Transformation Tuesday | the feeling you’re running out of time ⏳

“What brings you to me?” I asked this powerhouse woman who had discovered me via my class in Simon Sinek’s school. 

“What’s the issue that you think about, worry about, fear or dream about the most?” 

“What thought loop is taking up the most of your mental bandwidth these days” I asked her.

“I’m 39. And I think I know what I want out of life but I’m not sure. My general feeling is the sense that I’m running out of time.”

My average student and client is already smart and successful and knows it. Very high-functioning. Has already done a ton of personal growth work. 

But they are also somewhat unfulfilled. 

They are successful, but still feel like they’ve got potential they haven’t yet fulfilled. 

And they virtually all feel like they’re running out of time… especially in COVID’s wake. The gift of COVID is the reminder that we’ll all die someday, which is a gift because it’s a rapid priority resetter, but until we recalibrate our paradigms and actualize  our own unique strengths?  

if you’ve been feeling like you’re running out of time in your life to be as successful as you know you’re destined to be… 

If you feel like you’re running out of time in your life to live the meaningful life of radiant health, financial wealth, love, wisdom and lick-the-plate creative fulfillment… 

If you know there are things you’ve always wanted to do and you somehow are still holding yourself back from doing them…

Let’s reclaim your time, like Auntie Maxine. Here we go in the three steps of my Spiritual Strategies for Success framework: 

  1. Recalibration
  2. Actualization
  3. Alignment


If you want to break free from the shackles of the feeling that you’re running out of time, you must first recalibrate a few things:

Recalibrate what you think you know about time

Recalibrate your nervous system

Recalibrate what you believe is possible

Recalibrate what you believe is available to you

Recalibrate what “success” even means to you


Time scarcity is a lie. 

(Side note: Money scarcity, is a lie, too. It’s fiction, Brilliant One. See, fear is the real opiate of the masses, not religion. The fear of “not enough” keeps people afraid and acting like good little cogs in the machine, so the machine keeps feeding the fear.) 

The truth is that time is money is energy. 

And energy is infinite, once you learn how to feed it by taking a sacred pause on “reacting” mode, tapping back into your natural strengths and powers, reconnecting to Source and opening your inner pipeline every single day, with your daily rituals. 

So, what if I told you that you could create time… and you could move through your life knowing you had all the time in the world? 

Sure, there’s time management, though that has diminishing returns. You can create a little space on your calendar by being very, very selective about what you agree to be reliable, responsible and available to. 

You can—and should—create some space on your calendar by learning how to say no and how to say it unapologetically. If you say no to a thing that would have taken an hour but you spend an hour ruminating about how to say no, an hour discussing your fears about what might happen if you say no on Facebook and 3 hours backpedaling on your no, you see where that math gets you? 

It gets you in the red. So ditch the apologies. We do have all the time in the world, but we DON’T have time to play these unworthiness games of this bullshit culture anymore, Brilliant One.

So after you’re done some calendar clearing and boundary skill-building, you can start creating a TON of time by getting your ass into your zone of genius and spending more and more and more time there everyday.

Your goal is that your daily life and your zone of genius become virtually one and the same. 

And what’s fun about your zone of genius is that, when you’re there, you get to create time using the power of your wholehearted, unequivocal YES. 

And YES just feels better than no, doesn’t it? A highly-aligned, deeply resonant YES… feels delicious


Don’t let this culture get you twisted: Actualization is not about excellence. 

It’s not about performing. 

It’s not about CONFORMING. 

And it sure ain’t about producing. 

It’s not about hard work or even about achieving goals, even, per se. 

True actualization is about genius. 

It’s about discovering your unique, personal genius…and the genius of the other people around you… and learning how to leverage it all for the benefit of all.

It’s about understanding potentials and breaking self-sabotage patterns. 

It’s about practicing the self-awareness to see your upper limits and about learning all the Spiritual Strategies of successfully dissolving them. 

At my talk last week, two brothers who were co-founding a startup asked me two questions that are germane here: 

How can we find our zone of genius?

