re going to talk about how I’ve used human design, how I’m using spiritual strategies, I’m using the Self Mastery method, which is a framework that goes like recalibrate, actualize online, over and over and over again, throughout your life throughout your being to allow my very biggest self to live out the big dream of living in another country. So I’m going to share some of that process with you. And I’m going to share some of it today. 

And I’m gonna start sharing bits and pieces of it as it plays out in real time. So as some of you know, I got back from Lisbon, like less than 48 hours ago. And as you all know, many of you know, I was really on a mode and a trajectory. To be in Mexico, I was very, very close to signing a lease in Mexico, if you had talked to me, if you had asked me a month ago where I would move, I would have said Mexico City. 

So a lot has changed in the last month. That’s how it is when you work in accordance with the laws of the universe. So know this, like divine what law of the universe number one is that divine order is real and it is in your favor.

That just means that you are not in this alone, that there are forces and powers higher than you bigger than you more powerful than this physical you that are helping you that desire to help you that are conspiring with all the other forces in the universe to help and bless you. lining. And if you will begin to trust that you can sort of watch and see as divine order lines up in lights up the steps before you all right, right into your biggest self right into your biggest dreams.

The next universal law that I usually teach is that divine timing is real and in your favor. And divine timing is real. Most people want that to mean that it accelerates you don’t have to worry about feeling behind because you can be accelerated, you know, at the good judgment of the Divine. And that’s true.

But the flip side is true to even I love how Tosha silver says it she says divine timing means that even your delays will benefit you. So let’s start there. 25 years ago, I moved from the Central Valley of California where I’d grown up to the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay area where I still live 25 years later. And it was an incredibly mad, magical, mystical process that I did not even fully understand until recently.

All the assistance that flowed to me all the clarity that flowed to me all the invitations that were issued to me in that process of moving here I made it seem very inevitable. And like super clear, like clear, resounding yes. Like the universe green lights were all lighting lighting up. Even though, everyone I knew at the time, Oakland had very bad publicity. And everyone I knew was like, oh, Clint, what are you doing moving to there, but I just knew I was very young. I was 2025 years ago. So I was very young. I was like a really cute dog with a bone. I was like, no, no, this what’s happening?

This is actually what’s happening. And I moved here and I moved here in one summer I lost 60 pounds, I got divorced, I moved here with my two children at the time, we were very young, I was single, I was super young. And people were like, are you bananas? You don’t know anyone there, what are you doing and I moved here, it was one of those moves that you made that truly, it feels like a plot twist to people from the outside looking in. But it was truly a milestone for me on my spiritual journey.

It was a move that allowed me to leave behind the small self that I had been living into up to then, and to become the big self that wanted to be allowed to become at that time, right.

And so fast forward to, you know, the last few years, especially in the pandemic, things started to feel really like, I don’t know, this, just like I needed to go, and I’ll talk to you, I’ll do another separate video on why I chose to move and why just to start the process that I’ve been doing for two years now, which has been a process of actually scouting out, you know, letting I call it letting places letting locations wooed me, but it’s really been like a process of going on scouting trips to various places, various countries, various cities, to see what lined up and lit up for me.

And that couple years felt like a long time to me because I’m very much a person who like knows I have a lot of inner authority.

The Human Design System has been wonderful for me to begin to learn and master because it gives names to your authorities. And you go oh, yeah, I recognize that I’ve always known that that’s how I’ve always made decisions, or that’s I’ve always known things worked out when I listened to that inner guidance.

So in the Human Design System, I have what’s called splenic authority, which is just like a very intense intuition that operates in the moment, it doesn’t take me long to know if something is right or not for me. All right. So this few years of fact that it was taking a few years for me to like really hone in and narrow in on what was the right next place for me and my four year old. But like a long time for me.

And I also know, you know, I knew two things I knew this was me making decisions on geographic moves with a four year old, which is not a thing that I’ve had to do, especially like, you know, to another country. And I at this point in my life, I’m very clear that divine timing is real. So I was clear that my delays were benefiting me.

And I will tell you in the last 18 months of quote unquote delays in my move, where things just hadn’t quite lined up right enough yet for me to actually make the move. I was diagnosed with a complex medical problem that I had been misdiagnosed about for like 15 or 20 years and was able to like get that addressed and start, you know, keep frankly, physically healing and recovery.

