Transformation Tuesday | Why I’m teaching my kid TERRIBLE manners💡❗

I wanted to share with you this really quick story about something that happened the other day.

I was with Londyn, who’s four and a half years old. And someone we love, called on the phone, asked to speak to Londyn and put it on speaker.

And they said, “Londyn, I miss you.”

And Londyn said, “That’s okay.”

And the person on the other end of the phone said, What does that mean? Like, a little indignant? “What does that mean?”

And I said, what that means is, she acknowledges your feelings. She recognizes your feelings, but she does not participate in your feelings, and she does not feel responsible for you.

And they said, Damn. Well, usually people just say, I miss you, too. As though it was like my job, just tell her to same as you to.

And what I said instead was, I’m not in the business. I’m not about that life. I’m not about that life. I’m not teaching her to edit her actual feelings or responses to make other people feel better, or in the interest of, you know, being polite, or having manners.

So, I offer that to you. I offer Londyn to you as a master spiritual teacher.

If somebody should try to enroll you in their agitation or angst, it is very okay for you to recognize their feelings and acknowledge their feelings without participating in their feelings, or owning or claiming responsibility for their feelings.

You can just say, “That’s okay.”

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

The Power of Identity: Why I Changed My Name ✍🏾

I wanted to tell you today the story of why I changed my name. So as some of you know, when I started SoulTour my name was Tara Nicole Nelson, it is now Tara-Nicholle Kirke.

And when I changed my name and started using my new name, I had a bunch of people email or call in to say, “Hey, did you get married, what happened?” And my standard line kind of became “No, I just got extra divorced.”

I got extra divorced. So Nelson was my second husband’s name.

And some time, maybe like four or five years ago. So you know, maybe six, seven years after we’d gotten divorced.

It’s just, the name Nelson started to feel like it was someone else’s name, like you’ve ever changed your hair and felt like you were looking in the mirror. And you were wearing someone else’s hair. That’s how I kind of started to feel about the name. All right.

So I have this very strong clear. If you’re into human design, I am a projector and I’m a splenic projector. So I get these very strong splenic like knowings. I just know what thing and I know it. And there’s a logic to it. It’s just right. So I had that strong, very clear, very resounding inner guidance that Nelson wasn’t going was not my name for the duration. But what I didn’t have was a similarly strong urge, or pool toward what would be my new name. And so I remember actually having a couple of conversations with clients or friends at the time, you’re like, I’m gonna change my name. I don’t know what to what, like, I’m going to wait till I feel that similarly strong knowing that x is my new name.

All right, so cut to maybe a year or two after that I’m teaching in the School of self mastery.

I’m teaching the book Cersei by Madeline Miller, which is all about the Greek goddess Cersei, who is the goddess of transformation? Well, let’s see, what what you think searcys descriptor is depends on who you be. All right. So for generations, she was known popularly as the dread goddess. And I don’t mean that she had dreadlocks, okay. She was dread because she had the power to transmit and used the power to transform people into animals. Men who tried to rape her into swine, for example, and say she was known as the dread Goddess, and Madeline Miller rewrote the story of surrogacy. And as I was teaching it, I came to super identify with it literally searcys life story and journey

was very, very parallel to my life story in Germany. Cersei was the daughter, one of many daughter

of Helios, the son of father was the son.

And her mother was kind of a minor,

A minor character in the Greek pantheon. And Cersei made some bad without knowing what her powers were used her powers in not great ways. When she was a teenager, and

was exiled, was actually exiled, had to leave her home, leave her family and go live on this island that was wild and uninhabited at the time.

That felt like my family, I had grown up with a father who was very genius and also very abusive, like searcys father

made some not so amazing decisions in my young adulthood, and then moved, you know, moved to realize that there was no way I could expand it to who I was becoming or even figure out who I was becoming while I was still having to live, receive the projections of what all of these people thought I was that who they thought I was. And again, just quick Human Design reference, I missed three five profile so that five line if you have it in your chart, it’s the week

Heritage line and traditional

human design, we I think of it as like the revolutionary line. It’s a line that receives a lot of other people’s projections, you might even feel if you have a five line in your chart, you might feel like people don’t really know you the real you, they just project upon you for good or evil. And so as you get older you be, you know, you may fix your magnet a little bit for people and fix your picker a little bit for people and you’ll fix your ability to with to understand and withstand other people’s projections. But as a young person, I was like, I don’t know, these people got a real strong point of view about who I be. And it’s not who I think I be. So I’m out. All right. So I moved at the time to Oakland. 25 years ago, I moved to from my small town hometown in the center of California, very red, very conservative, to Oakland and the Bay Area just few hours away, and just a few key light years way, spiritually and personality wise. And I moved here to go to law school at UC Berkeley, like when I graduated about 21 years ago.


what was interesting also, as a parallel is seriously moved to this island that was totally uninhabited. But while she was there, she started to learn and experiment with her powers. She started to experiment with her how she was designed and what she was called to do, what her unique gifts were. And she got really freakin good

at using those gifts. And along the way, the place that she created, the place that she transformed this uninhabited, wild, undesirable island into became the place that the whole pantheons wanted to be visiting people would show up, drop it and show up and drop in. Right, she came to raise a bunch of beautiful animals and a couple of beautiful children.

She eventually renegotiated demanded really of her father that she’d be on the exiled. And ultimately, she used her power to it to make this wild, radical Maverick decision for a goddess, she actually transformed herself from immortal to mortal, so that she could, you know, taste to the juice of mortal life that we all get to taste, which is the pain and the pleasure of knowing that this is fleeting. This is, you know, this, this physical apparatus is fleeting, though the soul is immortal. So we better go on a living spree while we’re here. Right? So I super related to searcys story Cersei in the original Greek was querque Kir Ke. That is why my last name is Nico Kirk. Although I just say Kirk, I don’t say querque.

So, process wise, when the pandemic happened, I became very aware, you know, I had I had lived through the Great Recession in I was in the real estate business during the Great Recession, I lost everything I had during the great recession 2008 I came out of it, we were we were like, I mean, my I was able to double my income, then double my income, then double my income again, with what I learned and how I became

who I became, as the result of the spiritual and practical rituals and practices I recreated in that incubator of recession, global crisis, that Bri lost everything. So when the pandemic happened, I was like, This feels really familiar. I’ve been here before I know how to do this, I know for sure, then this is relevant to every single human being watching this today. Whether you feel like you were super personally affected by the pandemic or not, because we’re already starting to see headlines about a coming recession. And I’m telling you guys, my big takeaway from 2008 was that there are those who will thrive in any global crisis, there are those who will thrive in any economic crisis. And not just those who take advantage there are those who thrive by contributing and finding their right spot in the marketplace.

Because they tend to their inner well being because they stay grounded and clear minded and on purpose, enough to know not necessarily to get their strategies in what they do in their decisions, right, that first go round but enough to be able to course correct to whatever the world throws their way. Right. So when the pandemic happened, I thought all right, every crisis is a portal. Every crisis is an opening. Maybe there’s some personal narrative here that’s ready, maybe what are the personal narratives that I’ve been living that are ready to be disrupted and it’s time

What is it? What transformations want to happen in the in in my life in this time that that, you know, quarantine and not being able to be as socially busy or as traveling busy as normal? What are the what’s the opportunity here? What wonderful thing what wonderful developments within me want to be had in the season. And so one thing I thought was, you know, in my life of as an entrepreneur and a toddler mom at the time, there’s not a lot of time for like the legal stuff.

So I thought anything will legal anything court be

my estate planning, I did a bunch of estate planning work. I’ve actually finished getting guardianship for London and adopted lens whole adoption process in the pandemic. And so in the same vein, I was like, you know, this is a good time to change my name.

So the way the process is supposed to go, he filed his name change paperwork with the court, you publish a notice in the newspaper. I know newspaper is still a thing. I think they mostly do it online. But it’s kind of like a gives everybody in town notice that this person is now becoming this person. Do you have any reason that shouldn’t happen?

Speak now or forever, hold your peace. Take notice. And then you’re supposed to go to this actual court hearing. And at the court hearing you have a conversation with the judge. And then the judge is like gavel you are now Tara-Nicholle Kirke? Well, because I filed my paperwork and did my newspaper notice in the pandemic, somehow my process was radically accelerated. And that somehow, I think, is the law of divine timing, which just says that when you are, especially when you’re in alignment with what you your unique sacred contracts are to do all this assistance and ease and acceleration or delays that benefit you begin to flow your way. So I filed the court for the court, I filed the court paperwork, I published the newspaper and notice.

I was waiting to hear when my Court appointment ones. And instead what happened was on my phone one day, I see a CSL call coming in Alameda County Superior Court, I answered the phone. And it was like hi, this is Judge so and so on the judge in Your Name Change Case, your order, you are officially now Tara-Nicholle Kirke. Bam, gaggle gavel you the court order is now done, I will email it to you, whatever you do, do not come to court. We are we did not want people in the building was like, Okay, so my name was officially changed in a very expedited way, so expedited that, in fact, I had to go to great lengths to actually integrate my name change into my own mind into my own, you know, it wasn’t like getting married, where you have this whole year of planning of the ceremony, and then the ceremony and then everybody’s calling you whoever, like it literally was like some guy call me. And then my name James. So it took me a long time to actually start using my new name. Hilariously, my friend Rebecca sent me flowers and was like here Tara-Nicholle Kirke. Like, she’s like, gotta remember that this is our right now.

And so, you know, that’s one principle to catch for some body out here, when you have been through a season of

intentional or unintentional but rapid transformation

that is expanded or changed who you be.

You may want to get intentional about integrating that, right? In our world. We do that sometimes in our school by metabolizing. The season before what happened this year, like at the end of the year, we’ll literally do an intentional manat metabolizing exercise what happened this year, that I want to keep us part of me like you, you need to no one’s really out. We are teaching people how to have an inner life and create an Inner Inner Inner infrastructure that is transformational. But this is how it’s done. You literally reflect pull in what you want to keep shed intentionally shed what you want to shed release what needs releasing. And often we do that by with in journaling or in writing or you know, in conversations, but writing has a specific power to it.

So I wanted to just share that in the self mastering method. Sometimes the biggest limiting factor that you have the thing that’s the point of the most resistance that stopping you from creating all this alignment that wants to happen in your life. All this alignment between the insides of who you be and the outsides of your life that wants to happen.

Sometimes the biggest limiting factor on that alignment is your identity.

It’s your identity. And sometimes it is the most sweeping

and easiest, the I shouldn’t say easiest, but it’s the most comprehensive to pool. Big lever that can trigger alignment. And the transformation you desire to have in your life is shifting your identity versus getting out here. What I see is a ton in my work is that people come in and they’re like, I have this thing I’d like to do or this way, I’d like to be this dream. I’d like to dream like to create, but I’m stuck or have no resistance or have these, you know, we call them all kinds of things in our logjams, procrastination, perfectionism, and they’re out here getting time management systems and accountability coaches and reading every self help book and trying to change the procrastination trying to. And I’m like, usually there is some, if you track it back, if you get out of trying to do the work of aligning the action of alignment, and you track it back to understanding who you really are, and what goals and desires and dreams you your inner wise and our being really has. Right? Or if you even track it back. Beyond deeper than that, under that.

And you get to the worldviews and paradigms and the belief systems, the laws of the universe, the way you see the universe and your role in it. What you believe is possible the trances and conditioning of fear and scarcity and unworthiness, if you get there is usually some central core trance or paradigm or belief, including identity,

that if you pull if you address that heal, that befriend that transform that everything else changes with so much more ease. And identity is one of the deepest, most core most central most effective by all those trances levers that you can pull. And I try I like to think of this as like identity shifts, including it which can be facilitated by or integrated by, or, you know, related to changing your actual legal name.

Change your legal name, change your spiritual name, change your identity, and everything else shifts and you get to be the boss of that. What this is is rebranding yourself to yourself rebrand. It’s a rebrand of yourself to yourself and just like a rebrand in business. There’s all this like other messaging and positioning, there’s a reason businesses rebrand, and all this money and take all this risk. It’s because they’re trying to expand or become something different. They want a different position in the minds of the market. Right? So rebrand yourself to yourself. The years ago, my students know the store years ago, like

I’m gonna say

30 years ago,

I lost like 60 pounds.


at the time,

I remember very clearly one of the big levers and people I remember people being like, how did you do and what did you do? i The one pivotal thing and yeah, I made all the changes because there’s like, I mean, they dramatically change the way that I ate, and how I move my body and who I hung around with stories I told.

But I’ve recall one of the big levers that changed everything for me and made all of those other changes very much less effortful. I remember listening to this Tony Robbins CD and I want to say it was called the power of your identity or the power of identity or something like that.

And I remember listening to this thing.

And I remember leaving listening to it being like, I’m just, I decide I choose now sovereignty over my identity. I decide now and I’m telling you, I was 16 I think I was like, let’s say actually let’s say it was 27 years ago, so maybe I was like 18 or 19 years old. Maybe I was 20

I remember saying today

209 pounds, right? Today

I’m a fit person, period. So from today on today, from today, I do what fit people do. And as I went about my day I tuned in in this hyper present way to everything to every the automatic choices I was making and the non on the intentional and habitual choices all

choices I was making as I moved through the day, I remember thinking like, a fit person wouldn’t read that.

What magazine would a fit person by? Right? What would I’m in the grocery store, okay, I’m gonna let my inner fit person, right kind of like my wise inner being my big self, I’m just gonna let my inner fit person do my grocery shopping, I’m gonna let my inner fit person choose who I spend my time with. I’m like that, and it changed everything. And it was much much much less effortful than trying to, you know, weigh food and track this and that it was just like a big, big shift at an identity level. And I continue when things when there are things that I desire to be different in my world, elevations that I desire to have in my world. I try to start them at identity level.

Some years ago, I decided that I wanted to be the mother of a thriving family of singing, dancing children.

All right, and that changed

the kinds of content I consume, the time I spend with my children, how I be with my children, who they get to be who else I’m allowing our lives. Right. When I started to study the sacred money archetypes I like leaned into I am ruler ruler is my number one archetype. Well, a ruler builds an transformational Empire for the benefit of all without swinging the hammer. Right. Same with learning my human design, I’m a projector, I’m an orchestrator, I am a guide, I’m not supposed to be doing all the work. And in fact, my

my work is actually in understanding my zone of genius, attracting in all the people I need around me and their zone of genius zones of genius, and getting really skillful and intentional about how I delegate, how I guide really more their work, because it’s not hierarchical like that, like I came to understand as at an identity level, who I be as a person that is a puzzle piece that fits with generators and mansions, right. Like, I need them, they need me. So we danced together, this is so learning how to orchestrate and lead that dance became a place that I started to spend a lot of my time, right, I started my identity shift, leaning surrendering to my projector, my ruler, my mother of a thriving family of singing, dancing children, it is a very powerful trigger of alignment in all of the other ways. And if you set it right, if you decide if you choose the identity that you choose to live into, right,

then you choose an identity that you’ve you’re in love with, that is aligned with who you’re wise and are being big self actually be who you can be the glory you came here to be.

You fall in love with that identity.

You let drop in and download in and fill in a very colorful, very nuanced, very vivid vision

for the life that aligns to and supports and is supported by that identity.

And then the feeling of the pressure than you need to pull all those fucking levers to change yourself or change your life

goes away.

Right? So only after I actually changed my name,

and was teaching I teach in Simon Sinek school, you might know him from a TED talk he gave some years ago that’s very iconic, called start start with why.

So only after I’ve changed my name, and I was teaching my my sessions in Simon school that I realized, wait a second. So my most popular I’ve written like 600 or something writing prompts over the last few years on my most popular prompt, the prompt that organizations hire me to come deliver in person to their conferences and rooms, their employees is all about name. It’s all about identity. Right? And it’s called What’s your game name? Now some of you will know it. But it’s basically a prompt that was inspired by the way that they introduced an heiress Targaryen and Game of Thrones with all of her descriptors, and how her name changes as she moves through the world and has different experiences, right and so the prompt is really about it challenges people to create their own Game of Thrones name, including the descriptors that they that would capture the essential qualities of the person that they’re in the process of becoming, versus the person they’ve been in the past or the person that their family says they are or whatever. So like if you could sum up who you are becoming without referencing your own limitations, your old traumas or even your current circumstances.

Who you are becoming? Right. That’s the game name prompt. And at the time when I wrote the prompt my original game name was this.

I would say I’m trying to call Nelson the inner critic coach, spiritual strategist to smart, successful people. Practice or a Buddhist detachment, lover of God and people and champagne.

daughter and granddaughter and mother and grandmother, founder of soul tour creator and teacher of spiritual strategy, which we now call self mastery method. The lighter and all things cashmere ambitious, uplifter, amateur athlete, amateur doctor, spiritual country and mother of pugs first of her name. Okay, so that was my original game name and I would ask people to give their original game names. But as I was teaching in cynic school, I was I had done this diagram where I’d broken it apart my now named Tara Nicole Kirk, and I had broken it into I had realized that I actually might three names are all mine. I have sacred namesakes for each of those names. Right My name Tara or Tara, others would say I pronounce it Tara

means star or tower or in gala mean star or light of the soul in Sanskrit. Right. And my sacred namesake is the Hindu goddess Tara, the mother of liberation.

Under Nicole, I always thought of like having a name St. Having my name is St. Louis St. Nicholas. But actually Nicholas was named after the Greek goddess Nike, the data of speed and strength and the messenger of victory to the people, y’all. All right. And then Kirk, and as I said before, and this is my sacred name, sake of my last name is the Greek DD querque, aka Cersei, the goddess of transform the formerly dreaded Goddess of transformation. All right, so liberation, my name is lit, liberation, victory to the people.

Trans transformation.

That’s my new, that’s my game name. Now. That’s the identity I now live into. That’s my upgrading. All right. So I’m telling you my self mastery stories in part, as a very long winded, luxurious, lavish, for me way of inviting you to this incredible event in real life in the flesh in the room, that I am running October 21, through 23rd in Berkeley, California, right here at the Clermont club and spa. It’s called upgrade your money and your life. It’s a place a sacred space in which you can begin to live that unlived formerly felt felt a little unreachable life that you were born to live. And I want you to know now that that live the life you will leave the room living on day three of UPGRADE is a life that is bigger and more delicious than your current identity can even contain, then your current imagination can even contain.

So stay tuned, there’s going to be a whole lot more about UPGRADE coming your way. I will drop the link to the early early bird registration into the comments here somewhere. One person who doesn’t early early bird registration will get a human design reading with me, which is a very rare thing you can’t actually get by it. I only do human design readings with my existing coaching clients remain existing empires of the soul clients and those investments started at $25,000. So I hope to see you in October. I love you.

And just think about what’s your game name? What’s the upgrade identity you’re ready to start looking into? I’ll see you in October.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

P.S.: In case you missed it, here’s the link to yesterday’s LIVE, when I told the story of how I used Spiritual Strategy to get an accurate medical diagnosis, after 15 years and 13 foot fractures. (Wheeeeeeeeew.)

