Transformation Tuesday | Faith and fear

You have more influence over your thoughts than most people will ever know or even try to exercise.

This is a wonderful thing, because your thoughts matter.

They attract more thoughts like them.

They spark the emotions that create your felt and lived experience.

The thoughts you think over and over again become your beliefs.

And maybe most importantly, your thoughts turn into your tangible reality.

This is true whether you are thinking about things you want or thinking, obsessing, fearing and fixating on things you don’t want.

Bottom line: Think about beautiful, sweet, expansive, joyous things as often as you can.

Think about the things you desire as often as you can.

And when your thoughts are unwanted or negative or just focused on what you don’t currently have, don’t try to force them the other way, because that basically never works.

Let them rise and let them pass. Let them do the inner alchemy of turning your unpleasant thoughts into the gold of your clarity.

Change the subject or take a nap. Take a break from thinking about the subject entirely and find a topic you can always turn to for surefire good-feeling thought momentum.

Even if that topic is pugs. Or a blissful memory. Or something that seems small or irrelevant to Your Life’s Big Callings.

And should your unwanted thoughts persist and confound you, investigate them with kindness. Grieve, as needed. And watch your Inner Guidance bring you back to your inborn setpoint for joy.

It’s been there all the time. And it always will be.

The master key is being intentional, not accidental, about your thinking and taking sovereignty of it into your own hands.

Our dear Florence Scovel Shinn wrote:

“Man should make an art of thinking. The Master Thinker is an artist and is careful to paint only the divine designs upon the canvas of his mind; and he paints these pictures with masterly strokes of power and decision…

All power is given man to bring his heaven upon his earth (through right thinking), and this is the goal of the Game of Life….

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

And in the Science of Being Great, Wallace Wattles takes this thought transformation subject even further, and tied it in with our concept of Spiritual Independence.

“There are many ideas in your mind that you have outgrown and which, from force of habit, you still permit to dictate the actions of your life. Cease all this; abandon everything you have outgrown. There are many ignoble customs, social and other, which you still follow, although you know they tend to dwarf and belittle you and keep you acting in a small way.

You still indulge in distrustful fears that things will go wrong, or that people will betray you, or mistreat you; get above all of them.

Rise above all this. Be free.”

Gather your things and yourself together and curl up into your sitting nest with the intention of letting yourself enjoy every moment and use every moment of this Inner Retreat to expand in freedom.

Feel your legs, your pelvis, your belly, your chest slowly, gently release all tension and sink heavily, bit by bit, into your seat.

Allow your weight to fall evenly, heavily, onto the support beneath it.

And let your breath, your heart, your thoughts all slow down, gently and naturally, at their own pace.

Allow the visual of the Circle to come into your mind.

Golden, flourishing, vibrant, pulsating, glowing light and life, spinning alive before your mind’s eye.

While you’re in the Circle today, take some time to breathe in what you need, and breathe out anything you don’t need, any thing, any thoughts, any fears, that no longer serves you.

Inhale FAITH.

Open fully to receive whatever you want or need or are just starting to think and believe and know that you’re able to receive.

And on your exhales, as you relax to allow your Pipeline to open wider and wider, you can let go of some stuff, too.

Try releasing judgment and condemnation, for yourself or for anyone else.

Release old pain.

Release your bondage to thoughts that don’t work for you anymore.

And most of all, exhale FEAR.

With every inhale receive fuel and clarity for your journey ahead.

With every exhale release the need to be right and open wider to receive what life has in store for you.

Inhale: Receive the fuel and light and love of Source. Receive enlarged expectations for the wonders ahead.

Exhale: Release the shoulds and judgment and straining. It no longer applies to you.

Release doubt.

And sit in this way for 10 more minutes, just receiving and releasing.

Inhaling FAITH.

Exhaling FEAR.

Inhaling FAITH.

Exhaling FEAR.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Nelson, MA, Esq.
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI

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