Transformation Tuesday | Inhabit this moment ✨

Thank you for meeting me here, in this meeting place between Heaven and Earth where we gather together..

Thank you for meeting yourself and your Source here, too.

Today, gather your things and yourself together and let’s meet up at your favorite nest of a spot in which to sit.

Arrange all of your beautiful, blessed body parts in their most comfortable configuration, for the moment.

And let every bit of you, every piece of you, every cell of you drop into this moment, fully.

Today, let’s devote our practice to this moment, and to being in it fully.

Be in this breath fully.

Inhale fully.

Exhale fully.

Take a few more deep breaths like this, then let your natural breathing engine, your lungs and your brain and all of the collaborative cells and muscles in your body take over and do this life-giving cycle they were created to do.

So you can just be in this moment, and inhabit it fully. Receive it fully.

When you begin to inhabit your moments fully, you begin to inhabit your life fully. And all those voices of Inner Critic, Inner Editor, Inner Judge, Inner Censor, their voices drop in volume, turning down until all you can do is see and hear them through the eyes and ears of compassion for your earlier self, because those voices?

What they say has nothing to do with now.

What they say really doesn’t even have much to do with you, and certainly not with who you are now.

Because in this moment, you are safe, even when you reach out to do uncomfortable or new things.

In this moment you are loved and you are love.

In this moment, you are in the Circle, so you have access to all the resources of this Universe.

In this moment you have access to all love, all energy, all time, all Spirit, everything you’ll ever want or need.

In this moment, you have access to clarity, to good timing, and to inspiration.

In this moment you know 100% that you cannot lose. You cannot fail. You cannot be depleted.

Everything you touch your hands to do prospers and succeeds. And sometimes, when things look happen that you don’t want or like they’re going sideways, you know that are getting Guidance and clarity and blessings and things are lining up and working out to get you ready for the wonders ahead.

Because in this moment, you are one with the Limitlessness that created you and everything else in this Universe.

You are one with Limitless Love.

You are one with Infinite Intelligence.

You are one with Creative Power.

And you are eternal.

So today, just let your eternal self, your loving self, your beloved self, your intelligent self, your creative self unfurl and open up to fully inhabit your body and your space.

Let any tense spots or tight spots or constricted spots within your cells or your organs or your bones or your muscles or your skin, let them unfurl and open up, too.

Receive more breath. Receive more love. Receive the inspiration that is coming your way.

And for these 20 minutes, just focus on allowing yourself to unfold and unfurl and inhabit this breath fully. This moment fully. This body fully. This life fully.

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Nelson, MA, Esq.
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI

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