Watch on Facebook
Watch on YouTube

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

Self-Mastery Story: That time I *got* a surprise baby! 👶🏾

I’m talking a lot this week, a bunch of things are happening. One is I’m launching, I’m very softly quietly doing the very earliest, earliest bird registration launch. And for my event in October, which is called upgrade your money and your life. I’m holding it at the iconic Clermont club and, and spa here in Berkeley, California, down the street from my house. 

And because a season of upgrades is always, always, always a season of plot twists. This week, I’m talking a lot with you about plot twists, I’m telling you a bunch of my own self-mastery stories, a bunch of the stories of the plot twists that have comprised my life, my magical and ever more wonderful. 

Alright, so I want you to note to catch the principles to begin one is that every season of upgrade is a season of plot twist. So you got to loosen your control if you think that you are the director of the universe. If that is the delusion you ever fall under, you got to let go of that control if you want to truly have an upgrade season, all right, because you’re and the other thing is the other principle I want you to catch now is to trust that your wise inner being, which is that piece of the Divine that is, is in you, speaks to you within you that still small voice. That is God in you, that piece of you always knows what you really are here for what you really want. It always knows what your highest self really is, and looks like and feels like. 

So whenever you’re thinking thoughts that are very limiting whenever you’re explaining your limitations in a way that feels really constricting. Whenever there’s a plot twist in your circumstances, and your reaction is like I can’t do this, I’m not up for this. Right? Whenever you’re spending all your time in the paralysis of analysis, because you’re trying so mightily to plan perfect action. 

So that note nothing unwanted ever takes place in your life. Just know that you can always trust no matter how unclear you think you are in your cognitive mind about what it is that you really want. Your wise inner being always knows what you really want your big dreams, your highest, that highest self shit, okay. 

And a lot of times as you are setting goals that may still have remnants of threads of external validation, cultural condition, family conditioning in them. If you find yourself not being able to accomplish those goals, or you find yourself accomplishing them and not feeling fulfilled, you can always know that you know, Abraham Hicks always says you can’t really get off the path, you’re wise inner being is often trying to get you to someplace higher enter than your cognitive mind will ever even set a goal to be to take you on. Great. 

I want to tell you a story Self Mastery story today, but the time I got a surprise, baby.

So some of y’all know me and you know that I have it feels like 1000 children, but I have three children. I have a 30-year-old, 29-year-old, and a four-year-old. And I’m going to tell you about the time I got the four-year-old who might just be the best human they’ve made so far. And all the humans they made. She ranks up there for me. 

So let’s begin at the beginning which is you know, I grew up in a family that is I grew up in a very woman cherishing family in many ways. All right. I grew up in a family where my grandmother was very, it was very much the matriarch. My father’s mother was very much the matriarch and that matriarchy was presided over by her and her three sisters. And I spent a lot of time with my grandmother and she cherished her sisters, cherished, cherished, cherished her sisters. She cherished me

She made it really clear that she cherished me. And she would tell me things my whole life even once I got to be an adult, she’d say, you know, you’ve done she called me Tara Berra, Turnberry, you’ve done so well. Your life is great. You just need a little girl. Because I had, you know, my older two kids are both boys. And she loved them too. But she said, you just need a little girl, you just need a little girl. And I always secretly wanted a little girl. But my sort of marriage, relationships and life, that part of my life didn’t play out in a way that I thought was responsible to have more biological children at that time, all right. 

But I always secretly hurt I always had this little smoldering secret desire for a little girl. And my friends know, as we got into our, like, late 30s and early 40s. You know, some of my friends even were starting menopause. And they would be like, Why aren’t you glad we’re not having any more kids. And I never said anything. I always just be like, because I was like, I won’t say what I will never do. But I knew I had this smouldering little desire for another child, maybe more than one child, but I knew one more. And I also knew how manifesting works. 

I knew how I knew my own magic, I know that I have the magic, sometimes I can make the phone ring, I can decide on one thing and download it. And I hadn’t really put any intentional thought into it. But I will say this sometimes the things that manifest the most perfect are the things that you desire, that you hold the most likely. You just desire it early. You have no resistance to it, and you’re not trying to make it happen. 

Sometimes that’s the stuff that literally just drops into you. And that is basically what happened with me and this child. So, my grandma, Mother transitioned back into pure positive soul spirits or Scott energy in let’s say, I want to select December 2018. By April of 2019, I was back home living my wonderful bon vivant to travel the world life, I had a full speaking slate. I was going to Montana for the Athena Pac Conference. 

I remember my calendar because it was actually such a perfect calendar at the time for me. And it was such a striking sequence of events that took place. So I was going to Montana to Bozeman for the Athena pet conference where I intend to hold the role of opening their sacred space for their conference. Then I had like two weeks and then I was going to go speak for the first time at a fest for Mindvalley in Portugal, in the Algarve. And I’ll tell you this, I had never I’d been around the world, I had never been to Portugal at that time. Or talking spring 2019. 

I had always heard people say like, when Portugal came up in conversation, people would be like, Hmm, you should go there. It’s kind of like for you, you would really like it there. It’s kind of like your vibe. And I always like, and I just never got around to it. So Mindvalley booked me for this session, to speak at a list actually about my book, the transformation, the book that I was really heavily promoting and working with that this material at the time, the transformational consumer, I was just beginning that transition from working exclusively in marketing and business on the transformational consumer work to you know, beginning soul tour, beginning to work with people as a spiritual strategist, metaphysicians Self Mastery guide. 

So I had this trip booked to speak at Mindvalley. And I booked some extra time, I was going to just spend some extra time in Lisbon, spend some extra time around Lisbon, to explore it and catch whatever, you know, do vibe check.

And I never took that trip. I never took that trip, which as some of you know, spoiler alert. I’m now in the process of moving to the slow process, but the process of moving to Portugal. So this was like some years in the making without me working on moving all of this time. It was just a seed that had been planted. And I had taken the natural next step to cultivate the seed. But I never took that trip. 

Because one day I was sitting on the deck at the Claremont on at the Claremont where we’re having the upgrade event Mmm, it’s the private club that I belong to here in the Bay Area was sitting on the deck one Friday afternoon is drinking champagne and eating french fries, which is what I used to do on Friday afternoon. And I was having lunch with my friend Katie, who I worked with a million years ago when I ran Content Marketing at Trulia. And I got I will never forget this. I got this, Katie had just moved into my neighborhood. 

I’m sitting across from her and I get this phone call. And I see this number come up several times. And I won’t even I’m not going to bore you with the details, but the long and the short of the phone call. I was on the phone for a couple minutes. I asked a couple questions. And then I hung up and I was like, “Katie, I think I have to go pick up a baby. I think I have to go get this baby.” And this baby is the baby that you now know is Londyn, my four-year-old. I think we have to get this baby. And at the time Londyn was my, is my biological granddaughter who I have since adopted. But at the time, I didn’t know Londyn. 

Now I had I was in the waiting room and she was born. But I didn’t see her that day. And then I had met her like twice just because of the circumstances with my son. Her father who is developmentally disabled has a genetic disorder. Got some stuff going on. And her mother who I did not know and I won’t because that part is her story. I will not put her business in the streets. I don’t even know our business but in the streets. But because of the circumstances I did not really know this baby. So I met her twice. She was like 16 or 17 months old. And pick up the phone this day out of the blue. And I’m like, All right. Okay. I bet. 

So hang up the phone. I’m like, Hey, I think I gotta go pick up this baby. Can you sense and I love Katie for this and that’s why I’m calling her by name. Katie says You better come by my house. Because I’ve got my kids, my kids old car seats still in the garage. So we literally drove from the Claremont our homes are like a mile away, drove a mile to her home. She literally went into her garage, got the car seat out, put it in my car. And I went and picked up a baby. This was like the day or two days maybe after Easter 2019. 

And she has been with me 100% of every day since that day, she won’t be with me 100% of every day for ever. According to her, she told me last night that she is never leaving. Like she’s gonna grow up and still live with me is what she is her plan. And I’m not mad at that plan. All right. So there’s so many ways I could tell you this story through the lens of spirit of or I could slice or analyze or reflect on this story through the lens of self mastery. You know, in the Self Mastery method that I created and teach, we really have three big buckets of inner work that we do. One of them is the first of them is to recalibrate. 

Your nervous system, your belief system, the way you work the way you think the way you understand the universe, the way you understand your place in the universe. The next step is to actualize and that usually means to, you know, that usually means since you have done the paradigm shifting work, of coming out from under the licensure out from under the influence of your harsh hindering inner critic out from under the influence of fear, scarcity, unworthiness, trauma, etc. In step one. By the time you get to the actual life step, you have the sort of fresh clean slate to reset vision for your life in a vivid and beautiful and powerful way. But to do that, you kind of have to do it.

The actual step is an opportunity to reset the vision for your life. When your true sacred big Self is running the show and you’re no longer setting goals from your inner critic or small self or conditioned self place. So in order to really dive fully into setting a new vision from your true sacred Self, right, you have to first get to know your true self. So the actualize stage of the Self Mastery method is a lot about self-discovery. And we use systems like my own self-mastery archetypes, the sacred money archetypes we use the human design system we use attachment style As we don’t really use a whole lot of Myers Briggs and other methods, but it’s very common for people who come out of a recalibration season and into an actualization season to want to go down those kinds of rabbit holes of self-discovery. 

All right, with any of these systems, and they all have value, some more, some less, but just know they all have value. And then last season’s Self Mastery methods alignment, and that’s when you’re actually doing the work to change your life. Right. So you’ve heard me say it before, and I’ll just give a plug for it. 

Again, if you have been a person who’s jumped into a lot of self-improvement type action work time management, trying to fix your procrastination and perfectionism, your imposter syndrome trying to get more accountable, whatever. If you start leaping into action that is like alignment type action, you’re very likely going to trigger your own struggle switch, because alignment work always needs paradigm work recalibration work, and always self-actualization work first. 

So that’s just what’s happening if you’ve had that experience. So I’m sitting on the deck, I get this phone call, Katie is like frickin gamer puts this freakin you know, car seat in my car and go put this baby up. And I spent a year in legal proceedings to get guardianship of her. And then the pandemic happens, and I spent another year adopting her. So our adoption was final, not quite but almost a year ago. 

So I’ll say this, through the lens of the actualization work, the self-discovery work, when I was sitting at that table, and I got that phone call. I knew that this was the thing to do. There was never a second of questioning about whether it was the right thing to go pick this child up, who I did not know. And now I have the vocabulary for that. Now I know that I am a project in the Human Design System, I’m a projector with splenic authority. My right way to make decisions is to feel in the moment that like, yes or no. And I had that. And I’ve always, not always, but for a long time as an adult, I’ve known that I have this strong sense of knowing Yes, or no something is or is not the right thing for me. 

Now, many of you have that too. However, our culture and our families often conditioners to overrule and override that to second-guessed, right. So part of the path of self-mastery is learning that if you are someone with splenic authority, if you are someone whose inner authority and inner guidance system speaks loudly like that part of the work is creating the habit of not overruling and overriding that. 

So I knew it was the right thing in that moment. And I followed that. And I’m, we’re all glad that I did. But I knew I also knew it would be challenging, right. And I also knew I was up for it. I knew it wouldn’t do me in. I knew it would be a radical disruption to my person to the personal narrative I had been living. My kids had been out of the house for like 10 years. So I had been living in this kind of great three bedroom, three bath house in the Bay Area, like doing my own thing travel, I would go places for a month or two at a time, I had done so many things. I had leaned so hard into lavish self-care, wellness, and self-investment.

Travel, joy, like I had just leaned into giving myself permission to live exactly the ways that made sense for me, which was a relatively luxurious way. And I had been doing that for 10 years. And because I had done that I felt very nourished and ready for the call to adventure that was before me even though I didn’t know exactly what that was going to look like. Right? But that’s the thing about like, you get to be in your mid-40s or older. You may have been through some shit, right? And so instead of there are two ways that life can go when you’ve been through some shit, you can kind of stay focused on the path and try hard. Try with all your might. 

And I see this a lot right now. Smart successful people trying who don’t feel like they’re fulfilling their potential or don’t feel like they’re fulfilling their dreams. And what I observed is that they’re trying really hard not to re-make the mistakes of their past but that has them a little bit stuck in the past. Right. 

And what we’re trying to do now is to call what I’m trying to do and call to do in this season is call you forward called the big self within you forward. Dare You to take to answer my call to the adventure, of experimenting to see how delicious and how big and how fulfilling and how aligned you can let your life get.

So for me, as I just can, I’m gonna kind of go back and forth between like, sharing the Self Mastery method piece of the story or the way I interpret the story and reflect on the story through the method. And the way the story played out. For me, that commitment where I was like to call to adventure God, cosmic call to adventure. Cool, but let’s do it. 

The moment you commit to that kind of an adventure, usually begin to kickstart this radical transit new season of healing, new season of Trent healing, whatever needs healing doesn’t have to be a thing you were trying to heal even consciously, right, you kickstart a new season of healing you kickstart a new season of transformation, you kickstart a new season of radical upgrade, you kickstart a new season of alignment, and one of the very first things that happened was the relationship I was in I had been in for a few years, we broke up, it was super clear that this relationship was not a relationship that was gonna, you know, be in alignment with the new direction of my life. 

And I share that detail because so often, we start doing this work, we’re doing the paradigm work, we’re doing the actualization work, the self-discovery work, where we parenting ourselves, we’re doing the alignment work. And the very first thing that often happens when you do alignment work, if you’re doing it right, is that things, realities, parts of your life relationships in your life patterns in your life, people in your life, that are inconsistent with the highest self version of you, that are inconsistent with you know, big dream version of your life that you’re stepping into. 

Anything that’s inconsistent with it has to fall away. It has to it can not come with you where you’re going, all right. And usually, it starts to feel really friction at first. And then either you exercise, you have to find the courage to make a necessary ending. Or, you know, the thing falls apart the other person breaks up with you the job, you get fired from the job, you get laid off, you know, whatever happens, but just know it almost doesn’t even matter which of those things whether you execute the ending or whether the X whether you let the universe, execute the ending. 

Just know that often when you begin to do your alignment work, things will shift will happen in your world that feel like loss before they feel like alignment. All right. So that’s one thing that happened. The second thing that happened was just you know, all kid I am a big believer in children. Okay, I believe that children first of all these new kids are coming out differently. They ain’t even like other humans have other times. Right? These kids are coming. They are a wonderful exemplar of human evolution.

But people ask me all the time, but all children across all time and all generations really do stir up the healing, the healing that they stir up what still needs tending to within their parents, they are our gurus, they are our spiritual teachers. I don’t even mean this in a like woo-woo super kind of way. I just mean that like children. Having children in your space and in your life tends to stir up whatever within you still needs healing. And in the Self Mastery method, we affirm over and over and over again, I choose to see it as a treasure when I discover something new to release. 

I see and feel myself changing moment by moment. Right? These are old-school Louise Hay declarations, but they’re real. And so when you’ve been doing that work, and then something shifts in your life that stirs up you can call it triggering, or you can just call it you know, surfacing for you. Which you still need to attend to. You can choose to see that as oh my gosh, what the hell is actually happening or you can choose to see it as a treasure so I choose to see it as a treasure people asked me all the time do I feel like I’m getting a do-over? 

Because so I have a 30-year-old, 29-year-old, and now a four-year-old rights. 25 years between children. I feel like every day of everyone’s life is a do-over, to be honest. And also, yeah. I apologize to my old kids all the time. I’m like, yo, you guys got the first pancake mom. You know, first pancake is kind of like jacked up and stuff. Because you don’t let the grill get hot enough. You didn’t let the oil get hot enough. 

You didn’t maybe the batter hadn’t sat long enough. I mean, yeah, so my kids, my old kids got the first pancake mom, I was 16 and 17 years old when they were born. Now I’m 46. So Londyn gets a great advantage of First of all, I’ve done this before. And also 25 years of personal growth work in between. 

Right 25 years of coaching, therapy, meditation, prayer, journaling, reflection, all this inner growth work that I was doing, because it felt good to do and it was my calling to do it. She gets the advantage of all of that. Oh, and also, by the way, and I say some of this because people are sometimes fast and they’re like, but aren’t you tired? You’re 46 Aren’t you tired? I’m like yo, money I didn’t have when I had my old kids. I have a house that’s I’ve resources. I’m kind of like that guy, Clarence Avant out. Oh, who was it? Kimberly Murray on Facebook, you were pointing out we should all watch this. This show, the black godfather. Once a year, whatever. I love the quote that this guy has. He says I don’t even have problems. I got friends. I feel like that 25 years on I know, I don’t have problems. I got friends. I got resources and my friends. A couple of them are human, but most of them are divine. I have access to divine resources that I did not know I had when I was 16 and 17. 

I’ve had healing of old trauma that I didn’t know that was not healed was still very unprocessed back then. When I got Londyn, I had unprocessed trauma that having Londyn made me aware of and I knew what to do with it in a way that I did not know what to do with trauma when it surfaced when my old kids were younger, right. 

And one of the big things that Londyn stirred up from me that I think is really has a bunch of powerful Self Mastery lessons in it is the need to recalibrate out of this cult of the individual, this cult this insidious cult of self-reliance that I believe is truly a very toxic symptom of toxic capitalism colonialism, patriarchy, white supremacy, call it what you want to there is a very toxic trance like conditioning program thought habit that I call I’ll do it myself syndrome. Like we’ve been getting credit or external validation for doing hard things by ourselves for so long, that that has become this very toxic, isolating. I’ll do it myself syndrome. It creates a moat around you in the Self Mastery method we talk about our interpersonal relationships and the progress they can help us make like spiritually as our magnets and our Moats. 

When you are still embedded in a toxic I’ll-do-it-myself syndrome trance. You broadcast emote that keeps a good help away from you. It keeps supportive humans away from you. Right? In some ways, it becomes a broken magnet because it attracts the kind of people into your world who actually don’t want to help, who do not want to participate who might even want to take instead of give. 

Right so I had a series of healings and I’m sure I’m still in them with Londyn because with Londyn and with the medical diagnosis I talked about yesterday and with the pandemic and with childcare breaking down with my businesses. I basically had no other option than to heal my magnets and to heal my motes to stop broadcasting a signal that says Help stay away. I’ll do it myself. 

And to start not only asking for help but to start, really recalibrating what I even thought an appropriate landscape of life looked like from an interpersonal relationship perspective, right? So like, when I first got Londyn, I told me I joke. I was probably I probably had her for 36 hours before I felt maternal guilt flaring up. Where I was like, huh, this is fascinating. I was feeling guilty. I was logically aware that that guilt story couldn’t even possibly be logically true. Because I’ve had this child 36 hours I can’t possibly have fucked her up yet. I’m saying, right. And I realized over time that I was telling myself the very well, several things, I realized that this maternal guilt story is a very deep and insidious shadow in the collective unconscious. It was not my story, it wasn’t even really my story. It was a thing that was in the collective that was surfacing because I now had this baby child. 