I experienced this incredible emergence from the deep shadow work that I had been doing for for literally decades that you know, childhood trauma you and I had been doing for decades, I shared with my students that I did a six week protocol of ketamine. Once I had I had experienced a retriggering of some of my old childhood trauma.

I did a six week ketamine experience, it was like an exponentiated or on all of the personal growth work I had done up to them. So it literally was like restored my ability to dream in in Technicolor again. And then I kind of came into the season of light work, where I was really doing the work of aligning to you know, using all the self discovery work that I teach and that I know using my secret archetypes you know to shine the light of awareness on my old patterns but also to move into the like spiritually mature archetypes that I’m now creating into a system called the Self Mastery archetypes. Oh my gosh.

On Instagram, I’m looking at Academy right now and ask the universe to send me a sign out of my love. There is yours. There’s your sign. Strong recommend with lots of coffee but strong recommend and basically whatever you get out of the ketamine and psychedelic healing experience for PTSD in particular that’s what I can speak to. You get out of it, it is a multiplier on whatever other personal growth work you have done.

So I have friends and no know people who have done a ketamine experience of healing for depression mostly who got a ton out of it and they hadn’t done any personal growth growth work before but I will Tell you maybe this is a sign that I need to do a series on just on the ketamine experience that I had. I’ve done 25 years of therapy and you know, meditation, prayer, all of the things, you know, the things that I teach. So the sick the six week ketamine experience for me, it was like, out of this world, it was actually out of this world in a wonderful way.

So as I came out of that experience, and I was feeling like, hey, it’s time to come out of the shadow work, you guys, I’m so glad these last couple of years of this pandemic had been a time for people to really, you know, face their shadows, people have developed or started to cultivate a willingness to do shadow work that they did not have before. But yo, like, the book says, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death does not say to pitch a tent in the valley of the shadow of death.

And that’s what I see a lot of people doing, like, they want to do the shadow work, and then they get into the shadow work, and then they like are in the shadow, and they don’t know how to come back out. And y’all in this season, I’m gonna tell you what, I have some events coming up where I’m literally going to deliver some prophecies. In this season, we are being called if you can hear my voice, I’m talking to you.

We are being called to rewrite some programs, the programs are being rewritten. Really, this is all about the call to adventure that we’re being issued is how much do you want to participate in the rewriting of these universal cosmic programs that run through us as a collective and through you individually. And on the other side of the rewriting of the program is like radical wholeness and liberation and joy, being your biggest self and doing the things that there’s just, you know, if you don’t do them now, when you’re gonna do what I’m saying.

So as I came out into the light stage, and started to really mature into the strengths and unique sacred callings and sacred contract fulfillment pieces of my own wiring, you know, I was doing the work that I’ve been teaching for years on the sacred money archetypes, which is beautiful work, because it does help you see why you do what you do. It helps you see what your shadow patterns are, it helps you shine the light of awareness on them and dissolve and just give yourself permission to make different choices. Right.

And so I was sort of leaning into that and doing that work, when I came across a system that was new or to me and it wasn’t brand new to me. But I came across a new system called the Human Design System, new ish to me, let’s call it that. And I’ll call it newish to me because I was introduced you to human design years ago, and I wasn’t ready. I just wasn’t ready for it.

I needed to have that experience of he trauma healing, battling the death of Mother complex, and my psyche is what Carl Jung was say, I needed to do some of that work, I needed to have the medical experience I had had, I needed to get the surprise baby that I got I needed to come to I need to grieve some things and mourn some things and come out the other side. And when I did, I had a conversation with somebody who said, Oh, you and me are probably like, oh, generally.

You know, I don’t know anything about am a projector. And so I went on, and I was like, Oh, I hate not knowing why went on, I went on and I started to research. I’m now like very far down the process of being certified as a specialist in quantum human design.

But at the time, I was just curious about what it meant to be a projector, PE. So let me tell you like a two minute, I’m gonna give you a two minute primer on what human design is, is this system. And then I’m gonna share with you start sharing with you what my type is, what my strategy is, what my authority is, what my profile is something about my centers, and I’ll tell you how that is factoring in this season right now, to my decision, where to move. All right.

So Human Design System is a self discovery system, it is an it is you could think of it as an assessment system that’s akin to like the Myers Briggs or the Enneagram, or the archetypes or you could think of it it is the difference between human design and those systems is that it is not personality based, and that you don’t take a quiz that asks you to tell it, how you do things. It is somewhat astrological in that you simply put in your birth data, your date of birth, your place of birth, your time of birth, and it tells you what you are.