Are you saying we should be building our business as much as possible in our zone of genius? 

I answered: If you can build your career, your business and your LIFE in your zone of genius—AND YOU CAN—then you SHOULD.

Because your zone of genius is part of your sacred contract. It’s part of what your soul came here to do. It’s part of what human evolution is asking you to do. It’s the vehicle to you fulfilling yourself as you came here to be fulfilled. 

Your zone of genius is also your path of least resistance and your path of most financial wealth and your path of most lick-the-plate joy. It’s how the Divine speaks to you within you, giving you a step-by-step roadmap to the life of greatness, meaning and prosperity you came here to live (that’s why you want it). 

And here’s how you’ll find it: 

Not by sitting in a room thinking about it, though there are plenty of prompts and exercises and reflections and self-inquiries that can help. And people around you are often seeing and noting and naming your zone of genius for you for YEARS before you can see it yourself. 

You’ll find your zone of genius by being in the world. Acting on inspiration. Making decisions and trying things out. 

You know about extroverts and introverts, right? That’s just a way we talk about what people need to charge their batteries. Extroverts charge them off other people and introverts charge them alone. 

Well, your Zone of Genius is like that, too. When you’re in your Zone of Excellence—the limitation zone—you are really great at the work, but it drains your batteries. 

When you’re in your Zone of Genius—the liberation zone—you are the greatest of all time at the work you’re doing, but it charges your batteries. 

Being in your Zone of Genius lights you up and recharges your energy… it actually creates time, because you can be 50-500X as fruitful when you’re in your Zone of Genius than when you’re slogging away doing the excellent, but depleting things other people want you to do.  


Now—after the paradigm shifts of recalibration, after you’ve discovered your zone of genius and assented to get into it—now is the time for alignment, aka inspired action. 

Now is when you can blow up, re-envision, reimagine or download new goals that:

  • Align your inner and outer worlds
  • Aligns your goals to what really matters to you
  • Aligns your livelihood and your work—the activities that occupy the majority of your precious moments of life—to your Zone of Genius. 

Alignment must follow recalibration, because if you try to graft alignment work onto broken beliefs like “hard work is virtuous” or “I need to prove my worthiness to charge a lot of money” you will literally create a career, a business or even a family that recreates and perpetuates that broken worldview.

True Alignment creates EMPIRES with mind-blowing ease. 

With real Alignment work, your hardest work is your inner work. 

Getting unresistant…

Letting the building blocks of Divine Order fall into place in your mind, your body and your affairs…

Placing the cosmic order…

Practicing Buddhist detachment to how it looks when it shows up…

Keeping yourself in connection with Source and keeping your Pipeline open

Showing up with 100% of who you are and following the golden threads of inspiration that drop into your Pipeline…

Continuously seeing what needs seeing and breaking the pull of your own self-sabotage patterns.

Staying loose…

Letting things take the time it takes…

Sitting on your hands to refrain from tracking, rushing or judging your own progress. 

Last week I had this wonderful day of FINDING highly-aligned components of my own Big Dreams.

One powerful day of alignment, where it felt like a (maybe) book agent, a right-fit au pair, a house in Mexico and much more just fell into place. 

And from the outside looking in, it seemed like the heavens had just opened up and rained down. 

And they had. 

But the truth is that this powerful day of alignment was pre-paved by the preceding years of intention-setting and inner work, capacity-building work, skill-building work, all the breakdown to breakthrough work of learning how to ask for and get genius help, seeing my own dysfunctional patterns of under leveraging my assets work, loop-closing decision-making work, asking Spirit to show me the way and receiving the answers work. 

My intention here was to give you a glimpse into the ongoing, deep inner work of Spiritual Strategy when we go from a so-called problem—”it feels like I’m running out of time” —to solutions that resolve that problem but also take you to levels of health, wealth, wisdom, joy, love and self-expression that you might not have known were possible before. 

This is how you master your life…and your self. 

Let us know if you want to go deeper. That’s what we do at SoulTour.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

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