And it did cause me to tell myself some scarcity stories, I would tell myself the story that, you know, every moment I wasn’t with her every moment she was in daycare with someone else was sort of like a moment of her lifetime that we lost. I mean, I was really dramatic in the way I was thinking about it. And one day, I read this story, I want to say it was written by Charles Blow in the New York Times, who was like a black dude, single parent. 

And I just, I don’t even remember what the rest of the piece was about. I just remember him saying that his mother had taught him that the more people who love your children, the better. And that was a big, you know, epiphany moment for me, where I was like, hmm, what if that’s true? What if the more people who love my child, the better what if I could create, what if I could call in and attract in people who, when she’s not with me, her experience of life is actually benefiting, because they love her and they’re able to teach her or have fun with her in ways that I can’t. And so I started to really shift the lens through which I looked at other people, right, or as I think before, I’d had so much, you know, or like early life and early adulthood trauma with people that I kind of saw every relationship, every new person is like, a tax, every new person would like to take a little bit away or require a little bit. Whereas this was really one of the big healings that Londyn has been for my life has been to start calling in and seeing all the ways in which actually know these new relationships that I’ve cultivated and new depth to existing relationships that I’ve cultivated, because of her are wildly additive, wildly additive to my life. 

And yes, they take some investment and yes, I do have to learn how to be good at managing the energies of the people around us and managing the people of people around us, both in my work and the people who helped me with her and the people who helped me with the house and just our friends and community relationships. 

You know, there’s that’s, that takes investment. But it’s a really, it’s an investment that pays off really well in ways that have tenderized my heart and have just enriched our lives. So that’s some of the recalibration work was really in de colonizing and recalibrating that that trans of all do it myself. Right so that I could open my heart and open my life to other people, which turned out, you know, turned out down the road, I realized, oh, by the way, I’m a projector. I can’t even really operate in an optimal way in the world without the puzzle pieces of other humans. Right. So it was a very, that was a very big thing for me. So that’s recalibrate.

Let’s talk about Actualize. The actualization work has been really fascinating to do through in parenting, I think a lot of people don’t know. But Ra, the guy who created the traditional human design system, actually had a strong focus on parenting. He had a strong idea that most of us come here born with one unique, divine secret, wonderful wiring and we are taught our whole lives to act in a different way than we are wired to act. And so he thought if parents could just Foster and cultivate individual children’s unique wiring, then more people would be able to operate optimally and human evolution would benefit as a result. I happen to agree with that. 

So some of the fun stuff that I’ve done in the I’ve been able to do, I’ve been invited to do in the actualization realm with Londyn has really been to like, both, you might continue to do my own self-discovery work at new depths, but and also to help her understand herself. So I do a lot of teaching her about her own human design type. Her own extroversion, all of her own wiring her wiring is a spirited child, I teach her in four-year-old terms, about her own wiring and how she can best manage it. 

So for example, Londyn’s a generator in human design. But for her, I call her a pass. I’m like, Babe, what are you I’m a powerhouse, she knows to say that I’m a powerhouse, right? We need to teach our children to own their wiring and to love it. Right. So she knows she’s a powerhouse, she knows that we can’t I lay down with her to put her to sleep. And then I have to go back to my own room because she generates energy all night, all night, all night, all day all night. And I actually need I am a projector I actually need to not have that generating happening near me physically, while I sleep or I don’t rest. She knows that I need more rest than she does. So she actually we do this beautiful thing where sometimes I’ll be like, Girl, it ain’t happening. Remember, Mama needs more rest than you did. And she’ll go, I’ll give you some energy. And she comes over and puts her head on my head and gives me energy or to put her heart on my heart and give me energy, which is actually how generators and projectors are meant to work. They’re meant to like puzzle pieces together to create in the world. Right? 

So I’ve I do a lot of that kind of thing with her. teaching her you know, Londyn is while she’s made the most extroverted extrovert to extrovert she literally charges her batteries off of other people. Whereas I’m a projector and an introvert so I like a lot of one on one. So I get to teach we’ve it’s a constant, co-creative process of molding the clay of like, how can I make sure so I make sure we belong to a club, I can always take her to a place where there are lots of other people for her to recharge her batteries off. While I can still have a one-on-one conversation, or be over here by myself. Like we do a lot of that kind of curating a world that works for us both.

And that’s it’s part of the motivation or the thinking around moving as well from you know, where we live now, in Oakland to Portugal. This process and part has been an elevation she Londyn having linen has elevated my own vision, from just a beautiful life with like, you know, a healed heart and great business, to curating a world and a daily life with this child that is better that will outrank any screen or anything else that she might find attractive. 

And the things that I have found that do that for her are horses, the ocean, and really out-of-the-box, schooling situations. And so those were some of my checklist if you will items for moving, I needed to be in a place where there was a community where it was truly family-friendly, where it was easy to find help because we do have a lot of help that makes us makes this household tick of housekeeping weekly, I have two part-time nannies, I have a daycare, we belong to a private club that as a kids club, I need all of that for this to work well. And for me to be able to engage with her fully. 

So I needed a place where it was a little bit easier to find that kind of help quality help. And also where she could ride horses daily and surf daily and be in the ocean daily that had lots of other schools, you know. So those are some of the things that went into it factored into my decision-making and search for a new place. Although the truth is we’ll probably end up living in part-time in both places is looking like what will happen for a while. And then yeah, the last thing I’ll say on the Self Mastery method is the alignment piece. Right. 

And so, you know, as I came started to come into the awareness that I was really trying to make a family setup work in a geography that wasn’t super family-friendly, where I live now in the Bay Area. I decided I would be open to making a move, move and I would explore that but I didn’t want to rush it And I didn’t want to do with the 12-step people call pulling a geographic. 

So pulling a geographic is where you have some issues. And you think that the way you’re going to solve those issues is just by moving to a new place. But you know what they say, wherever you go, there you are. So I kinda was like, hey, if I’m having issues, and I was because during COVID, childcare broke down a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of times, I literally had to stop working and start my business multiple times.

I thought, you know, I don’t want to pull a geographic. I’ve lived in Oakland for almost 25 years. If I can’t figure out how to get help here. How do I think I’m going to do it in another place? Right. So I went about even while I was scouting other places to live. And this is really an important like principle to catch. If you’re thinking there are big moves or big changes you want to make in your life, wherever you go, there you are. 

So we don’t want to make changes by running from problems. Being in the energy of the problem. Hashing the problem flat flogging the problem fondling the problem, and thinking that another place or another job or another mate is going to solve that problem. What you want to do is begin calling forth, begin calling forth solutions begin aligning, that’s the right word begin aligning to solutions, right where you are bloom, where you’re planted before you even make the change, you cannot have a happy ending from a really shitty problem riddled journey. So start aligning to the solution now. 

And if nothing, and hey, you may solve all the things and decide you don’t even need to make a change. Or you may align to solutions and realize you’ve created a wonderful prototype to create the next new, you know, version of you the new season in alignment with that prototype. So I was like, Infinite Spirit showed me the way I got really still in quiet with myself. I have to dig deep and keep going to find better help. I had to realize that I had this underlying paradigm that was telling me a city story that every second I was away from her as a second last of our lives. I had to get work on that paradigm and that belief system. 

When I did that, I started to be able to set an intention. I wanted to Zen ass Mary Poppins. I didn’t want a basic babysitter. I didn’t want just anybody I can find off the streets. I wanted Zen, Mary Poppins who was super aligned with the way I saw the world and the way Londyn was being raised. And I got her thanks to Alora. And I got her so I got way more help that way. You know, uptick, the amount of help I was getting at home, I decided to join. It’s really a private club, but I’ll call it for ease of reference, a country club that had a kids club that had swim lessons that were it was a mile from my house. 

So I didn’t have to get on weightless six months out in advance to get to swim classes. Right? And yes, that was a very terrible way to solve this problem. Right? Need more childcare? Join a country club, but you know, what if it weren’t, because the club’s childcare stayed open during the pandemic, and the club’s childcare continues to be a resource to me on the weekends when I just need an hour of introvert time in the Steam Room. I can take her and she has a blissful time. And I get that time. It’s all good. 

And then in it and then let’s see December this last December. Alora my Zen Mary Poppins was walking into my house. And I had been doing some self-coaching on alignment. You know, I have this book concept. I just rewritten the vivid vision for SoulTour, which I’ll share with you soon. I had all these things that were coming down the pike and I was like what’s not in alignment. And what wasn’t in alignment was I had no deep. I had there were several things I was not I had no breaks from getting baby dressed, dropping off picking up. Our weekends were very scheduled. 

And in part, that’s because Londyn is a powerhouse. She needs to wear herself out every day so that she can sleep at night. And so Alora walked in the door and I said. “Alora, how often do you do overnight babysitting?” She said twice a month. I said I want them for the year 2022 I want all of your overnights for the year 2022. So in December, I made what Rachael Rogers would call a million-dollar decision. But it was more like a spiritual million-dollar decision. And I booked out every other weekend with my Then Mary Poppins and I checked myself into the Claremont and I hold up. And sometimes I work on the book projects. Sometimes I work on the upgrade event. Sometimes I just have friends meet friends for dinner. You know what I mean?

But I have that consistent, predictable time. And when I needed to make a really last-minute trip to Portugal couple months ago to do a vibe check. We had and I left the baby with Alora I was only gone for four and a half days. I got over there. I had this moment of panic. And I was like, What did I do? And I texted Alora, and she said, but we’ve worked for this. We’ve worked for this. 

And we had, we had done this very slow, gradual getting Londyn used to, you know, one night. We did two nights, you know what I mean? We’d had this very gradual build. And the five days was easy for her. Easy for me.

All right, so that’s the recalibration, actualization, alignment way that I think about this gift of a surprise baby. And I’ll tell you, the other universal law that it really affirmed for me was that divine timing is real, and it is in our favor. divine timing is real, and it is in our favor. I was in Portugal, three and a half, or was supposed to be in Portugal, three and a half years ago, and didn’t take that trip, maybe so that I could maybe it was like God pressing pause. So that I would get Londyn, right. 

And while at first, the pandemic seemed bizarre, crazy. I mean, I was for sure, in a room with a two-year-old for 21 days by myself. It was also this wonderful gift, I am certain that I have spent more time to share hours of time with Londyn than I have spent with either of my older kids in their whole lives. We have this gift of this deep time together when I wasn’t in a relationship, right? There wasn’t anyone else. It was just us for these years. And you know, that’s probably that will likely change soon. But we have this really beautiful deep time to do skin-to-skin contact, which we hadn’t been able to do. And she was born because I wasn’t her birth mother. I stopped working. 

I really was able to reinvent my business in a way that’s like way less. I do way less work and way more guiding. We had COVID together a year ago, we made COVID We made it fashion we were to dues. We listened to ballet music we read from the goddess books every day, we made beautiful friends in the pandemic because Londyn is just a magnet for joy and for wonderful people. 

Actually, my friend Elizabeth D alto, who y’all may know, we met in the park, Elizabeth had just moved to Oakland. And Londyn just wouldn’t let her alone. She wouldn’t let her alone. And Elizabeth, a total stranger at the time had to walk us to the car as Londyn would not let her alone. And then a week later, a friend a mutual friend of mine, and Elizabeth calls me and says, Did you meet a woman named Elizabeth in the park? Elizabeth D Alto is in my house right now. 

And she’s saying that she met this kid Londyn and she’s like talking about our I think it’s your Londyn I’m like yeah, so we ended up being friends and I’ve been on her podcast and you’ll see are on my things. It’s just been incredibly healing to know what I know and to raise a child knowing what I now know. It’s been an incredible re-parenting experience for myself. And I do want to give credit where it’s due. Londyn is one of my friends first I took her to his restaurant when I first got her and he said oh look elder up. 

Oh, she’s a magical baby. She is a cosmic baby she is a magical baby you know the first thing one of her first sentences to me was open the sky Alma she used to call me on my phone she asked me the other day when I die will I become the Evening Star yeah, I’ve decided I can’t tattoo all the stuff that she does all the cosmic stuff she says on my body or I just be covered in tattoos. Alright guys, so that’s the Self-Mastery story of the time I got a surprise baby. Thank you for being here with me. And listening to the story. Oh, I will put the link to the upgrade event where I will guide you through your process of what I call Self-Mastery.

Yes, even some people would call Self-Realization I would call it highest self-realization or self-actualization. But what we’re actualizing is through your sacred self, your big self, not the self that most of us have lived in for so long, which was really conditioned by culture and family and other people’s opinions and expectations. So, I will drop the link to the UPGRADE event in all of the things so you’ll be able to find it, you should come and join me It’s October 21 through 23rd in Berkeley at the Claremont club and spa and you will just leave with new energy, vision, enthusiasm and a new level of appreciation for yourself and for what the plot twists of your life are, therefore. Alright, I will talk to you guys soon.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

P.S.: In case you missed it, here’s the link to yesterday’s LIVE, when I told the story of how I used Spiritual Strategy to get an accurate medical diagnosis, after 15 years and 13 foot fractures. (Wheeeeeeeeew.)

Watch on Facebook
Watch on YouTube

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

🟡🟡The golden egg around my neck… (+ SAVE THE DATE)

Most of the jewelry I wear is symbolic. 

I use it to remind me of an Archetype I want to dial up… or a lesson I want to integrate. 

So for a few months this year, I wore this beautiful little charm around my neck every single day. 

It was an egg—a golden egg… gold on the outside, with a yolky-looking, caramel colored enamel lacquering the inside. 

I’d just sat down with a client one day at my club to have lunch and trade updates, when the charm caught her eye. 

“Oooh, what’s that?!” she said, pointing. 

“It’s a golden egg,” I replied. “Londyn and I are reading Jack and the Beanstalk on repeat these days,” I chuckled. 

“I’m wearing it to remind myself that I AM THE MUTHAFU@!NG GOOSE that lays the golden egg. So it behooves me to take extra good care of the goose.” 

We cracked up. 

But after lunch, I went to sit in the steam room and had an epiphany. 

I’m not the goose. And neither are you. 

And here’s why:

Because the goose is a producer

The goose is a cog in the creative machine, albeit an essential and wonderful cog.

It’s still a cog. 

And you’re not a cog. 

You are not the goose, Brilliant One.

YOU ARE THE GOLDEN EGG. More accurately, you are the golden eggs, plural.

Mythic and magical…

Limitless in number… 

Radiant in luster… 

Your True Self—the sacred YOU you came here to be… that’s a golden egg.

Your Big Dreams—the ones you haven’t yet even given yourself permission to start dreaming…that’s a golden egg.

Your unique genius… spirit… personality… golden eggs

Your sacred contracts—the trillions of things you came here to be, do, have, create and experience… trillions of golden eggs, homie. 

They are limitless. 

And so are you. 

That charm was a reminder of limitlessness… a reminder to keep making 100 choices a day to surrender to the delectability of my own big dreams and big destinies.  

So the lesson I came here to impart is not to take care of the goose. 

The goose is Source—the Limitless Love, the Infinite Intelligence and the Divine Creative Power that formed all worlds, and is flowing assistance to you all the time all the time all the time. 

The lesson I came here to impart is that the work you are being called to do in this season is not the work of producing the golden egg.

The golden eggs will be laid.

They want to be laid. The genius within you. The dreams you’ve been dreaming. The Big Self you’re here to become, for your own joy and for the benefit of all that is. 

They want to be laid, powered by Divine Flow. 

You’re just a conduit, with the wind of All That Is at your back. 

So your work in this season ain’t about performing, conforming, producing or even self-caring, in the performative sense of the term. 

Your work in this season is the work of becoming utterly unresistant to your own genius. 

It’s the inner work of seeing where your resistance lies and recalibrating your nervous systems and your belief systems so you can release that resistance and let your NATURAL MASTERY bring you back into alignment with your natural genius and greatness. 

It’s the inside job of rediscovering your own unique magic and actualizing all of THAT. 

And it’s the very interior work of downloading a fly-ass vivid vision for the next season of your life… then aligning everything within you and around you so that the assistance that is all around you can flow to you and through you and power your projects under grace, overcome seasons, in perfect, exciting, surprising, wonderful, delightful, delectable ways. 

It’s the work of falling back in love with yourself—and your future, and letting the power of radical, unfettered LOVE direct and energize your lick-the-plate life from here on out.

This is the delectable inner work we’ll do together at my upcoming event. 

It’s called UPGRADE: Your Money + Your Life, and I assure you… it will be a portal for energy and expansion. 

We’ll spend three delicious days together RECALIBRATING, ACTUALIZING and ALIGNING to let the golden eggs of your Big Self and your Big Dreams spark to life.

UPGRADE is a portal for the powerful transformation work that wants to be done within you in this season. 

And you know it. 

You feel it. 

Let’s be real: You called me in. 

The date is October 21-23, 2022, and we’ll meet up at the iconic Fairmont Claremont Club & Spa, just down the street from my house, in Berkeley, California.

Here’s the link to register for UPGRADE: 

Please note that there are only 150 spots. I just signed the contract yesterday, and I’m certain we’ll sell out. 

The General UPGRADE Experience will take place on October 21st and 22nd, and I’ll be hosting a MAGICAL VIP Day Three Experience on October 23rd. 
If you want to be one of the Early Early Bird enrollees, register here to secure your spot and get a chance to win a reading of your personal Human Design chart… by me!

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

P.S.: I only do Human Design readings for my personal coaching clients, and I only coach 5 people a year… and those engagements start at $25,000.

In other words, this Early Early Bird bonus drawing prize is a very special prize indeed.

P.P.S.: If you’ve never invested in your own personal growth or spiritual development, keep in mind that when you cultivate your True Self/golden egg, you cultivate the Square of Self-Mastery: Health, Wealth, Love and Wisdom and Creative Power. 

I think we can all agree that that’s worth investing in, Brilliant One. 

It’s time. You called me in.

P.P.S.: Let me know if you want me to share more about when I use a checklist (thinking mind) and when I do a vibe check (intuition) during my  move to Portugal. Just type THE MOVE in an email to

P.P.S.: You are poised and powerful.

Radiant and magnetic to wonderful things. 

They now flow to you in wonderful ways. 

Allow yourself to be surprised and delighted. 

So let it be.

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

NEVER use your thinking mind for these 3 things ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾

On Sunday morning, after Londyn’s skateboarding lesson, I sat in the hot tub, intentionally resetting my aura… washing my energy of the accumulated stresses of the long weekend, fine-tuning my state for the delicious, yet challenging, journey ahead.

I’d just received word from an iconic venue that they would, indeed, be able to host my first major live event this October.

That email had me feeling like:

At first.