And I’ll share more about the origins of human design in another video, but just know that what it does is it takes this whole it sort of looks at humanity as a whole and breaks all humans down into five all very essential all very necessary puzzle pieces. Five types.

There are five types in human design are Right. And each type is similar to the archetypes in that it’s descriptive of why you do what you do and gives a name to that pattern. But to think this human design is a system is way more than the archetypes. It offers varying levels of depth and complexity and specificity. So that we start with the five types. And each type has a decision making strategy, that is the best decision making strategy for that type.

So in that way, it’s not just a description of your patterns. It’s truly a powerful roadmap for how you get from the narrative, you’ve been living into the most actualized version of your potential big, true, sacred self. And it gives you a very, some very specific do this, this is how you make decisions. That’s what we call your strategy.

This is how the inner the patterns of energies within you will show up in ways that you can optimize by using these various authorities to know your inner authorities to know an ex ternal actually authorities for some people, to know what the right decision for you on any subject or at any time is, right. So it’s it’s much more than just a way to understand yourself. It offers you actual strategies and tools as a roadmap for making good decisions, right. And those tools help you do what you do be the best you can be be as effective as you can be at helping further both your own life and your own joy in your own potential and human evolution. All right.

So in Human Design System, my type is called projector. And a projector, the way that we are supposed to create in the world is not to go out and make it happen to have ideas and have a list of things, have an action plan and work really hard and make it all happen.

No, projectors are actually a type that are not supposed to work that much. Our job is actually to guide it’s to guide the work of certain other types. And to guide humanity a bit to constantly kind of be guiding and course correcting humanity toward its highest expression. You know, just kind of like the genes and the genes in your body can express in highways and in low ways. I think the spiritual genes of humans are like that they can express in highways or low ways. And it’s the job of the projector to help guide humanity toward its highest expression. All right, in the way we’re supposed to make decisions is not to go out and force stuff and make stuff happen grind hard hustle, none of that.

It’s to wait for the in visitation, we are supposed to projectors are wired and designed our unique sacred design is to Master Systems to wait to give our advice and our guidance until it is requested. And to do that, you know, very available, intentional waiting for others to recognize our mastery of systems and to invite us to give them guidance. Alright, so that’s what wait for the invitation means. And it doesn’t mean if you are a projector, and you’ve heard anything about human design, there are people out in these internet streets. And these YouTube streets talking about you got to wait for an invitation to do anything that is not the case, you’re really supposed to wait for an invitation if you’re a projector to make the big decisions in your life, you know, to enroll in, in grad school or to move to a new place or to you know, link up with a mate.

The big decisions, these are invitations of the sort that really come every few years. All right. So how am I using that this system? And in my process of moving well, for a couple years, like I said, I’ve been doing scouting trips have gone to a bunch of places I had Mexico on my mind a lot because I love Mexico. And I also had some just enter. I just hadn’t quite hit it yet. I just wasn’t there yet. And I kind of made a decision. I’ve just moved to Mexico City and I give it a year and it’s been that year going to other places because Mexico City is central to a lot of places and I love it as a city and I had some really no qualms but I was like alright, I’ll just go for a year and we’ll just try it. Well,

I have a an advisor who I’ve had for a while now who’s kind of one of his main things that he does is that he’s a real estate clairvoyant, meaning that he has a great gift of sight and insight and wisdom that he brings to bear for people who are specifically seeking wisdom and help me You know, real estate decisions.

And I hadn’t actually talked to him in a super long time as I was making my decisions around Mexico, because I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. So I just didn’t ask. But I have this like golden thread drop into my awareness is really like divine download, like nudge, what you need to give him an email, and just let him just give him a list of cities that you’re thinking about. And let him tell you what hits he gets from those cities without giving him any more information. And I did. And he said a bunch of things. But one thing he said was Do not move to Mexico City.

The second thing he said was these other cities in Mexico, some of these other cities, and he named them are good would be good for you. He said, your business and your finances will be great in those cities. And he said, and I had thrown some cities on the list, that I actually wasn’t really, really thinking about that much. But for whatever reason, I wanted to mix it up. So I think we want to list including Lisbon, Portugal.

He said, your business and your finances would be good in these days. Your business, your finances and your love life with thrive in Lisbon. And I said, you know Lisbon to city I actually had had a plan to be in Lisbon right before the payments are right before I got the baby actually, like the week after I got the baby. I was supposed to be in Portugal for a talk.