But as I turned on my old lawyer brain to review the details of the proposal, I could feel the thinking brain begin to do what it does: TAKE OVER.


Think it all through.

Forecast all the unwanted things that could happen.

Pinpoint the as-yet unanswered questions, like who will handle what and how will this all play out?

I could feel the ghost of my old, long-retired Inner Critic try to knock at the door of my thinking mind, like the witch in Snow White offering up a poison apple in the form of the thought: That’s only 4 months… you’re already behind!

But I’m fortunate that I’ve been in the Spiritual Strategy game a loooong time.

In fact, I created this particular version of this particular game, in collaboration with Source, of course.

So, while my thinking mind said: Take Londyn to Kids’ Club and start working on the marketing plan…

The Divine Mind that I am said: Take Londyn to Kids’ Club, get into the hot tub, start working on your state…

and DREAM.

And that’s what I did.

Because I know that when I feel that inner pang, to say “ah! I just hit a new Upper Limit!” and congratulate myself for doing it right. Because you only hit Upper Limits when you leave the la-la land of your fear trances and self-narcotizing comfort zones.

And I know the power of a Big, Delectable Dream that feels like licking the plate of your life.

I know what happens when you fall in love with your own future. You become unstoppable. Your unlived life comes online. You get access to new powers you’ve never accessed before.

I know that the power of that emotion will carry you over every mountain and through every valley you will inevitably pass through on the way to being the being you came here to be, and diving into the deep waters of fulfilling your sacred contracts.

I know that, under Universal law, there are no happy endings to miserable journeys.

As a Projector in the Human Design System, my energy and aura are so encompassing that my students often report getting a contact high from being in the room with me… so I take great responsibility for tending to the energy I bring into any room.

And that’s how I knew that the first steps for the perfect unfolding of this transcendently magical, transformationally delicious event have nothing to do with budgets or spreadsheets or even staffing, though all of those will come together in due season.

In my Self-Mastery Method, the first step to create anything you ever want to create on the journey to fulfilling your Self and your Sacred Contracts is to RECALIBRATE.

This weekend, I took the first BIG step into the next season of my Big Self and my Big Dream: RECALIBRATION.

I got into receptive mode.

I rested.

I invited Spirit to show me the way.

I saw where old patterns wanted to rear their heads. And I noted them, named them, surfed the wave of them and let them pass on by.

I stopped trying to think the whole thing through.

I stopped trying to figure it out.

I stopped trying to problem solve.

I did an energetic upgrade to get into the exact, expansive, limitless state of being I want to transmit to every single brilliant soul in the room at UPGRADE (and that includes you, Brilliant One).

I ran a few miles and threw some weight at the gym, got in the steam room and then let all those energetic ya-yas dissipate into the swirling bubbles of the hot tub.

And as I closed my eyes, I could see the vivid vision for UPGRADE.

I could literally see YOU, dressed to the nines, heart open with the resonance of the teachings I transmit at the event… downloading your own vivid vision, with my guidance, and re-discovering your own delicious magic.

I could hear the music. Taste the food. Smell the fragrance. See the art.

I could see the dream, in technicolor, just like I’d seen it when I downloaded the early vision for this event—UPGRADE: Your Money + Your Life—in the first place, a few months ago.

Your energetic intelligence, your spiritual intelligence… what we call your Divine Mind—is about 100,000 times more intelligent than your thinking, cognitive mind is.

That’s because your thinking brain is highly susceptible to fear and conditioning, so it will often lead you down a path of fear-based, conditioning-based momentum.

On top of that, we live in a culture that is entranced by the immature masculine traits of over-intellectualism, production, conformity, performance and the lie that rapid output is somehow superior to Divine Timing.

That’s why most people who have a big vision, dream or goal immediately overthink all the joy out of it, suck the life out of it and never actually do it, because they lose the inner tug-of-war between their Wise Inner Being and their Hindering Inner Critic who hijacks the brain, pleading a very convincing case that you’re bananas if you think you can pull that off.

So here’s a guideline for you. Your thinking mind— aka your head centers, in Human Design: crown and ajna—are good for following things, and the following things ONLY:

  • Downloading brilliant, inspired ideas from higher realms (and you know ‘em when you feel ‘em).
  • Dreaming Literally, slowing your thoughts down a bit and letting yourself daydream about hypothetical scenarios that feel good to you, just because they do, without trying to make anything happen. When you do this, you begin to tune your heart to the emotional channel that allows you to see and energize all the opportunities and resources and collaborators around you that want to co-create your dream with you.
  • Documenting. Your thinking mind is very good at tracking and measuring, which are very occasionally helpful functions… just know that it wants to do this way more than is helpful, and because it’s susceptible to fear and conditioning, it will almost always look for ways to track, measure. Rush and judge your progress as deficient. Again: Not helpful. This is one reason why the most prolific creators are those who suspend the budgeting, tracking and spreadsheet-ing until a stage of the process where the creation has already taken root.

And—this will likely run contrary to everything you’ve ever been taught—your thinking mind is very BAD at doing the following things: 

  • Desiring. Your brain—and your Inner Critic—will have you set goals that seem logical, linear, smart and… rarely achieved, or rarely satisfying when they are achieved. But the desires of your heart are another animal entirely and, like Divine Order, are very rarely logical or linear. 
  • Deciding what to do with your life. Once you desire a pure desire, you must add the spark of decision—commitment—to go from a dream or desire to an intention. Your mind wants to argue for your limitations, not your expansion, so don’t let it run your decisions. That’s the role of your intuition, which “speaks” differently for different people, according to how we’re uniquely designed. (More on that later.)
  • Determining how things will or should play out. Your thinking brain wants to determine all the hows, but 9 times out of 10, life will throw a few plot twists in the mix. So, write an action plan if you must, but keep your attachments to it verrrrrry light, grasshopper. To the extent possible, let the Divine handle the how, and just watch for the natural next steps to line up and light up before you. 

I have this thing I like to say to Londyn as I whisper sweet somethings to her before bed.

“You have a world-class brain,” I tell her, with every intention to instill that as an unconscious narrative she doesn’t even realize she’s thinking, but will serve her for a lifetime.

“I have a world-class brain,” she repeats drowsily.

And you do, too, Brilliant One.

But never forget that your world-class brain is your servant, not your master.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

P.S.: Look for a save-the-date for UPGRADE: Your Money + Your Life later this week!

P.P.S.: Let me know if you want me to share more about when I use a checklist (thinking mind) and when I do a vibe check (intuition) during my  move to Portugal. Just type THE MOVE in an email to

P.P.S.: Want more like this? Become a SoulTour subscriber for just $11 a month.

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

Transformation Tuesday | Pivot People: How One Comment Changed My Life Forever 🗣️

Here’s the transcript of today’s story.

Sacred Money Archetypes

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

P.S.: Want more like this? Become a SoulTour subscriber for just $11 a month.

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

Transformation Tuesday | How I’m using Human Design to pick a new country!

Today, I’m here to talk to you about something that’s pretty personal, actually, I’m going to talk to you about the process that some of you and I’m going to start talking to you about this process a lot, actually, I’m in the process of making a major move to a new country. 

And I want to share with you a lot about how I’m actually living that process out you that I teach, right. So using human design, we’re going to talk mostly today about human design, how that’s playing, and how that’s an incredibly powerful tool in my toolkit to make these very big decisions. 

But it’s really this talk is really going to be about this is Transformation Tuesday. So that’s what we’re here. 

And we’re going to talk about how I’ve used human design, how I’m using spiritual strategies, I’m using the Self Mastery method, which is a framework that goes like recalibrate, actualize online, over and over and over again, throughout your life throughout your being to allow my very biggest self to live out the big dream of living in another country. So I’m going to share some of that process with you. And I’m going to share some of it today. 

And I’m gonna start sharing bits and pieces of it as it plays out in real time. So as some of you know, I got back from Lisbon, like less than 48 hours ago. And as you all know, many of you know, I was really on a mode and a trajectory. To be in Mexico, I was very, very close to signing a lease in Mexico, if you had talked to me, if you had asked me a month ago where I would move, I would have said Mexico City. 

So a lot has changed in the last month. That’s how it is when you work in accordance with the laws of the universe. So know this, like divine what law of the universe number one is that divine order is real and it is in your favor.

That just means that you are not in this alone, that there are forces and powers higher than you bigger than you more powerful than this physical you that are helping you that desire to help you that are conspiring with all the other forces in the universe to help and bless you. lining. And if you will begin to trust that you can sort of watch and see as divine order lines up in lights up the steps before you all right, right into your biggest self right into your biggest dreams.

The next universal law that I usually teach is that divine timing is real and in your favor. And divine timing is real. Most people want that to mean that it accelerates you don’t have to worry about feeling behind because you can be accelerated, you know, at the good judgment of the Divine. And that’s true.

But the flip side is true to even I love how Tosha silver says it she says divine timing means that even your delays will benefit you. So let’s start there. 25 years ago, I moved from the Central Valley of California where I’d grown up to the Bay Area in the San Francisco Bay area where I still live 25 years later. And it was an incredibly mad, magical, mystical process that I did not even fully understand until recently.

All the assistance that flowed to me all the clarity that flowed to me all the invitations that were issued to me in that process of moving here I made it seem very inevitable. And like super clear, like clear, resounding yes. Like the universe green lights were all lighting lighting up. Even though, everyone I knew at the time, Oakland had very bad publicity. And everyone I knew was like, oh, Clint, what are you doing moving to there, but I just knew I was very young. I was 2025 years ago. So I was very young. I was like a really cute dog with a bone. I was like, no, no, this what’s happening?

This is actually what’s happening. And I moved here and I moved here in one summer I lost 60 pounds, I got divorced, I moved here with my two children at the time, we were very young, I was single, I was super young. And people were like, are you bananas? You don’t know anyone there, what are you doing and I moved here, it was one of those moves that you made that truly, it feels like a plot twist to people from the outside looking in. But it was truly a milestone for me on my spiritual journey.

It was a move that allowed me to leave behind the small self that I had been living into up to then, and to become the big self that wanted to be allowed to become at that time, right.

And so fast forward to, you know, the last few years, especially in the pandemic, things started to feel really like, I don’t know, this, just like I needed to go, and I’ll talk to you, I’ll do another separate video on why I chose to move and why just to start the process that I’ve been doing for two years now, which has been a process of actually scouting out, you know, letting I call it letting places letting locations wooed me, but it’s really been like a process of going on scouting trips to various places, various countries, various cities, to see what lined up and lit up for me.

And that couple years felt like a long time to me because I’m very much a person who like knows I have a lot of inner authority.

The Human Design System has been wonderful for me to begin to learn and master because it gives names to your authorities. And you go oh, yeah, I recognize that I’ve always known that that’s how I’ve always made decisions, or that’s I’ve always known things worked out when I listened to that inner guidance.

So in the Human Design System, I have what’s called splenic authority, which is just like a very intense intuition that operates in the moment, it doesn’t take me long to know if something is right or not for me. All right. So this few years of fact that it was taking a few years for me to like really hone in and narrow in on what was the right next place for me and my four year old. But like a long time for me.

And I also know, you know, I knew two things I knew this was me making decisions on geographic moves with a four year old, which is not a thing that I’ve had to do, especially like, you know, to another country. And I at this point in my life, I’m very clear that divine timing is real. So I was clear that my delays were benefiting me.

And I will tell you in the last 18 months of quote unquote delays in my move, where things just hadn’t quite lined up right enough yet for me to actually make the move. I was diagnosed with a complex medical problem that I had been misdiagnosed about for like 15 or 20 years and was able to like get that addressed and start, you know, keep frankly, physically healing and recovery.

I experienced this incredible emergence from the deep shadow work that I had been doing for for literally decades that you know, childhood trauma you and I had been doing for decades, I shared with my students that I did a six week protocol of ketamine. Once I had I had experienced a retriggering of some of my old childhood trauma.

I did a six week ketamine experience, it was like an exponentiated or on all of the personal growth work I had done up to them. So it literally was like restored my ability to dream in in Technicolor again. And then I kind of came into the season of light work, where I was really doing the work of aligning to you know, using all the self discovery work that I teach and that I know using my secret archetypes you know to shine the light of awareness on my old patterns but also to move into the like spiritually mature archetypes that I’m now creating into a system called the Self Mastery archetypes. Oh my gosh.

On Instagram, I’m looking at Academy right now and ask the universe to send me a sign out of my love. There is yours. There’s your sign. Strong recommend with lots of coffee but strong recommend and basically whatever you get out of the ketamine and psychedelic healing experience for PTSD in particular that’s what I can speak to. You get out of it, it is a multiplier on whatever other personal growth work you have done.

So I have friends and no know people who have done a ketamine experience of healing for depression mostly who got a ton out of it and they hadn’t done any personal growth growth work before but I will Tell you maybe this is a sign that I need to do a series on just on the ketamine experience that I had. I’ve done 25 years of therapy and you know, meditation, prayer, all of the things, you know, the things that I teach. So the sick the six week ketamine experience for me, it was like, out of this world, it was actually out of this world in a wonderful way.

So as I came out of that experience, and I was feeling like, hey, it’s time to come out of the shadow work, you guys, I’m so glad these last couple of years of this pandemic had been a time for people to really, you know, face their shadows, people have developed or started to cultivate a willingness to do shadow work that they did not have before. But yo, like, the book says, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death does not say to pitch a tent in the valley of the shadow of death.

And that’s what I see a lot of people doing, like, they want to do the shadow work, and then they get into the shadow work, and then they like are in the shadow, and they don’t know how to come back out. And y’all in this season, I’m gonna tell you what, I have some events coming up where I’m literally going to deliver some prophecies. In this season, we are being called if you can hear my voice, I’m talking to you.

We are being called to rewrite some programs, the programs are being rewritten. Really, this is all about the call to adventure that we’re being issued is how much do you want to participate in the rewriting of these universal cosmic programs that run through us as a collective and through you individually. And on the other side of the rewriting of the program is like radical wholeness and liberation and joy, being your biggest self and doing the things that there’s just, you know, if you don’t do them now, when you’re gonna do what I’m saying.

So as I came out into the light stage, and started to really mature into the strengths and unique sacred callings and sacred contract fulfillment pieces of my own wiring, you know, I was doing the work that I’ve been teaching for years on the sacred money archetypes, which is beautiful work, because it does help you see why you do what you do. It helps you see what your shadow patterns are, it helps you shine the light of awareness on them and dissolve and just give yourself permission to make different choices. Right.

And so I was sort of leaning into that and doing that work, when I came across a system that was new or to me and it wasn’t brand new to me. But I came across a new system called the Human Design System, new ish to me, let’s call it that. And I’ll call it newish to me because I was introduced you to human design years ago, and I wasn’t ready. I just wasn’t ready for it.

I needed to have that experience of he trauma healing, battling the death of Mother complex, and my psyche is what Carl Jung was say, I needed to do some of that work, I needed to have the medical experience I had had, I needed to get the surprise baby that I got I needed to come to I need to grieve some things and mourn some things and come out the other side. And when I did, I had a conversation with somebody who said, Oh, you and me are probably like, oh, generally.

You know, I don’t know anything about am a projector. And so I went on, and I was like, Oh, I hate not knowing why went on, I went on and I started to research. I’m now like very far down the process of being certified as a specialist in quantum human design.

But at the time, I was just curious about what it meant to be a projector, PE. So let me tell you like a two minute, I’m gonna give you a two minute primer on what human design is, is this system. And then I’m gonna share with you start sharing with you what my type is, what my strategy is, what my authority is, what my profile is something about my centers, and I’ll tell you how that is factoring in this season right now, to my decision, where to move. All right.

So Human Design System is a self discovery system, it is an it is you could think of it as an assessment system that’s akin to like the Myers Briggs or the Enneagram, or the archetypes or you could think of it it is the difference between human design and those systems is that it is not personality based, and that you don’t take a quiz that asks you to tell it, how you do things. It is somewhat astrological in that you simply put in your birth data, your date of birth, your place of birth, your time of birth, and it tells you what you are.

And I’ll share more about the origins of human design in another video, but just know that what it does is it takes this whole it sort of looks at humanity as a whole and breaks all humans down into five all very essential all very necessary puzzle pieces. Five types.

There are five types in human design are Right. And each type is similar to the archetypes in that it’s descriptive of why you do what you do and gives a name to that pattern. But to think this human design is a system is way more than the archetypes. It offers varying levels of depth and complexity and specificity. So that we start with the five types. And each type has a decision making strategy, that is the best decision making strategy for that type.

So in that way, it’s not just a description of your patterns. It’s truly a powerful roadmap for how you get from the narrative, you’ve been living into the most actualized version of your potential big, true, sacred self. And it gives you a very, some very specific do this, this is how you make decisions. That’s what we call your strategy.

This is how the inner the patterns of energies within you will show up in ways that you can optimize by using these various authorities to know your inner authorities to know an ex ternal actually authorities for some people, to know what the right decision for you on any subject or at any time is, right. So it’s it’s much more than just a way to understand yourself. It offers you actual strategies and tools as a roadmap for making good decisions, right. And those tools help you do what you do be the best you can be be as effective as you can be at helping further both your own life and your own joy in your own potential and human evolution. All right.

So in Human Design System, my type is called projector. And a projector, the way that we are supposed to create in the world is not to go out and make it happen to have ideas and have a list of things, have an action plan and work really hard and make it all happen.

No, projectors are actually a type that are not supposed to work that much. Our job is actually to guide it’s to guide the work of certain other types. And to guide humanity a bit to constantly kind of be guiding and course correcting humanity toward its highest expression. You know, just kind of like the genes and the genes in your body can express in highways and in low ways. I think the spiritual genes of humans are like that they can express in highways or low ways. And it’s the job of the projector to help guide humanity toward its highest expression. All right, in the way we’re supposed to make decisions is not to go out and force stuff and make stuff happen grind hard hustle, none of that.

It’s to wait for the in visitation, we are supposed to projectors are wired and designed our unique sacred design is to Master Systems to wait to give our advice and our guidance until it is requested. And to do that, you know, very available, intentional waiting for others to recognize our mastery of systems and to invite us to give them guidance. Alright, so that’s what wait for the invitation means. And it doesn’t mean if you are a projector, and you’ve heard anything about human design, there are people out in these internet streets. And these YouTube streets talking about you got to wait for an invitation to do anything that is not the case, you’re really supposed to wait for an invitation if you’re a projector to make the big decisions in your life, you know, to enroll in, in grad school or to move to a new place or to you know, link up with a mate.

The big decisions, these are invitations of the sort that really come every few years. All right. So how am I using that this system? And in my process of moving well, for a couple years, like I said, I’ve been doing scouting trips have gone to a bunch of places I had Mexico on my mind a lot because I love Mexico. And I also had some just enter. I just hadn’t quite hit it yet. I just wasn’t there yet. And I kind of made a decision. I’ve just moved to Mexico City and I give it a year and it’s been that year going to other places because Mexico City is central to a lot of places and I love it as a city and I had some really no qualms but I was like alright, I’ll just go for a year and we’ll just try it. Well,

I have a an advisor who I’ve had for a while now who’s kind of one of his main things that he does is that he’s a real estate clairvoyant, meaning that he has a great gift of sight and insight and wisdom that he brings to bear for people who are specifically seeking wisdom and help me You know, real estate decisions.

And I hadn’t actually talked to him in a super long time as I was making my decisions around Mexico, because I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. So I just didn’t ask. But I have this like golden thread drop into my awareness is really like divine download, like nudge, what you need to give him an email, and just let him just give him a list of cities that you’re thinking about. And let him tell you what hits he gets from those cities without giving him any more information. And I did. And he said a bunch of things. But one thing he said was Do not move to Mexico City.

The second thing he said was these other cities in Mexico, some of these other cities, and he named them are good would be good for you. He said, your business and your finances will be great in those cities. And he said, and I had thrown some cities on the list, that I actually wasn’t really, really thinking about that much. But for whatever reason, I wanted to mix it up. So I think we want to list including Lisbon, Portugal.

He said, your business and your finances would be good in these days. Your business, your finances and your love life with thrive in Lisbon. And I said, you know Lisbon to city I actually had had a plan to be in Lisbon right before the payments are right before I got the baby actually, like the week after I got the baby. I was supposed to be in Portugal for a talk.

And then I got a surprise baby. So I never made that trip was three years ago. And since then, I have had probably 100 People tell me Lisbon is for you. And every time I just say I’ve never been there. I don’t like to say that. And I had a vacation to Mexico to San Miguel. In Mexico, San Miguel de Allende, I had a vacation book to his sitter already booked. And I thought you know what, I’m just going to he said, Listen, I was like, I’m just gonna put my body in that place and do via check. So I booked a very quick trip a five day trip to Portugal. A couple days in the countryside in this town. I was interested in couple days and Lisbon.

Found a woman online he’s like, helps families relocate to Lisbon. Blogger grabbed her like literally was like, Can you consult with me tonight, I’ll be there Tuesday. She got on the phone with me. We went through and like made some plans educated myself about schools because these are scouting trips. This is not straight vacation, y’all. Actually, I’m going to do a video on how I do a scouting trip to New country because it’s like a different thing. So I have vacation moments. And I have scouting moments. So in five days I did for school tours.

As toured a number of areas we might live I met with this company called boundless that creates very soft places to land for families who want to have gap year or worldschooling experiences with their children. And I spent 12 hours touring with Lisbon actual city. I never usually tell people before I take trips like this, I don’t usually announce them until I get back. Because I like to be in the trip. I’m not. I’m not doing it for the gram. I love y’all on the gram, but I’m not doing it for the gram. So I like to be in the trip. This time. I had another golden thread you know post post where you’re going so I posted on my Facebook page on Instagram, on the black in Portugal group. I’m glad you love this story. I’m just telling you a real real deal. Now I’m not gonna say you’re even scripted. I’m just like, I need to bring my people with me on these journeys. Episode I’m black in Portugal group families moving to Portugal group, my Facebook page and Instagram that I was doing this trip. Do Who do I know in Lisbon? Who do you know in Lisbon?

I had like 55 people. not exaggerating. Introduce me to beautiful people in Lisbon. I had people in Can I pick you up from the airport? I was like what do they even do that? Like how warm and welcoming are you if you don’t even know me? They’re offering premium from the airport. I have lunches and dinners booked. I woman from the black and Portugal group. Join me on a tour of this castle in Sintra. i It was just like, actually, it was a whole entire vibe.

And a friend of a friend, a friend of a friend who owns a restaurant and a guest house in Lisbon show up and say oh, let me let me take you around and show you what I love about Lisbon. She told me around for six hours we walked through this room for six hours. And the next day one of her friends picked me up and drove us around Lisbon for six hours. It was just a whole entire vibe. So as I’m doing these trips, so again, I’m a projector My job is to wait for the invitation. I go meet with the people at boundless who have this magnificent in Sintra, which is the town have already honed it Not on because there’s like progressive schools, equestrian center for the baby, serve for the baby. And for me, like all the things that I want good internet, beautiful architecture, nature, but also right next to the city, I need to have fun by the beach moments.

That’s how I vibe spotlight all of it right there. And other black people like I go toward these private schools in these beautiful little areas in the countryside of Portugal, and I’m seeing seven 810 black kids. So my kid won’t be the only you know, brown little girl at school. It’s like a vibe. So I’m at the boundless office and the woman I’m talking with this, like, really wouldn’t love Tara. And this is the thing. So in human design, there is a kite for projectors. It’s not just any old invitation. Okay, it’s not an invitation, just that you see a Facebook ad that seems like it’s speaking to you know, that can be a universal green light that can trigger some resonance. But that’s not a correct invitation for projector, a correct invitation for a projector to make a big move in their life is like, Tara, we would like for you to come here and do this. And it must be issued by a party that has the authority and the resources to make that invitation. All right.

So I’m sitting across the table from this woman, and she’s like, you know, what we would really love to, we would love to invite you to come here and be here for you know, three months or six months or 12 months with London, let me show you where you would live. Let me show you where her school would be cross the street, like literally, you can walk across this horse. And I’m like, dang, she only didn’t know, like, waiting for the invitation. Right? My authority in human design is splenic authority, which is a deep in the moment intent, intuitive knowing. Now for two years, I’ve been going places saying I’m just going to do a vibe check, I’m just gonna put my body in a place and see how I feel. That is actually correct form, there’s a correct authority for exercising the strategy of waiting for the invitation for me in the Human Design System.

My Profile in human design is called a three five profile, they actually call it is an awful name. Let me say this. In traditional human design, the vocabulary is very shocking and aggressive, because the creator of human design desired to shock to shatter your condition to small self into awareness of the conditioning that you’re operating under. So he used very aggressive language.

So my three five profile in traditional human design is actually called the murder heretic. But I like to call it be experimenter revolutionary, all right, like, like my profile is kind of profile that energy patterns of experimenting and trial and error in life with big things, and then coming back and sharing the wisdom that I glean in a way that shatters some old programming and conditioning for the people I share with That’s why they say heretic, right? Because people like me were once declared heretics. My center you know, there’s nine centers in human design included that are that are roughly corresponding to the chakras and Hindu spirituality I have an open G center all right. And open G Center I would later learn corresponds to a person who must be in the right place with the right people to feel in alignment and if you’re not in the right place or with the right people for you at that time you will feel stuck you will feel like the law of attraction ain’t working right for you.

You will feel like things are hard right? So this last few years where I haven’t per se felt like things were hard but I just didn’t it wasn’t I was very much feeling like it was time to move even though my life here is great and other people around me were like but why would you move you have this great house was great place and it’s great you live and I do and it also was like it’s time to go and I know when it’s time to make a move. All right. So the first invitation I had was actually just a suggestion by my real estate clairvoyant who was like girl you need to get list then all of my friends friends once I said I’ll walk home we’re like, come do this come do this. Come do this. Come do this come to this. Then I get there. And my friend at boundless is like we would love to invite you to be here like come here for this period of time.

Multiple of the schools we toured and people in those areas were like this. This place is for you. You should come here you should be here. And then I thought it was really hilarious like I get to my so I get out of the country. Yeah, my resort little moment in the country, I go into Lisbon, I check into my hotel. And on the hotel, like table is a little card from the hotel that says, Tara-Nicholle Kirke, we invite you to get lost in our city. We invite you No, no, we invite you to lose yourself in our city. And I just so remember that phrasing because I remember, it just reminded me of when I moved here to the Bay Area. 25 years ago, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life, where I remember thinking, I’m literally shedding my small self, I’m losing my own self, right?

So that can become one becoming. And that’s how this experience of like discovering Portugal felt in a four day period of time, it was like, invitation after invitation after invitation after invitation via check, hit after vibe check hit in line with my authority, invitations that were correct for my human design type. Right?

So as I teach the Self Mastery method, the steps are recalibrate, actualize, and align. And all this self discovery work we do of understanding why we do what we do, breaking the pool of our patterns, and learning the stuff the correct strategies for our wiring in a court, you know, as per the archetypes, young in psychology, neurobiology, your attachment styles, whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, whether you have what your sacred money archetypes are, and what your human design types and profiles and strategy and authority and centers and profiles are n gates and channels, I mean as a very detailed system.

As I was just sitting there meditating on experience, I was like, wow, like how easy I’ve been asking for years, my students know this, I asked all the time, how easy Can I let this be, and how easy you can let it be to start living into your big self and doing your big dreams is to actually like dive deeper surrender to your big self, and surrender to a system that really resonates as true for you that offers you some real tools and decision guidance for the big choices and for the big timing of the choices that you will need to make in the next season of your life as you also come out of the shadow work and into the light work and into the Self Mastery work.

All right, so I have a million announcements coming down the pike, I have a live event that’s going to be coming up this fall our first live big live event ever. I hope you will join me it will be a whole entire s vibe. And it’ll be a very deep guided journey, you know, to see which mental monsters are running your freakin life to dissolve and befriend and transform them to understand your own archetypes and your own human design and begin working with it to create a new maximum awake, maximum alive vision for your life. And to get my help and guidance in getting from there to from here to there.

And look good doing it y’all. I’m not playing okay, this is urgent for me. This is it. This is what we’re here to do. Alright, so I love you. That was it for our transformation Tuesday. Not a whole lot of Mike drops. But I did want to share all that with you. I’m going to be sharing a lot of my own stories past present and like really present over the next few weeks. Let me know how they land for you.

Let me know what questions you have about human design. Like I said, I will I am like becoming a specialist in quantum human design, adding it to our set of strategies that we use in the School of self mastery at soul tour. All right, I love you. Keep your head up. Keep your heart out. I will see you on the next Transformation Tuesday. If not before then. Alright, see you too. I love you too.

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Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

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Transformation Tuesday | I got a whole year back last week! 💥

I wanted to tell you about a thing that happened to me last week. 

I got a whole year back. 

All right, what does that mean? I got a whole year back. 

So for context, I went to see my dad last weekend, not just the weekend that just happened the weekend before that, I had not seen him in three years, I would call the state of our relationship for last few years, partially estranged. 

And you know, those of you who are in my programs, kind of know, my background. My childhood was brilliant and awful, at the same time, literally all at the same time. And the older I get and the more spiritually mature you get, the more you can hold the space for both of those things being true. 

And as Londyn came into my life, my four year old, I had to really like work through some of the PTSD experience that was stirred up by having a young girl, brilliant, genius, baby, girl child. And I had to work through some of that with my parents. 

So I’d actually had to have some conversations with my father about like, Hey, yo, like, I’d like you to be part of this child’s life, if x y, z, ABC subparagraph 123. And these bullets could be met as conditions. All right, so we worked it out. 

And because I have this impending, relatively large move out of the country, I thought I, I’ve been on what I think of as my like, a closing open loops tour, kind of going around all the areas of my life and being like, where is there a thing that an unfinished business, a piece of a conversation that needs to be wrapped up and an open loop that needs closing? 

All right, so we went to see my dad, and actually the trip was wonderful. 

It was a very validating experience of what can happen if you’re just unafraid to like name, say what needs saying, and, you know, be a very mature spiritual adult, and also require that other people hold other people as powerful. 

Alright, so we go down to see my dad. And that’s all just context. We got to see my dad. 

And he said something in conversation to me, he’s like, baba, baba, bah, you’ll be 47 on your next birthday. And then did it done. I’m like, What do you mean, I’ll be 47 on my next birthday. Look, you don’t even know how old I am. I’m already 47. Like my dad, who’s kind of like a math genius. says, I assure you, you are 46 years old. I was there upon your birth. And I know math and telling you you’re 46. And now just know, I used to have a real problem with trying to be older than I was. My whole very early childhood. My parents tried to make me be older than I was. And I kind of just took that and ran with it. Like in my teenage years, my early 20s Even in my 30s I would always I think one of the ways I wrested control over the age narrative and our culture was to just always make myself be older than I was. 

So years ago, decades ago, actually, I had a therapist tell me just be the EGR just be the age you are don’t fast forward. Don’t round up. Just be the age you are. So I did. 

So when my dad’s like, you’ll be 47 next year. I’m like, Nah, fam. I’m 47 Now, finally, he’s like, so insistent, I actually get my phone out and I say, Google. I was born November 13 1975. How old am I? Like you’re 46 years old. And I’m like, fun. I just got a hole free in like a day, which was actually hilarious. 

So you know, I share it because it’s a funny story. And because we didn’t get to be deep all the damn time. 

But also because this is a little bit of one of the sort of side effects of what happens when you reject the cultural story. Have numerics the cultural story of Numerix is like all of the numbers. It is like a story of judgment that your numbers, the numbers that describe you, and how you being who you be, are bad or wrong or somehow inefficient or worthy of judgment or criticism. So it’s judgment about your income judgment. It’s not enough. It’s usually a scarcity story judgment. It’s a scarcity story or too much story, not enough or too much. 

Your age is too much your weight is too much your income is not enough. There’s not enough time, right? 

Years ago, I did the work of like rejecting the hell out of that shit helped by actually helped by a number of very sage wise women who were much older than me. You know, I’ve told the story before I’ll tell the story someday of how, when I was a teen, when I was 19, I took dictation as a 90 Something woman year old woman told me her life story. And I wrote it and we actually published it into a book was the first book I ever worked on. So seeing her and knowing that life is not short life is long, seeing her and my reaction to her as an as a 19 year old and yes, she was wrinkled and was and and wonderful. She was not of your style. 

They would say in Espanol, Mata Vyasa. And I knew that and I felt that, at 19 years old, those things kind of took some of the angst you’re agitated out of aging, especially, you know, and they were especially formative experiences to have when I was 19. 

Alright, so one thing is something that can happen, because sometimes I get these notes from these beautiful people. I teach in Simon Sinek’s school, I taught this course the other day or a program the other day in his school, and someone emailed me and was like, but if I buy into that one, I just fall out of touch with reality. And I was like, yes, exactly. Only if you do it, right. Because reality, or what others think of as reality, what others think of as time is arbitrary, as fuck. 

Okay. So what I do is, I’m aware that time is a construct, it’s just, there’s no such thing as time in science or in reality, there’s just this moment and this moment, and this moment and this moment, and we use time to measure the change in a state, the change in the atoms, the change in distance location, that we just use time as a way to talk about change between one moment and the next moment. 

So it’s really a handy construct, because then you and I can agree that we’re going to meet up at a certain place at a certain time. So time is a construct that serves us very well. But time is a construct that is a like many constructs, is a wonderful servant and a terrible master. So it becomes a terrible master when you let the story about time, especially when you let the be a good little cog toxic kind of capitalism story about time that says there’s not enough you’re too old, you better hurry up.

It’s one of the most common questions that people write into me with, I fear that I will run out of time in my life to do the things that I want to do. Right. And I’m like, great, that fear is really helpful. That urgency is really helpful. As long as it reminds you, you know that now’s the time to be in due and experience and learn what you came here for. And but it is insidious, when it becomes this time scarcity lie that runs you or the I’m getting too old lie that keeps you paralyzed. 

So you got to just remember that time is arbitrary as hell, what I tend to do because I have, I literally have flipped this backwards, you know, where many people have one day a week that they take off of meetings, I actually only do meetings one day a week so that I can have control over my own time and experience of life. So what I because I work in such a, you know, it’s on such a different time format than the average person. 

I basically have have to set tools up. I have to set tools up in around me to make sure that I stay in, you know, a little bit in the world. I have a four year old that helps. I got to pick her up and drop her off at certain points. That’s just real right? She has to eat And I’m big on like, beautifully lavish scattered, you know, helpful beneficial schedules and daily routines and daily rituals. So like that helps us keep looped into our day. 

My assistants know, if you if you’re proofreading an email from Tara, you definitely need to check the time, the dates because terrorists sense for when those are usually off, right so I use tools, my calendar, I use my calendar, my calendar is not a tyrant to me because I’ve taken so much control over it over the years. So I use it all actually in the all in the morning all in the evening, I use the calendar, you know, if it’s not on my calendar, it’s not happening, and use my calendar to stay looped. 

And I see someone on Instagram, saying that’s her gold flip the time, especially when she reaches retirement in three years. That’s right. And I just chose many years ago actually to begin gradually. 

So I’m going to encourage you to start beginning now to start beginning to begin to take reclaim your time now. And you can do it in little gradual, incremental ways. And you’ll have to and I’m going to tell you why. So like right now, decide what the things are in your life that give you life that plug your spiritual batteries in, and give yourself allocate on your calendar, 10 minutes or 15 minutes extra every single day starting now don’t wait to retirement for that. And the reason I say that is this. You know, in my in my teachings, I teach the metaphysics of like living a baller ass life like a self actualized rich life and every and I don’t mean I do mean rich financially. But I also mean, rich, meaning wise, right? A delicious look the plate life where you feel like you are fulfilling yourself spiritually. All right. 

One of the enemies of that level of fulfillment is when you are motivated to do things. And most of us are most people that I meet are actually motivated to do most of what the most of the things that they do, by an adrenalized sense of dread by that feeling of time scarcity by that feeling that time is running out by that feeling of you know, external validation or external validation will be withheld by that feeling of I have to do this for money, I have to do this to get the raise, I have to do this for title, I have to do this for status, like, you know, for whatever it is, it’s an internalized sense of dread. 

And it’s really, really common, when people begin to reclaim their time. It’s very common to have this season where you feel a little like untethered in a very uncomfortable way, and in a way that is very beneficial. It’s just uncomfortable, and beneficial. Okay. So like people will often feel very like, oh my gosh, without the adrenaline, what will motivate me without the adrenaline? How will I decide what to do with my days? And with my time? What will I do without that I adrenalized sense of dread or external validation? That is the thing that has been helping me figure out how to spend my days for my whole life? Possibly. All right. I know when I first started to reclaim my sense of time, I actually felt like am I still alive?

Without the adrenaline am I still alive? You know, you feel a little flat because adrenaline has been your juice for so long. Trying to prove trying to feel worthy, trying to be worthy, trying to get it all done really fast to get to some like check some freaking box off. You just feel like you’re not necessarily alive. And so it takes there’s like a bit of this process. The Life and self mastery process involves, yes, your decision that you want to reclaim your own life and time. 

Yes, the intention that you’re going to take that back and flip things around and mold the clay of your time and your calendar, according to what you care about. But also the knowing that in that learning curve process there is there’s gonna be a little valley where you’re like, am I even alive anymore? What do I do? How do I what am I going to be about? And some people are very tempted in that valley to start doing other adrenalized shit. 