And then I got a surprise baby. So I never made that trip was three years ago. And since then, I have had probably 100 People tell me Lisbon is for you. And every time I just say I’ve never been there. I don’t like to say that. And I had a vacation to Mexico to San Miguel. In Mexico, San Miguel de Allende, I had a vacation book to his sitter already booked. And I thought you know what, I’m just going to he said, Listen, I was like, I’m just gonna put my body in that place and do via check. So I booked a very quick trip a five day trip to Portugal. A couple days in the countryside in this town. I was interested in couple days and Lisbon.

Found a woman online he’s like, helps families relocate to Lisbon. Blogger grabbed her like literally was like, Can you consult with me tonight, I’ll be there Tuesday. She got on the phone with me. We went through and like made some plans educated myself about schools because these are scouting trips. This is not straight vacation, y’all. Actually, I’m going to do a video on how I do a scouting trip to New country because it’s like a different thing. So I have vacation moments. And I have scouting moments. So in five days I did for school tours.

As toured a number of areas we might live I met with this company called boundless that creates very soft places to land for families who want to have gap year or worldschooling experiences with their children. And I spent 12 hours touring with Lisbon actual city. I never usually tell people before I take trips like this, I don’t usually announce them until I get back. Because I like to be in the trip. I’m not. I’m not doing it for the gram. I love y’all on the gram, but I’m not doing it for the gram. So I like to be in the trip. This time. I had another golden thread you know post post where you’re going so I posted on my Facebook page on Instagram, on the black in Portugal group. I’m glad you love this story. I’m just telling you a real real deal. Now I’m not gonna say you’re even scripted. I’m just like, I need to bring my people with me on these journeys. Episode I’m black in Portugal group families moving to Portugal group, my Facebook page and Instagram that I was doing this trip. Do Who do I know in Lisbon? Who do you know in Lisbon?

I had like 55 people. not exaggerating. Introduce me to beautiful people in Lisbon. I had people in Can I pick you up from the airport? I was like what do they even do that? Like how warm and welcoming are you if you don’t even know me? They’re offering premium from the airport. I have lunches and dinners booked. I woman from the black and Portugal group. Join me on a tour of this castle in Sintra. i It was just like, actually, it was a whole entire vibe.

And a friend of a friend, a friend of a friend who owns a restaurant and a guest house in Lisbon show up and say oh, let me let me take you around and show you what I love about Lisbon. She told me around for six hours we walked through this room for six hours. And the next day one of her friends picked me up and drove us around Lisbon for six hours. It was just a whole entire vibe. So as I’m doing these trips, so again, I’m a projector My job is to wait for the invitation. I go meet with the people at boundless who have this magnificent in Sintra, which is the town have already honed it Not on because there’s like progressive schools, equestrian center for the baby, serve for the baby. And for me, like all the things that I want good internet, beautiful architecture, nature, but also right next to the city, I need to have fun by the beach moments.

That’s how I vibe spotlight all of it right there. And other black people like I go toward these private schools in these beautiful little areas in the countryside of Portugal, and I’m seeing seven 810 black kids. So my kid won’t be the only you know, brown little girl at school. It’s like a vibe. So I’m at the boundless office and the woman I’m talking with this, like, really wouldn’t love Tara. And this is the thing. So in human design, there is a kite for projectors. It’s not just any old invitation. Okay, it’s not an invitation, just that you see a Facebook ad that seems like it’s speaking to you know, that can be a universal green light that can trigger some resonance. But that’s not a correct invitation for projector, a correct invitation for a projector to make a big move in their life is like, Tara, we would like for you to come here and do this. And it must be issued by a party that has the authority and the resources to make that invitation. All right.

So I’m sitting across the table from this woman, and she’s like, you know, what we would really love to, we would love to invite you to come here and be here for you know, three months or six months or 12 months with London, let me show you where you would live. Let me show you where her school would be cross the street, like literally, you can walk across this horse. And I’m like, dang, she only didn’t know, like, waiting for the invitation. Right? My authority in human design is splenic authority, which is a deep in the moment intent, intuitive knowing. Now for two years, I’ve been going places saying I’m just going to do a vibe check, I’m just gonna put my body in a place and see how I feel. That is actually correct form, there’s a correct authority for exercising the strategy of waiting for the invitation for me in the Human Design System.