So I see this a lot where it’s like people will come off of a you know, a career, a lifelong career and it’s like they immediately are like, I don’t feel like I’m doing anything so I gotta like, fill my calendar again with like church obligations or did it or I gotta go here, I gotta get another job or I got to do to get a job. So that’s why I say if you think that you’re going to like, in three years from now have much more control of your time, I’m going to encourage you to start taking that time back and little bits and pieces, and bits and pieces right now. Learn how to feel very alive, even when you’re being very still. Even when you’re letting things happen very gradually. Right? 

Learn what things are really in control, you are really you are already really in way more control of your time than you think you are. And it took me It probably took me like seven or 10 years. No joke, too big to figure out how truly in control of my time I was, right? Because it’s one thing when you shift from like, they’re telling a story that says what I have to do with my time. And then when you come out of that there’s still a you’re telling the story about what you can do with your time. Yes, I say, That’s right. And you Yes, it helps to start the process way many years before you actually will have the total freedom of time of like not having, you know, a day job. All right. 

Now, I want to also paint the picture of the opposite of what happens when you do totally reclaim your time. Yes, you forget how old you are. But also you have you know, I feel like an alien sometimes because I’ll be out here being like, Yo, I’m for sure aging in reverse. When everybody else is like r&b. Like I’m getting older. And I’m like, Oh guys, I know. And you know what, there are seasons where that’s actually helpful where your body is saying, yo, I need you to like pay attention, I need more nourishment, I need more movement, I need more stretching, I need more strength, I need more. That’s real. 

So there are times in your life, we will feel that way as you age. And like it’s your body asking you to give it something that you need. But then there’s another thing to just be like I’m whatever 4550 66 Even 7am Like wrap my mind around. I got to pack it in. Right. So yeah, you may feel a little bit like an alien things that will happen when you recalibrate your sense of time, you will forget how old your your parents will have to remind you, that’s what just happened to me, you will start to feel a little bit like an alien when you’re around people who think that the number on your year of birth means you’ve got to pack it in. Okay.

I literally just told you about a woman I met when I was 19, who was in her 90s Who was like, You know what, I need to do this here, I need to write a book. I’m saying she was like, listen, and that woman had outlived her children. She had outlived three husbands, and she was like, You know what I need to do, I need to write that book. And I think she was like 94 Five, when she first when I first started working with her. And she did write it and she did get it. And she did speak about I mean like she was like and she was not like in the best of health she just was like living my life. 

So you will learn you will feel a little like an alien and you will also call in attract and magnetize in other other people who are willing to rendezvous with you in a realm where age is nothing but a number. 

All right, you will learn how to flow time we talk a lot in the School of spiritual strategy programs especially in life and self mastery about how about there’s like Einstein Time and Newton time that Einstein Time Is that thing he said where you know, what is it like a minute with your a minute a minute with with a person you love a minute with your lover feels like a second and a second with your hand on the stove feels like an hour. Right? So that was his way of saying, you know, time is very relative and you actually have a lot of control over how much time you have and how much time you experience yourself as having in this life based entirely on what you choose to do with your time. 

If you aren’t doing the things that you love, oh, it can feel like time you know, like you lose yourself in time in a wonderful way. And if you spend the time of your life doing shit you hate. It will feel like a drudge. You know what I mean? It will feel like, like awful. So you’ll learn how to flow you can learn how to flow time you can learn how to allocate your time more and more and more and more incrementally to things that give you life. 

You can invest your time spend more and more of your time and things that expand your energy expand your joy expand your lifeforce people who know me my clients know I get up in the day I get the baby to school, I get myself to the club and I actually spend usually An hour, hour and a half at the beginning of my work day after take babies at daycare at the beginning of my work day, in whatever other people would call it self care in working out in the Steam Room in the hot tub, getting into state getting into mode. And you know what the time all works out, right? Because when I come out of that, I’m like butter. It’s like brilliant work that needs no editing just flows, because I’ve tended to my state, right. And you’ll learn how to wait on interest in divine order and timing. 

You’ll learn how not to make moves, unless it feels really, really, really, really, really like the exact right time to make a move. You’ll learn how to move in an accelerated way sometimes, and often the acceleration that is available to you by trusting in divine order. And timing is literally in the waiting in the not making the move unless it feels exactly in alignment exactly in harmony. Right. In savoring the delay knowing that even your delays benefit you as who should silver says, Even you’re in divine timing, even your delays benefit you. All right. 

So learning to create time by trusting in and waiting on divine order. And timing is all about becoming it’s like about cultivating an okayness within yourself with the reality of the plot twist. Right? There are things that you don’t you’re like, Oh man, I don’t want to make that change. I don’t want to I already said I was gonna do it this way, or thought I was going to do it this way. I don’t want to make that change, because it’ll slow me down or because somebody else will judge it or somebody else will think, you know, I’m wishy washy or whatever. And oftentimes, those exact plot twists are the things that will accelerate you sometimes by sidestepping you around a couple years. 

In a marriage, you don’t need to go through a couple years and a town you don’t actually need to live in. Right. But you know, people get so concerned about how other people will judge their commitment about how other people will judge their decisions that they carry through on these like till death do us part decisions that they know before they even enter into them ain’t really all the way in alignment. Right? So I’ve learned that sometimes if you get cold feet, sometimes when you get cold feet, right before you make a move, that’s a big move. And there’s something else out here that needs to be explored. 

Go to the exploration, don’t who gives a shit what they say? First of all, they think about you No way, I’m gonna tell you like I tell London. If they like you, you’re magical. If they don’t like you, you still only match. 

Okay, so like, if they approve of your decision or rate you’ll be magical if they don’t approve of your decisions, if they don’t approve of the exploration that you need to have to feel really solidly aligned to allow divine order and timing to line up and light up for you. If they don’t approve of it. If other people look at it and want to look at it a kind of way you still gonna be magical okay so know that the process of creating your beautiful best life the life that you came here to live the rich life is a process of becoming more and more okay with the plot twist because hey everything but the plot twist life is a lie. 

Anyway, all these the idea that you can have this 25 year action plan for your life and it all play out exactly to plan is like yo, if that happens, you probably your plan was too small. 

First off, first and foremost, because the plot twists that are driven by your wise inner being are almost always trying to expand you and to expand your imagination and expand your dream. Right so it’s not always about hitting a numeric goals. 

Sometimes it’s about hitting a new American goal plus joy and unparalleled joy, unparalleled alignment, unparalleled well being unparalleled in our peace unparalleled. You know join your fam thriving in your family. 

So like yeah, you know the plot twists will take you far if you follow the plot twist of your wise inner being. But also this process is the rhythm of creating in accordance with divine order and timing is often about this alternating. My teacher Dave Rico talks about it as an alternating series of surrenders in choice. Surrender to your own big self. Surrendering to your own greatness, surrendering to your own inner nudges and wise inner beings. You know, like no, not time yet. Not quite right that something’s not quite right about that. Sometimes something’s not right about it right now and it will be right about it later. But you don’t have to explain all of that. You don’t have to convince anybody you don’t have to justify all of that. You just learn to surrender to the inner guidance and like, would let it take you where it takes you. Right? 

Learn to surrender to ease learn to surrender to your yes signals. I saw my friend Christine Barrett call the his her green lights. I always think of them as like, yes, signals I follow the yes and no, she’s like, I follow the green lights. Yes, surrender to following the green lights, which also means slowing at the yellow lights and stopping red lines, right? 

Surrender to your big self surrender to making big moves, sometimes accelerated moves, where you bypass a whole freakin construction project because your inner guidance was trying to get you around it the whole time. Right? And then surrendering to sometimes it needs to be, you know, slow, and gradual. 

So as my dad was like, Yo, you’re not 47 Hello. I have this moment of real appreciation this, I’ll close with this. And this moment of deep appreciation for the spirals of personal growth and development I’ve had in these almost like five year one year and five year and 10 year healing cycles in my life. I reflected on how at age 35, I was truly in a dark night of the soul 35 from me. Hmm, hope I get my math right. Around 35 for me was the great recession. Which found me with this, like, you know, I had one of those, I had one of those lives that everybody liked to look at. 

And that felt like a cars that parked on my chest inside. I had one of those lives where I was working all day and all night literally pulling every freaking lever in the universe because I thought the universe was mine to spin. I thought I was the direct tricks of it.

And I thought by my own mighty effort, I could keep unwanted shit from happening to me. And then like a recession happened. I was in real estate, I lost everything. I got divorced. My kids were split up by this custody, not bizarreness. And I truly found myself in what they call a dark night of the soul, like on my knees being like, Hey, God, I need you to show up, literally, Jesus fix it because I don’t, I can’t, I can’t do any more than I’m already doing. And I did all the things, and it’s still not working. Right. 

And that was when I sort of began the process of like reading and studying and praying and meditating and understanding wisdom from all of the traditions, not just the one I had grown up in, and like discovering the divine truth that you can see when you’re looking across all of the human, you know, ancient sacred texts and traditions. And when you’re willing to meet that with a great trust in the knowings and revelations, that feeling of resonance in your own soul. 

This was when I stopped looking to other people to tell me what was the right thing to believe. And when I started to like, hear in my own cells in my own body what was right and what was true and followed that. 

So by 3535 was hanging dark night of the soul at 40 my 40th birthday, some of y’all know, things had changed. I celebrated my 40th birthday party by going to nine places in the world I’d never been before. Over 18 months. It was remarkable in that I had gone from like losing my business losing my home to like, you know, taking a number of jobs in tech, taking my job at my fitness pal, which was one of the best decisions I’ve literally ever made in my life. We had been acquired by Under Armour. It had been very lucrative for me, I was traveling the world it was awesome. I was catching boyfriends in different countries it was wonderful. 

By 45 I was really in I had I had come, I had done I had come into I had started soul tour, I was clear that my calling was not to be a marketer in the shadows kind of just trying to like Head fake people into the deep inner work they needed to do it was to actually do this work as my work as my own. Life. And so as I came into a bold knowing of what my colleagues were, you know, the complex that we would call in young in psychology, we would call the death mother complex, really had emerged, that my shadow material, the deep dark shit had really emerged. And this time I knew what to do with it. I was like, bet. Let’s go, let’s go. 

So I was doing battle with the death mother complex, and I was going to win, I knew I would win. But it was dark. There had been all these things happen in my family, there had been all these medical problems, all these things happening within me, and I was like, here for it and hyper present to it. 

And I knew I would win, but I was in it. And then by like, 46, I think of it, I’m gonna talk to you guys about this later this week. You know, I have the death mother complex, I’ll share all about what that means. I have this incredible experience of post traumatic healing that I had been working on for 25 years, but also then accelerated in some ways, including with psychedelics. So I’ll tell you all about that. 

And then by 46, I was seeing in my spirit and my wiring the triumph of what we’ll call the Great Mother archetype. Right, I was seeing this like, emergence of a new me my big self was coming forth, new vision was coming forth, I had reclaimed my ability to dream in vivid, vivid, vivid color, I was having all of my all of my powers were starting to come online in a way that felt like new powers, but also were like, maybe the powers I came here with when I was a tiny, tiny baby. Right. 

So it was like that began this process of thinking about new countries, new empires, knowing that all the trauma, all the shadow, all the trials and travails all the events of the rest of the other 46 years of my life, were really just seeds you know, and I was like, emerging into the red wood of a of a human that I am and if you’re watching this, you’re watching it because you are too you literally are a spiritual redwood and all of the trauma all of the trials, all of the disappointments, all of the history, all of the things you tried and failed, they were all your seeds. Your that was all just part of the process of becoming. 

Alright, so just remember, time is nothing but a construct it’s cool if you forget how old you are who gives a rip. But you do get to choose to make meaning you choose to like throw burn down the culture story about time we just like you’re running into and there’s never enough time you don’t get enough sleep you’re getting too old. Burn that shit down. Throw it away, literally. Like it’s not it’s a lie as the reason it feels bad to you is because your why is inner being which is the same as the voice of God source spirit. All that is speaks to you within you is like, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. And that voice is never going to agree with the nonsense story about time or aging or any of the other income or whatever else. It’s never going to agree with that. 

So it’s always going to feel bad when you start to agree with that. So you may as well just get on the side of source spirit and all that is, which says you are eternal, you are limitless, like you only actually even can get better as you age, you’re literally your wisdom can accelerate and grow. 

As you age, your body, your cells can age in reverse. It’s a thing, right? And know that you do get to choose to use time as a servant, not a master, you can choose to make meaning of milestones. You can use your own milestones as memorials, to who you’ve been and who you are becoming, you can you can say no to the things that deplete you and create your own time. 

That way you can give thanks to your former self. 

I do that shit all the time where I’m like, dang, every time like I was going to take a trip to Mexico next week. I just played made an audible and was like, You know what, I’m gonna go to Lisbon Portugal cuz I want to, and I can and every time I do that, I think I give thanks to the earlier versions of myself. 

That gifted me with the freedom and the resources to make choices like that. Right I give things every day you wake up Give thanks to the earlier version of yourself that fed yourself watered yourself, clothe yourself to get you to where you are right now. Give thanks for the clarity, the power and the wisdom you can get out of your right now current circumstances and then like give thanks for the miracles They will follow miracles in the wonders that will never see this day. 

And then go out there and look for him. Wait for him watch for him because you’re trying to get to you. They’re trying to get to you. 

All right. So I’ll give thanks on your behalf for those things too. I love you. Thank you for joining me this Transformation Tuesday. 

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Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

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Transformation Tuesday | The Envy Epiphany 🤯💡💥

I want to talk to you today about something I’m calling the Envy Epiphany. 

So this is all about why you envy who you envy and what to do with that envy.

You know, I don’t really do random. So if I’m bringing you guys a lesson, it’s because there’s something happening in my life, in this moment, or in the universe, the world, this moment that’s causing this issue to come up. 

So we’re here to talk about envy today, because I keep having these conversations where people are saying, “Wow, dang, right, I’m jealous.”

So I had one conversation in a group where they had something they wanted to celebrate, and they didn’t know what to do to celebrate it. And I said, “Well, hey, for my 40th birthday, I went to nine places in the world that I had never been before over 18 months spent, you know, a month or two in some of these places, caught a boyfriend or two some of these faces.”

And they were like, “Whoa, I want to do that. I’m jealous.”

I had another conversation super recently, where I was sharing about my approach to solving my childcare problem that I had in the pandemic. 

Then I was sharing with some other moms about how when I had the same childcare problem that everyone else in the world had during the pandemic. I ultimately chose to resolve my childcare problem by joining a country club, because the country club had a kids club in it that didn’t close when all the schools closed, and had a pool where I could get lessons for my kid to swim at a critical moment in her swim, you know, education process. 

And I had the resources to do it. And so I did it. And it continues to be an incredible resource to my family.

And then people were like “Daring, I want to do that.”

So I was having a conversation, you know, at the baby school the other day with another mom who’s in a similar business to mine, but I think is charging way too little, and has not quite leveraged her full unique genius quite yet. 

So you know, we were talking and I’m like, “Yeah, we’re moving to Mexico City and like, I’m enrolled in this intensive Spanish class” and it was like everything I said she was like, “But I want to move to Mexico, but I wanted to learn Spanish.” I was like, “and I’ve got this like incredible nanny here who is I set the intention that I would get Beeson Mary Poppins and I got her. “

I have these two businesses that are amazing and everything is always working out for me and I have traumas in my life too. 

I have dramas in my life too. You know, I’ve had this very intense medical experience in the last year. But I also have the skills for them. I have the skills to be able to deal with them. And I mean, when I talk to you about a comeback, y’all physically come back on 1002. Right? I have beautiful help everywhere I go. And you know, it wasn’t always like this, this has been a journey of my lifetime. 

I was a 16-year-old mom in Bakersfield, California Baroque, let’s see 25 something years 20 Something like that, 20 something years ago. And so, I’ve had people say to me recently, “You’re so incredibly free, the things you’re doing are the things I want to do. “

And so in that context of having had a bunch of conversations like that recently, I was reading something from an author who I know and admire, and she said something like this.

She said, “Here’s what it means when you envy someone, when you envy someone, it’s actually a super helpful emotion.”

She said, “it tells you that somebody else has something that you wish you had yourself.”

Alright, so I was like, Is there really one sound and I, I mean, that is for sure the dictionary definition of envy when somebody else has something that you wish you had yourself, often that results in the emotion that we generally label envy.

But you know, what, my framework is all about recalibrating, actualizing and aligning. And I was like, “there is a way better, more meaningful and more useful way to interpret and understand envy.” So that’s the Epiphany, I want to give you guys today, I want to help you recalibrate. 

I want to help you recalibrate your understanding of envy, so that you can know what to do, you can know how to interpret it, when that emotion arises within you, okay? All right.

Envy does not mean that somebody else has something that you wish you had yourself. Envy means that somebody else has something that you already have within you that you have not that is ready to and wants to be released, wants to be activated, wants to be actualized, and has not yet been for whatever reason, your traumas, your disappointment, your trans as a fear, your trans of scarcity, you’re just not there yet in your life. You haven’t given yourself permission to do it yet. 

But when you envy something, it is a super helpful emotion.

What it means is that that person who you envy has something within them, there is something that you see within them, that you already have within you. And it’s ready to be released, it’s ready to be activated, it’s ready to be actualized. It just hasn’t been yet. Yet and it wants to be now. Okay, or wants you to begin that process now.

So because what I do is practice and teach and practice apply the metaphysics of self actualization. There’s a lot to understand and metaphysics about what this universe is, who you are in it, what your role is in it, the creations that you came here to create the sacred contracts that you came here to fulfill the things you came here to be and do and learn and have an experience. 

All right, and understanding the metaphysics of self actualizing your true sacred self requires understanding your own patterns, your own energies, and many of those patterns and energies are interpersonal, right. 

So as I teach it in our school of spiritual strategy, you will have these interpersonal energies All right? They are you have magnets that draw you repeatedly to other people who have certain patterns and energies within them until for the express purpose of fulfilling a contract you have to learn be do have create experience something and as soon as you do that learning those magnets, those polls on that magnet reverse, and you will no longer have those attractions to those kinds of people. 

You have moats, many of us in our attachment styles in our neurobiology and trauma, have motes energies that we actually signals that we send out and broadcast out unconsciously that keep help away. that keep the right kinds of people away. But keep resources and assistance away, right until we can see our modes and begin to dissolve them. And we also have mirrors, there are, there are magnets, there are modes, there are mirrors, there are people in your lot in this universe, who you specifically will come into relationship with, whether you know them personally or not, right sometimes is sometimes the Envy sparks because you’re like watching a documentary and you’re like, dang, I wish I could live that life. Right? 

Envy is one of our mirrors. Envy is one of our mirrors. And envy is the mirror pattern where you are being brought into contact with this other person. And when you feel that envy what is happening is your wise inner being sees something in them, that is that you have within you that is a unique sacred gift in you that wants to be unlocked unleash released, and that that’s the spark right now your why isn’t our being that and knows that and sparks that emotion and wants the gap between how you be and who you are and who you’re being now, and your potential true sacred big self, your wise inner being sees that that quality or trait in that other person and sparks and wants that spark once the gap between how you be and who you be now, and the end, who your potential Big, True Sacred Self is, wants that gap to create energy and direction for your life, for your progress for your purpose.

Now, if you will have a harsh hindering active inner critic, your inner critic also sees that gap also sees that part of you that trait of you in this other person, but your inner critic disagrees that you are that disagrees that you have that unique sacred potential and pulls you in the other direction of judging the emotion that you have as bad or wrong.

So envy is what we call it when it feels bad because we are in more you’re closer to agreeing with our inner critic with the voice of fear with our inner saboteur with our shadows. Envy is what we call it when we experience that like oh, a ha moment of hey, like I see this thing in you and it sparks this emotion in me.

We call it envy and judge it as unwanted and uncomfortable when we still are in agreement with our inner critic and our shadows and our inner saboteur. Right. But when you I like to think of a lot of these conversations that we’re having as conversations about a tug of this slight cosmic a tug of war between your wise inner being and your inner critic, which I’ll just use is like the persona if occation personification of fear, scarcity, unworthiness, all right, all of these trauma. So let’s just call all of that the persona, the voice of that is your inner critic.

All right, so we have this cosmic collectively and individually, okay, there’s not just a you didn’t make this inner conflict up. There is a cosmic battle. If you ever go to church with some old black church ladies. Trust me, you’re gonna you will hear them talk about that there is a battle on in this universe. And it ain’t between flesh and blood. It is a battle of principalities.

This is what they mean when they say that and they’re right, because, you know, black church, old black church, ladies are often right, just as a shorthand for there’s a battle of principalities. And they’re in the Battle of principalities that we’re talking about is it’s not you know, good and evil in the old oversimplified kind of way.

But the truth is that you have within you this wise inner being and you also have within you this voice of fear, I hear I see someone Miss cranes on Instagram saying, I’m in a constant tug of war, you are not alone, my love. You are not alone, my love, you are not alone, my love.

So we feel this constant for many of us in our conflict and win in a lot of these conversations that we’re having right now, that we have about spiritual strategy.

Spiritual strategy is, let me let me get intentional about how I say this. When you get skillful. The journey of becoming skillful with spiritual strategy is the journey of building the default mode, where when you have this inner conflict between your wise inner Being in your inner critic, you regularly drop the rope in that tug of war, and you drop the rope regularly in the direction of letting your wise inner being letting your capital B, capital S big self, when you let your big self when. And I mean this in the littlest ways, and in the biggest ways, I think about that all day throughout my day. So if you’ve ever had that experience of like trying to negotiate with yourself about why you don’t need to work out today, that’s that same tug of war. Right.

And when you get skillful with spiritual strategy is when you build the practice of regularly, you can actually get to a place where the negotiation isn’t even there that much, or that active or that loud anymore. Where you’re constantly letting your big self just win. And getting into alignment with whatever that be.

And I’ll tell you, it sounds scary, because your big self wants you to do these things that are way outside your comfort zone, which is true because your big self wants your expansion, your big self will bring you into inevitably, if you let your big self when that tug of rope tug of war. Your big self will bring you into more expansion. bigger dreams, bigger life. And for some folks that big life is big achievements.

For some folks that big life is nothing more than the breaking of generational curses that allows you to dwell in inner peace allows you to have a peaceful family or household. What you know big is relative. Big is relative.

All right, so when you’re when you have that envy feeling, meaning you’ve got this tug of war going on within you, you see somebody else that has something that appeals to you, and sparks that emotion within you, you’re wise and are being big self is like, Yo, that’s you, you see that? You have that in you too. You see that adventure she’s going on? Don’t you love that?

That’s because you are an adventurer, too. You are an explorer too. You see that business she has you feel that envy, or you feel that spark of energy? That’s because you that the entrepreneur in you, it’s like when we say Namaste, right? The divinity in me, the divinity in me salutes the divinity in you. It’s kind of like the opposite.

That’s like that spark of energy is like, whoa, do you see that in them, you will have that in you. And so when you we call it envy, if you’re still in agreement with in an end being hindered by your harsh inner critic, and we call it honestly we call it inspiration, admiration. When you drop the rope in that tug of war, and you’re letting your big self win, and you let yourself see that the reason you feel that spark of energy that you feel is that that person has something that you have to.

And I see it all the time and my students, those who are like, Yo, wait a second, I admire this, I see that energy, I see that people will say like, I want to be in your expansive energy. That’s because those are people who have kind of won, they’re letting go. They’re letting their big self win. And they’re seeing something in me that they admire.

But they also are starting to believe that the reason they admire it is not because they’re envious in a way that shouldn’t be judged or shamed. But but because there’s some something within them what that the thing that I have or that I am or in doing that they desire to do that that energy is within them too. And they desire to be expanded. Right? So they get in the energy of that expansion. So you know, I like to think that what the specifics hit, let’s talk about what to do when you feel envy.

I think actually, anytime you feel any unwanted emotion anytime you have any unwanted experience, you should be asking yourself the question, what wonderful thing is Trump could be trying to come to me through this, okay?

And I don’t mean that in like a super spiritual bypassing way. I mean, literally, when people die, you can ask yourself this question in a very deeply meaning making kind of way so that no experience is lost on you and so that you like get maximum juice from the frickin squeeze of life. If you’ve got to go if you’ve got to go through stuff and we do because life involves things that do spark suffering, why not try to get meaning out of them?

So when I say ask yourself What wonderful thing could be trying to come to you through this? I don’t mean like, just the the, you know, idea like, oh yeah, I might go to the burrito shop and meet the love of my life. I mean, maybe there’s some like Game Changing disruption to your personal mythology that’s trying to happen, that wants to happen.

There’s some part of your expansion that is trying to happen that could be furthered by your envy, so called envy of this other person. So one way to begin to work with and use your envy is to, you know, kind of get still and quiet with yourself have an introspective practice, this is why in all of our programs, we ask people to do a daily a specific prescribed daily ritual that I send them six days a week where I’m like, do this, right.

Because you do have to build some level of infrastructure for your inner life so that you can have these reflections and get this meaning instead of just constantly reacting to the world and, and going to sleep and then waking up and reacting to the world and going this is like, so tune in to what it is about that person that you envy, right? Because what the specifics of what it is about that person that you envy or the beginning of revelation for you, it begins to reveal to you what it is within you that wants to be unleashed. O

kay, so when someone says to me, “gosh, I am so jealous of your freedom.” What I know is that the self Liberator in them is sparking at seeing the self liberation that I’ve experienced.

So I in my mind, I’m sending them blessing raise for their own liberation that second, so Miss cranes and Instagram says like authenticity, right? If you see somebody else being fully authentic, and you’re like, damn, I would love to be able to express myself or show up in the world like that. That means you’re on your way I declare that for you is cranes on Instagram.

Like, that means you are on your way, the authenticity in you the full, like bring 100% of yourself to the world edition is in you is ready to be cultivated and unleashed.

And don’t rush it just like let it things take the time they take. Sometimes it’s like you see somebody else do be that way. And it’s like instant permission and you just start being that way. Sometimes it’s the beginning of putting you on a path or a process or a journey. Either way is great. Let it take the time it takes all right.

So I’m going to just drop you a few like concepts that I see people reacting to in me that and I think it’s because they have it in them. They see my self healing journey physically and from trauma and from you know, trauma and drama.

Truly, I’m not even being like facetious at all. So I’m like yeah, then the self healer in you is ready to be released. The explorer and adventurer in you wants to be released. This soulful and aligned and profitable and impactful and influential and transformational. Wealthy creator entrepreneur in you wants to be unleashed.

The big dreamer in you sees my big dreams. And it’s like, Damn, I’ve had so many people say I want to dream like you dream. That’s because the dreamer is already active in you. And it’s like chomping at the bit it’s about to come out. Right the big expansive true sacred self in you sees mine and wants to come out.

Right wants to there’s a part of you that wants to give you sees me do it and wants to give yourself permission to pivot. Permission to reinvent yourself. Permission to plot twist. Permission to lick the freakin plate in life to use the phrase of my friend Victoria castle. Permission to make a frickin move, make a move, make a decision, set a date, make a frickin move, and let the chips fall where they may. And that’s a word for somebody.

Yes, I’m intentional. I do these spirals of transformation. I do all this healing. I do believe that. And then sometimes you set a freaking date and you make a freaking move and you let the chips fall where they may.

Because you trust that everything is always working out for you. And if you know this, like Kanye said 100 years ago, the pessimist just don’t talk to him. Literally just don’t talk to him. So somebody sees that i That’s my sometimes there’s some people in your life you cannot talk to there’s some people in your life you cannot share your dream with. You don’t have to ask for permission.

You have to give yourself permission. You have to learn your own wiring. You have to do your own healing. You have to let things take the time they take. All right. And the last the tool that I want to share with you beyond all of those things, the mantra of what what what are the inquiry Let me say the inquiry promptly at what wonderful thing you know what fuel and direction can I get out of this unwanted emotion?

What you know what what is it within that person that I’m envious of that I see that this sparking something in me because I have it in me already. The last tool I want to offer you is the tool of collective effervescence and it is a spiritual strategy. I was at dinner the other night. I had a sitter the other night and had this like beautiful series of yes signals that was happening on my Mexico City move.

Literally were in a day’s time. I found an apartment realize the owner of the apartment lives 15 minutes from my house in Oakland, invited her to meet me at my club. She came out and met me and we brokered a deal in like a day. All right, so I’d had this wonderful day and I just happen to have a sitter in place for that night I had my friend Keisha, who’s also coaches and is a coach on her own and she coaches, employees to entrepreneurs. And she coaches sometimes at soul tour. T I was like Keisha can have dinner with me. She’s like, great. And she could and it just like all lined up. So we sat there and like one of my favorite tables at my club getting beautiful service, beautiful food.

There was this other table of like older black women across US, they were having this beautiful party and their energy was amazing. And they kept they were saying they came by our table with like, you guys are beautiful. Because Keisha and I have that collective effervescence. That is the opposite of when you see something others that you see someone you’re envious of them, there’s something they have that you want, and you don’t believe you can have it and that creates that that ah, envy.

The flip side is what Keisha and I have, and I call it collective effervescence. I have it with Keisha, I have it with a bunch of my students and members, I have it with some of my coaches and mentors and therapists, we have it and created intentionally in our own mastermind and in our own school collective effervescence, which is just this like mutual contact high of expansion energy, right.

And so what I want you guys to do is to start getting intentional about surrounding yourself, get finding other people who have those traits that you want, or are in that mode of expanding in the way that you want to expand and who are doing things.

They don’t have to be doing all the biggest things ever, but they do have to be, you know, people have power and people have purpose and people are people have progress. And I want you to start gradually letting that envy transmute into energy and fuel and direction and admiration, right?

I want you to start calling these people in, you’ve heard like, you know, in various spiritual traditions, there’s this idea that were two or more are gathered in the name of source spirit, all that is God, like, Holy Spirit descends and like fills up the place and things are different. The atmosphere shifts, what’s possible shifts, right? I want so you can create that collective effervescence, that extra kind of energy and extra intelligence.

By getting yourself in the room and sure on Zoom, but also in the real life room. That’s why in our new as I relaunch our programs, we’re actually building in real life experiences into many of the programs because we need to be in the room with each other.

All right, and so you can kind of look up the idea of a mastermind, Napoleon Hill was the one who kind of originally documented and use that phrase mastermind in a mastermind was really not meant to be like a coached curriculum, it’s meant to he actually talked about it as like, kind of like connecting a bunch of batteries to a single wire, where you’re increasing the amount of power that can pass through the wire, but because each battery adds this extra capacity, so the idea was that more minds, you know, through spiritual law, stimulate and expand the capacity of power for all the other minds in the group.

And so he talked about masterminds is like get in the room with other people create these friendly alliances with one or more other people, where the whole sort of mission of the congregation of the gathering is to encourage each other to follow through on your expansion. 

And I want to just say like if you do if you do and you can do this with friends, you can do this by getting in the room with them. mentor, a coach, a therapist who actually can help you problem solve or can witness and help you heal. Or you can do this by joining a formal mastermind group. If you’re interested in our groups, they’re not open yet, but they will be soon. Just DM me on whatever platform you’re in the word epiphany. 

And we’ll make sure you’re on the list. To get be one of the first to know when we open our groups back up. Yeah, as you create masterminds, I will say this, be careful, because take be cautious cuidado cuidado. Okay, be intentional. Be intentional about their energies. If someone’s energy, don’t just don’t feel right in your soul, that’s a good enough reason not to mastermind with them. 

Okay, be careful of the Coqui Dido, when it comes to their paradigms, it is very, I’m going to do a whole life just on picking certain Be careful whose paradigms you pick up. Be careful whose paradigms you pick up. So you know, you need to be around other people who speak life, who believe in expansive possibilities, who feel like expansion energy when you’re around them.

And you need to be intentional about making sure there is great harmony and alignment in the group, take care with those relationships, invest in them, be there for them, pour into them, you need to be around people who will ask who are aligned with you on values. All right, like, you need to be around with people who can push back on you and be like, but girl, is that really true? Like when you say that you have a limitation, it can be like the homie, for real. I don’t think so, you know what I mean, in a constructive way. 

You need to be around people who have other resources, or thoughts or insight or influence that they’re willing to bring to bear for your purpose and your programs. And you also need to make sure you’re around people, and this is a big one, as people are joining paid groups, you need to be around people who have similar values.

Okay, so I’ve been in some groups that were very oriented toward entrepreneurship. And it’s kind of like, if, you know, all they’re oriented around is money, and conversion. And I’m like, That’s a great, that’s like a piece of it. But that’s not the only reason I do the business than I do. Like I do this business, because it’s my soul. It’s my sacred, it’s one of my sacred contracts. 

Actually, it’s millions of My sacred contracts. It furthers me and furthers my people, there’s furthers my family, I had a very large financial target for the business vision that I just recently rolled out to our vendors and our teams. And someone pushed back and was like, I just don’t, I think this is smaller, I think this is too small for you, you can do more. And I’m like, Yeah, I could do more. But I also work 25 hours a week, and I also have a four year old I want to be around.

And I also don’t believe in just money for the sake of money. That’s literally what we call metastatic toxic capitalism. And I also like, Yo, we don’t just set goals for the sake of it, there’s a reason and a y and a soul and an alignment to them. 

You know, so make sure you’re if you’re going to mastermind with people, which you should make sure they are people who have similar priorities, purpose, Value Set vision as you. And at the same time, make sure they’re not all just like you some of the most powerful transformational coaches, consultants, vendors, I’ve had in my business.

I mean, one of the most powerful is this guy named sky Brian, who’s like from the south and, and kind of like an atheist. And I met him and he was like, Yo, I don’t even know what you do. But I’m pretty sure your business is going to be one of the biggest businesses I’ve ever worked on just because I’ve met you, but I don’t even understand what you do. And so, and he was like, So break it down.

So what are those words mean? What are those words mean? And there was this incredible power we got out of me and all of my creative flow, divine feminine, him and all of his very focused like masculine energy. And the rigor that he required. He used to draw out from me some of the essence of what I was doing in the business and the essence of the value that we created. Right? So make sure that you have people with whom you are aligned on and in harmony with around like values and vision, but who are not all just like you.

And the thing that I love and Napoleon Hill says, about mastermind, and the idea was truly like that. When you join up with other people, there is another mind that is created. It is the mastermind that is greater than all than any of you individually. All right, there’s an energy, I just happen to actually be one of those people who believes there is one infinite intelligence that is in everything in this universe. And we activate it when we come into connection with and agreement with. But you need you need someone to stand in agreement with you on your dreams, your visions, your goals, your intentions. All right, you can do big things on your own. 

So I love this, there’s a quote Napoleon Hill has about how the mastermind principle is the principle through what you can accomplish in one year in the mastermind more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime, if you’re dependent solely on your own efforts. All right. 

So I love that I love that energy. I love that vibe, I want you to take full advantage of that. And the other thing you’ll see is as you get into masterminds, if you care about them, and you start to care about the dynamic and the people, they will also it’s like anything else that you do, especially with respect to your business or your goals, it will call forth, it will trigger you people, the people will trigger you, they will stare your shit up, you will start to see that you have these other things that you know, stop you from getting help you you will see where you have I’ll do what I do on my I’ll do it myself syndrome, you’ll see where your vision might be too small, you’ll see where you need to go faster, you’ll see where you need to go slower, you’ll see where maybe some of your team building efforts, your efforts to delegate have gone poorly, because and you’ll see that you’re the common denominator. And you’ll see where you can do that work and you’ll start to do that work. 

So it’s it can be a very, very healing and transformational experience, even though it’s you know, it is more people to be in relationship with. Alright, so that is it for me for today. I love y’all, I will see you a bunch I’m going to I’m doing lives all the time. 

Now, just because I got a lot to say and I love to talk to you guys. I missed you this weekend. I’ll tell you about the weekend soon. I want you to keep your head up. I want you to keep your heart out. And for sure I will see you here on the next transformation Tuesday. Oh, if you love this, please like it. We’re on whatever platform you’re on. If you’re on YouTube, please subscribe. And also click the little bell so you can get notified when I do new lives. I love to see you too. This is so beautiful. I give thanks for technology that we can do this.

Let’s see what else Oh, if you want to get notified if you want to get these actually in your email inbox, go to for $11 a month we actually send these to you, and on Saturdays we send you a whole nother set of wonderful teachings things from my archive, deep-dive, you know more like our 90-minute, two hour or sometimes even teachings and a practice of the week a daily ritual other week. I think that’s about it.

Oh and you know, share this. Let’s bring that collective effervescence in. If you have another friend who you think would love to reach their full potential before they die, this is the place for them to be so make sure you share and let’s make it a party. All right. I love you. I’ll see you next transformation Tuesday and also live. I’ll see you soon.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

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Transformation Tuesday | Do you know your zone of genius? 🧠

I want to talk to you about how to be your Big Self, and do your Big Dreams and live your Big Life.

And when I say big I mean like capital B, capital S, Big Self, Big Dreams, Big Life, how to fulfill your sacred contracts. 

Very specifically, today we’re going to talk about the topic of your zone of genius, and how to find it. 

Alright, so what is your zone of genius? Do you know what it is? If you do know what it is come into the comments and let me know that you know what it is, if you don’t know what it is, and you’d love to know what it is come to the comments and let me know that do if you’ve been doing some stuff to try to figure out what it is. Definitely let me know that too. 

Let’s begin. Alright, so I was giving a talk recently, some of you know, I wrote this I wrote up this wonderful manifesto falls short of describing what it is called the vivid vivid vision for sold for 2025. 

I will roll it out to all of you and and do a workshop with you to help you download your vivid vision to and in the vivid vision I mentioned that I would like to be working with a very specific media organization, the Atlantic. 