My Profile in human design is called a three five profile, they actually call it is an awful name. Let me say this. In traditional human design, the vocabulary is very shocking and aggressive, because the creator of human design desired to shock to shatter your condition to small self into awareness of the conditioning that you’re operating under. So he used very aggressive language.

So my three five profile in traditional human design is actually called the murder heretic. But I like to call it be experimenter revolutionary, all right, like, like my profile is kind of profile that energy patterns of experimenting and trial and error in life with big things, and then coming back and sharing the wisdom that I glean in a way that shatters some old programming and conditioning for the people I share with That’s why they say heretic, right? Because people like me were once declared heretics. My center you know, there’s nine centers in human design included that are that are roughly corresponding to the chakras and Hindu spirituality I have an open G center all right. And open G Center I would later learn corresponds to a person who must be in the right place with the right people to feel in alignment and if you’re not in the right place or with the right people for you at that time you will feel stuck you will feel like the law of attraction ain’t working right for you.

You will feel like things are hard right? So this last few years where I haven’t per se felt like things were hard but I just didn’t it wasn’t I was very much feeling like it was time to move even though my life here is great and other people around me were like but why would you move you have this great house was great place and it’s great you live and I do and it also was like it’s time to go and I know when it’s time to make a move. All right. So the first invitation I had was actually just a suggestion by my real estate clairvoyant who was like girl you need to get list then all of my friends friends once I said I’ll walk home we’re like, come do this come do this. Come do this. Come do this come to this. Then I get there. And my friend at boundless is like we would love to invite you to be here like come here for this period of time.

Multiple of the schools we toured and people in those areas were like this. This place is for you. You should come here you should be here. And then I thought it was really hilarious like I get to my so I get out of the country. Yeah, my resort little moment in the country, I go into Lisbon, I check into my hotel. And on the hotel, like table is a little card from the hotel that says, Tara-Nicholle Kirke, we invite you to get lost in our city. We invite you No, no, we invite you to lose yourself in our city. And I just so remember that phrasing because I remember, it just reminded me of when I moved here to the Bay Area. 25 years ago, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life, where I remember thinking, I’m literally shedding my small self, I’m losing my own self, right?

So that can become one becoming. And that’s how this experience of like discovering Portugal felt in a four day period of time, it was like, invitation after invitation after invitation after invitation via check, hit after vibe check hit in line with my authority, invitations that were correct for my human design type. Right?

So as I teach the Self Mastery method, the steps are recalibrate, actualize, and align. And all this self discovery work we do of understanding why we do what we do, breaking the pool of our patterns, and learning the stuff the correct strategies for our wiring in a court, you know, as per the archetypes, young in psychology, neurobiology, your attachment styles, whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, whether you have what your sacred money archetypes are, and what your human design types and profiles and strategy and authority and centers and profiles are n gates and channels, I mean as a very detailed system.

As I was just sitting there meditating on experience, I was like, wow, like how easy I’ve been asking for years, my students know this, I asked all the time, how easy Can I let this be, and how easy you can let it be to start living into your big self and doing your big dreams is to actually like dive deeper surrender to your big self, and surrender to a system that really resonates as true for you that offers you some real tools and decision guidance for the big choices and for the big timing of the choices that you will need to make in the next season of your life as you also come out of the shadow work and into the light work and into the Self Mastery work.

All right, so I have a million announcements coming down the pike, I have a live event that’s going to be coming up this fall our first live big live event ever. I hope you will join me it will be a whole entire s vibe. And it’ll be a very deep guided journey, you know, to see which mental monsters are running your freakin life to dissolve and befriend and transform them to understand your own archetypes and your own human design and begin working with it to create a new maximum awake, maximum alive vision for your life. And to get my help and guidance in getting from there to from here to there.

And look good doing it y’all. I’m not playing okay, this is urgent for me. This is it. This is what we’re here to do. Alright, so I love you. That was it for our transformation Tuesday. Not a whole lot of Mike drops. But I did want to share all that with you. I’m going to be sharing a lot of my own stories past present and like really present over the next few weeks. Let me know how they land for you.

Let me know what questions you have about human design. Like I said, I will I am like becoming a specialist in quantum human design, adding it to our set of strategies that we use in the School of self mastery at soul tour. All right, I love you. Keep your head up. Keep your heart out. I will see you on the next Transformation Tuesday. If not before then. Alright, see you too. I love you too.

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Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

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