So I mean, I wrote the document that maybe 10 days later the Atlantic was calling. They sent me a lesson, a message on LinkedIn. And we’re like, Would you like to speak at our pursuit of happiness Summit? So I was like, Yeah, let’s do it. 

So I go speak at it. And during the talk, I talk about, you know, I talk about the the reality that human beings are beings of soul and spirit that is at the center of a soul. We don’t leave that shit at work at home when we come to work, right. 

And so I talked about part of the needs of a thriving human soul being fulfillment and being fulfillment, you know, being allowed being able to spend a lot of the time of your life in fulfillment of your sacred contracts. And so then I sort of talked a bit about the various zones of human activity, using the framework that I learned from Gay Hendricks in his book, The Big Leap, which if you have not read it, if you’re in any of my programs, in the School of spiritual strategy at soul tour, you’ve probably read this book like three times, if you’re not in my programs, get the book. It’s called The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. It’s brilliant. It’s a game changer. 

So I started to talk to people in the in the talk at the Atlantic in pursuit of happiness Summit, through the four zones of human activity per gate, per the Reverend Dr. Hendricks, and so just so you know, the zones go like this, we all have these four zones, and everything we do falls into one of these zones at work and not at work, okay, this is not just about work, but it’s important for work. 

Alright, so the first zone is your zone of incompetence. TLDR is stay out of that all of us are in that points in our day, and we shouldn’t be. So just stay out of that. 

The next zone is your zone of competence. That is where you’re like kind of okay, doing stuff. But you know, if you came from any sort of like, background where there was a like hard work ethic or virtue, you know, there’s virtue in the struggle, you may be spending more time than you really should be spending in your zone of competence. That’s so just know that’s the second zone. 

The third and the fourth word get really interesting. Okay, the third, especially for those who really do know they have a kernel of greatness within them. I’m talking to you especially for those who are starting to kind of get a little worried that they may not reach their full potential or do the you know, the big things that they’ve always wanted to do before they die.

If you hear that, and that’s resonant for you. That’s because I’m actually talking to you. So these are the last two zones are really important to understand and begin to master. As you know, my one of my core programs is called Life and Self Mastery, because we are not here to be no amateurs. There is a game of life. There is a how to play it. And there is mastery available to you if you’re willing to be very counterculture because this culture does not like mastery. We live in an anti mastery culture don’t even Don’t get it twisted. We’ll come back to that in another live. 

Anyhow, the last two zones are the your zone of excellence In your zone of genius, right and so many of us have heard and for years prided ourselves on having a spirit of excellent excellence, being excellent people with your zone of excellence in this framework is actually a freakin trap. It’s a trap, your zone of excellence is where you are really, really, really, really great at doing the things that are in that zone. And they are really, really, really, really, really deeply ting to you. All right. So the zone of excellence. 

The reason it’s a trap, is that you’re often the zone of excellence is where you’ve gotten you maybe you’ve gotten external validation, like in the form of praise from your parents, good grades, in school and college awards, raises promotions, big titles, all kinds of external validation, you’ve been getting your whole life from being doing the things that are in your zone of excellence, but they are really freaking depleting to you. All right, and then let’s talk about your zone of genius. 

All right, so your zone of genius is where you are maybe the greatest of you might be a goat, you might be the greatest of all time at doing the stuff that’s in your zone of genius, okay? However it gives you a life to do the things that are in your zone of genius it lights you the freak up other people from the outside looking in or looking at what you’re doing when you’re in your zone of genius and they’re like she yet girl that’s like a lot of work or that’s like so much or whatever, to other people, it seems hard and to you, you get like, more energy somehow as you go, right. 

And so it’s no coincidence because you know, I happen to know that your zone of genius is when you’re in your zone of genius, you are also in alignment with you are doing things that are right squarely within your sacred contracts to do them. 

Right it’s kind of just like how the divine made sex feel good because it was necessary sex is necessary for the species to be perpetuated. So it feels good. Same with your sacred contract sing with you and the things in your zone of genius the more of us are in our zones of genius doing the things that light us up as we do them. 

We are actually those things feel that we are wired for those things to feel good to us because when we do them we actually help further human evolution onward upward for the better for the benefit of all. 

All right, that’s how the world gets good. Yeah, and oh, by the way, it’s also like the path of the way Least Resistance to all of your dreams, goals desires, the real true deep, big ones. Not the culture says you should want one’s right so it’s zone of genius is same as path of least resistance is same as fulfilling your sacred contracts is same as Oh, freaking. It’s so much fun. It’s so much fun in your zone of genius. 

I hear a lot of coaches right now talking about how they’re like wanting to you know, save up work enough to save enough to quit their jobs. And I’m like, yo, I literally was a could was in a financial position to stop working somebody about like, five years ago.

I can’t not do this. It gives me life. Right. And so that’s when that’s real financial freedom is when you actually come to work eat like delighted with where your life is, and eager for more and more and more. And the work lights you up in your you’re having transformation impact on the people you get to work with. And those people are freaking badass, like my clients. I would literally spend time with my clients for free and do sometimes. 

So like, Yo, if I can also set it up that I help bring crazy value to their lives into their businesses and they to mine. And we get to spend time together. I just get to rendezvous with genius people at the Venn diagram overlap of their zone of genius and mine all day every day. Are you kidding? Yes, I’ll be doing that for I’ll be 397. And you know what, I’ll still be cute. Because I figured that out too. 

So this is not even So hi, Kimberly. Hi, Tam, hype girl. awesome to see you guys all here. That was all just like my context for the story. I want to tell you Okay, all right. So I give this talk at the Atlantic in pursuit of happiness Summit. I, you know, kind of briefly brush over the zones of genius. 

I’m talking to them about my new B2B program which is called radically truthful and radically fruitful. It’s sort of a name that’s inspired by my take on I’m like, canceling productivity culture and bringing ushering in a new soulful vision for how we work that’s based on being fruitful. 

Alright, so I share a little bit the zones and I share about how I work that I have two businesses, one, you know, mostly online, but not all, and one brick and mortar franchise business, I have three kids, all of whom have said are neurodivergent, I have my own complex medical diagnosis situation. 

I have, you know, multiple homes in multiple places. And I’m kind of juggling and managing at this moment in Korea, creating in this moment. And life is good, real good. And I work right now I’m working about 30 hours a week. So after the top, these two guys who looked really alike, walked up to me, and I’m more like, hey, so we’re brothers, we just started a company together. We love the idea of what you’re talking about. But how is that? Is that even real? Like how is that even possible to work that little like we are working all the time. And is this like kind of a pipe dream was basically what they were asking me. 

And so I kind of used our conversation. As a way I’m going to use the conversation I had with them as a way to share with you my spiritual strategy method, which is what I teach in all of my programs, very specifically, though, in Life and Self Mastery, and our empires of the soul Business Mastermind for entrepreneurs. So, in the method is just three steps, it’s recalibration, actualization, and alignment. And we do it in all different ways, and all different areas of your life and your business and your work. Alright, so.

So basically, what was happening with these guys was what I see happening with people who come who I meet in the world, all the time, which is they heard about some actions they might take, or a way a different way things could be. 

And when you start thinking about trying to take action, to make a change, transformational action in your business or your life, to make a change, but that action conflicts in a really core level with your paradigms, your worldviews, your beliefs, your identity, taking, trying to take the action or even trying for them, it was like trying to wrap their heads around the idea that can work 30 hours a week, sparked all this inner resistance. 

It was like the struggle switch went on. Right? They had all this like disbelief. And for others, you know, maybe the issue would not the inner conflict might not be at belief level, but it might be at identity level, it might be that you actually try to start taking action and changing the way you work and hit your upper limits. And you should do it anyway. 

Alright, because that’s how transformation real life real world transformation works is you begin to take action to do something that’s part of your desire, set your dream, set your vision, set your intention, set your goal set, and resistance sparks and that resistant, here’s the thing, you got to start rethinking your resistance. Because your resistance is not assignment, something’s wrong with you, your resistance is always a sign that you’re doing something right because you stepped out of your comfort zone. 

By definition, if you have triggered resistance, you have stepped out of your comfort zone. 

Alright, so your resistance is always a sign that you have done something right. It’s always also a gift that points you in the direction of the inner work that needs doing. It points you directly to the inner conflict that needs resolving. 

So I want to give you a mantra if you’re a note taker, take this one down. I said started seeing this one probably 25 years ago, after the first time I read, you can heal your life by Louise Hay. There’s a beautiful mantra in it that goes like this. 

I choose to see it as a treasure. When I discover something new to release. I choose to see it as a treasure when I discover something new to release. 

So that’s a word for someone because that will change your entire experience of cultivating life and self mastery of doing your inner work of doing your shadow work of whatever it is however you’re thinking about the inner work that you need to do to do in this coming season. Or that you’re in.

So if you choose to see it as a treasure when you discover something new to release instead of judging yourself for what you discover that needs releasing your whole life will get better I promise you Okay, so try that on. 

And they actually let me just because I’ve said it, I have I say my I do my declarations out loud. declarations are part of the daily ritual that I teach in all my programs. 

And I never asked my students to do something I have not done first so I give them declarations usually like two decades after I started working with them. and have already seen the fruit of those declarations come to fruition in my life. Right? So I would, I used to say, in my own declarations, I choose to see it as a treasure. 

When I discover something new to release, I see and feel myself changing moment by moment. Other people’s thoughts and issues no longer have any power over me. I am the power in my world, I choose to be free. 

Sometimes I would go into I think differently. I speak differently, I act differently. Other people treat me differently, all as well in my world. So that’s just kind of how declarations go. 

Anyway, all right back to these guys. So these two guys come up to me, they’re like, we would love to believe that it is possible to work 30 hours a week. However, we do not currently believe that it is possible to work 30 hours a week. So I was like, all right. And I’m literally like still in my seat having just presented. 

So I’m like, Alright, tell me about your parents. Tell me about your childhood. Because so much of this tracks back to so much of the work of life and self mastery in the early stages is the work of deconditioning and unlearning are programs that you learned when you were early, early, early, early, early childhood. And then there’s like the middle stage work of life and self mastery is a work of re parenting. 

All right, re parenting yourself, which involves. So you’ve already seen the conditioning you got when you were little. It involves you being like, Oh, yes. Thanks, parents. Y’all were good enough, however you were whether they were good or terrible parents. The fact that you can even be having a conversation, the fact that you can be watching a YouTube video with me right now talking about re parenting yourself and feel the resonance and begin to think about doing that work means they were good enough so that your RE parenting journey begins in earnest when you can say I see that conditioning, I see where I got it. 

My parents were good enough. I now take the job of parenting myself back over. All right, it can be a very related to the work they do and Family Constellation theory which we talked about some of the programs, right where it’s like you can truly give thanks to your ancestors for their gifts, and leave the trauma with them. All right, you don’t have to take it all. 

Alright, so the first thing these guys said to me was, well, our mother is super, super successful. She’s an attorney. I said she believes she had like a contingent of like a personal injury attorney attorney works on contingency, or she had billing an hourly billing attorney. She’s an hourly billing attorney. I’m like, I don’t even need you to say anything else. Because I used to be an hourly billing attorney. 

So I know that that lifestyle comes along with it comes along with I know the the trances and the traumas of hourly billing attorneys. And I’m not being facetious when I say that include the trends of time scarcity, include the trance of like my work, my time is my worth, in California hourly billing attorneys bill every 10th of an hour. So every six minutes of the whole frickin day they must track their time some for decades. 

So it creates a very warped sense of time. And so I was like, Ah, so this is step one of their journey is going to be to recalibrate their understanding of work, my work is my worth. No, it’s not, is to re recalibrate their understanding of what time is and how you can flow it, how you can expand and collapse it on demand. Break waking up from the trance of time scarcity and scarcity in general. 

These are this is really all recalibration work, right and doing some of that shift into RE parenting and Family Constellation type work. Alright, so that was step one. So the second thing they said to me was, so what’s the deal with your zone of genius? Sounds awesome. Don’t know what ours is?

Actually, I think one of them knew, but he was the quiet one. And I think the other one was, like, very intrigued by the concept, but didn’t know. So he’s like, I don’t know what my zone of genius says, All I know is I gotta have like conversation, I gotta hire people. And I gotta make sales calls. And I gotta send 40 emails today, and I gotta get it done. And all that stuff has to get done. That’s all I know. 

So let’s talk about your zone of genius. And I shared with them that you know, I teach all of these concepts to my 40 year old clients into my four year old because I want her to have the unfair advantage of accelerated understanding of her own wiring. 

So I have figured out ways to talk about all these things in language if one girl can understand truly. And so I said, you know, most of us are familiar with the with the device is the like the Myers Briggs type device of introvert? extrovert, right. So most people understand that or most people, I have conversations with most of you if you’re watching this, understand that introverts are people. 

Let me say that back the other way, that extroverts like my London are people who charge their batteries on other people. All right, she charges her batteries literally on me, on the other kids. That’s why I have her out in the world a lot because she needs to be around other people to get recharged. 

Then there are introverts like me, I’m like the most social introvert ever. So I charge my batteries in one on one conversations or in alone time. Right? And this is the work that we do in stage two of the method. actualization. actualization requires that you understand your own wiring, you understand how you uniquely work in all of your different traits, all that you know, any of the self discovery systems that are important or resonant for you. 

We work with your archetypes, your attachment styles, your inner critic, archetypes, we work with your sacred money archetypes we work with, you know, your personality types, all of these types. It’s really that’s what the work of self actualization and actualization and my method means it means you come to discover, and learn all the things you need to know about why you do what you do, using all the tools at your disposal. 

And you do not learn it so that you might fix or change or work on yourself to make those things different. This is important, the read part, our step two of actualization in my method is then envisioning like sort of reimagining your intentions, visions goals for your life, in a way that that is designed to make the most of the wiring that you came here with. All right. So it’s not about fixing or changing at all. 

It’s about re envisioning your dreams for your life in a way that the life you envision, now works really well with your existing wiring. All right, but you’ve got to know the wiring first. So I told them, here’s a way to think about your zone of genius. Think about it this way, your zone of genius is the work or the activities that you do that charge your batteries. 

Okay, so all of you who in the comments wrote, you’re not sure of your zone of genius, this is the beginning to understanding your zone of genius is knowing that it is possible and available to you and starting to be on the lookout for those moments, at work. And at home. Just those moments, when you’re engaged in an activity that charges your batteries, begin to take note of those moments begin to do it in writing. Okay, and we’ll talk about integrating that knowledge as we go on in all of these lives you’re about to get. 

Okay, so then the third thing these brothers said to me are the one the one who was like super skeptical and like fascinated, which is always a good sign for me. He said, So are you saying? He’s like, Okay, I kind of by that there’s work that I do that that charges my batteries. I don’t know exactly what it is. But I will like Be on the lookout for it.

Are you saying that I should be trying to build my whole work life around that. Now he was incredulous. Because we’re also taught this culture. It’s like the there’s a line in Khalil Gibran lines, the Prophet, the section of it about work, he starts out saying always you’ve been taught that labor is misfortune. Literally, our whole culture for generations of humanity has taught us that work is misfortune. It is an unfortunate thing to have to do. Right. That’s the platform of beliefs. 

That is about work that is in the collective unconscious. So this guy was like, Wait, are you trying to say is like okay, so I by that there is a place in my activities, in my wiring, where I’m doing things that light me up, aren’t you trying to say, I shouldn’t basically do that shit all the time. I said not here’s what I’m saying. I’m saying that if you can build your whole business, and your whole life, or most of it, let’s say 90% of it. If you can build that in inside your zone of genius, if you can set yourself up so that most of the time you are in your zone of genius And you can just take some time, but you can, then you should do it, you should guess you should do it. That’s the goal. That’s the dream. 

And that’s why people say about me, I will help you do your big dreams before you die, I will help you do that by undoing your self sabotage pattern. But way more important than all of that shit is I will help you dream in look the plate dream for your life, and fall in love with that dream, which is important. 

Because to do all of the rest of this stuff, you need the love of the dream to pull you to power, the work that you do through all the self sabotage through all a shadow, right, you need it and you need that emotional charge and attachment with your own sort of your own love affair with your own future, your own love affair with your own self, you need that emotion, to pull you through the inner work and the outer work to bring it to bring you to a place where you do start to be not just start to feel fulfilled, where you start to be fulfilled as you came here to be fulfilled. 

All right, so that’s my steps 123 That’s my recalibrate actual lies online. You know, to summarize, you recalibrate your belief systems first you actualize by discovering your own inner wiring and then reconnect reimagining your dream for your life to in a way that the new life you envision, you know, makes the most of your existing wiring instead of you trying to change your wiring and force yourself into, you know, on the treadmill, the human, the human suffering hamster wheel of doing what other people want you to do, which is usually the stuff that’s in your zone of excellence. 

And then you build your whole business there and your whole life there and you do it gradually Gay Hendricks says his goal is and I agree so hard wholeheartedly with this. His goal is to get his his people that he coaches 90% of the time into their zone of genius. And how you start is with 10 minutes a day. Can you spend so that’s my challenge for you at the end of this. Can you spend 10 minutes today or tomorrow doing activity that charges your freakin batteries. It’s just like lick the plate delicious to you. 

All right, if you can come into the chat and say you can I have so much more I’m going to share with you guys over the coming days. I don’t I’m not selling anything at the moment. I will be soon. None of the programs are enrolling yet, but we will be soon. 

So if you’d like to get on the list to be one of the first to know when we are letting people back into the school of spiritual strategy. Just come into the chat and type like or into my DMs and type recalibrate or actualize or align whichever was the one that felt the most like usually the most, the one that scares you the most is the one that you that is calling you the most. So what’s the thing you want to do the most recalibrate, actualize or align, but that in the comments, or put that in my DMs and we’ll make sure that you are on the list. You’re one of the first to know when we reopen the school for enrollment.

So if you like this video, if you liked what we did here today together on Transformation Tuesday, and you want more videos like this, like this video, like it literally like so other people can start to see it. Share this video with your peoples. If you’re on YouTube, subscribe to my channel and click the little bell there so that it notifies you when I put new videos on. I’m doing new lives a lot right now. 

Or come to and for $11 a month we will literally send these messages directly into your inbox. You’ll get a couple of things for me a week, including a daily ritual. And a never, you know never before seen video from my art my teaching archives. I send those out on Saturdays to the people who subscribe to that. The $11 a month newsletter that’s 

All right. I love y’all can’t wait to see you again. It feels like every day the more I think about talking with you guys regularly, the more things come up that I feel like I need to share. If you ever have questions or things that you’d like me to, you know cover in one of these, feel free to just email us or put something in the comments. I’m going to check the chat really good. All right. All right. All right. You guys are amazing. Okay. All right. This is awesome. Steve. Hi. Nice to see you. She bye see you saying actualized let’s do it. Yes, Kimberly pearl. Awesome. Lovely to see you all. I’ll see you guys soon.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Metaphysician
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

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