Transformation Tuesday | When you’re not productive enough 🧠🏃🏾‍♂️

Here we go. We’re live on Instagram a day in advance of Transformation Tuesday because I have a big gorgeous photoshoot I’m gearing up for for Transformation Tuesday. As you can see, if you’re watching this video, I have like every piece of jewelry that I’ll be wearing in this shoot, actually not even, but at one moment in time. So that’s fun.

I thought I’d come on early also, because I got a note from this wonderful client that I’m working with.

She is a spiritual and psychological teacher in her own right, I do coach and teach and consult with a lot of other coaches and teachers and transformational entrepreneurs. And she’s working on a book that’s kind of the culmination of like 20 years plus of her own personal work and her own work with others.

And so she sent me this email this morning. And as I read it in the hot tub this morning after I dropped the baby off, and before I start working, I get in the hot tub and I get in the sauna and steam room.

And as I read it, I was like, wow, she’s definitely not the only person who has these issues front of mind right now on their hurts right now. So I sent her a note. And it was like, “Hey, here’s some things that are really specific for you.” And then I also wanted to share in a more general way with all of you.

So this is your Transformation Tuesday lesson, even though you may be seeing me on Monday on Instagram. What we’re going to talk about today is ways of being for when you don’t feel like you’re being productive enough. And it’s Monday morning. So I know she ain’t the only person who had this issue.

So she, you know, specifically says a bunch of things, including, we’re working on this book, and we’re at the very beginning.

So she says she’s feeling a little anxious, she’s got some feelings of overwhelm. It’s got some feelings of feeling a little bit lost in the woods. But she’s trusting the process. And that’s one beautiful thing about many of the people I get to work with one on one is that she’s pretty advanced in her own growth work. So she knows how to breathe into the process. She knows how to allow what wants to come through to come through.

But she said this one sentence that reminded me of like every human I know, she says I think my struggle switch gets activated when I feel like I’m not producing enough.

So I wanted to speak to that. These are literally the thoughts that came to my mind as I was in the hot tub. I had my big red book with me in that tub. And I made some notes that I wanted to share with you.

All right. So first is, those of you who’ve taken a program with me know that I take issue with the concept of productivity in general, because it comes from enslavement culture.

I know that may sound harsh or controversial to some folks. But it’s also the truth. You can literally go online and find historically that the idea of productivity, the idea of humans as resources, the idea of people’s work equals their worth comes from the enslavement era here in the United States. There was actually a guy who published these charts where the overseers could keep track of how much people were outputting every year.

And by virtue of keeping track of each enslaved human being’s output, they would determine how to treat that person, that would determine whether to beat that person, they would determine how much more to ask of that person to output the next year. And it turns out it was wildly effective at increasing the output of cotton picked by enslaved human beings every year.

It was also wildly effective at encoding in the collective unconscious, the idea that you need to be productive all of the time meaning producing all of the time. So I have a very, very strong issue with that concept.

You are not here to be a good little cog. You are you know an iconic creator and conduit for something that is coming from Source through you.

There’s this beautiful Audrey Lorde quote about how the Master’s House will never be dismantled by the Master’s tools. And if you are listening to me, if you’re watching me on Instagram, if you are you know my actual client that I’m speaking this to, your work is liberation work. It is liberating for you, it is liberating for that your audiences, and they get a contact high off from your work of the energy that you were in as you created the work. Okay? So you really cannot create liberating work for your people, liberating beautiful things until you start to click into and get into that energy of Creation and fruitfulness and fruition versus productivity. Okay. And so then you need to learn how to create.

What does that mean? It means you got to learn how to create the way creation is created, the way creation is created is real in nature. And in divine mind is like, seeds are planted, or bees drop pollen, okay.

And then like, they go underground for a bit for a minute, things get things are dark all around for a minute, as like nourishment comes through the soil as other collaborative components of divine mind of nature of Source of Spirit of All That Is. Come join your creative party, right.

And so water comes, sunlight comes, nutrition, nourishment comes through the soil, and it takes time. And all of that time is not time growing above ground.

In my newsletters, I have told the stories over the years of the bamboo that grows for all those years, only growing its root systems totally dormant from appearing from the top. And then all of a sudden, all of this height begins to grow above ground. Right?

This is the same if you’ve ever heard Abraham Hicks talk about if you were the farmer and you planted the seeds for the kernels of corn, and then you dug it up every single time you got frustrated or impatient with it, you would never grow anything right?

If you were looking for productivity, nothing would ever have a chance to really grow.

Alright, I see someone on here saying she’s working on really committing this time to doing my Do Your Dream program. And yes, Do Your Dream is actually a perfect companion to this conversation that we’re having right now. And it is validation for you from All That Is, from Source, from Spirit.

That you are in the right place at the right time. If you’re starting Do Your Dream over, we’re actually going to do a new live version of Do Your Dream later in the year called “Do the damn thing.” And I think it is also a perfect companion program to the original Do Your Dream, the recorded version which you have access to. So I give thanks for you too.

So yeah, I think productivity, you can begin to let that concept die.

That may actually be some of the work that you’re calling to write this book, client of mine, your callings, your dreams, your soulful dreams, your sacred contracts are trying to do the work in you of dissolving out that productivity culture and cultural conditioning.

So also let me just say a few other things. When you approach a project like my client’s book, whatever your dream callings and sacred contracts are, you should feel overwhelmed. If you didn’t feel overwhelmed, you probably wouldn’t really be understanding your assignment.

If you didn’t feel like you’re hitting your struggles which are slipping on, if you didn’t feel some level of discomfort because you’re stepping outside of your comfort zone, I would be concerned that you didn’t understand exactly what we were here to do.

We are here to create things that will bring liberation wholeness, joy, reclamation of the Divine to this generation and to future generations.

That is the work we are doing. And to you, first and foremost, to you. Okay so like it’s not a small thing we’re setting out to do, it is outside of your comfort zone all transformation is. So you know that if you’re hitting your resistance, if you’re hitting your struggle switch, if your inner critic is sparking on, if you are hitting imposter syndrome, you are doing it right, you are on the right track. If you are hitting that place of fear, like struggle switch, like “oh my gosh, what am I doing?” That is always a sore. The root cause of that feeling is always fear and all of that fear is exhilaration at your own coming expansion. All of that fear is unintegrated excitement.

Okay, and the only way you can integrate the unintegrated excitement, the unintegrated exhilaration, your own expansion is to wholeheartedly just it’s as in chair, do the words. It’s as in hot tub, let your inner pipeline open up.

If you feel a little lost in the woods, that’s because there’s no blueprint for where you’re going. There is no precise. Now I’ve got a roadmap for you, but it’s a flexible one. There is no precise exact checklist or instruction list for the life of radical liberation, radical wholeness, radical well-being spiritually, physically, radical prosperity, wealth, health, wisdom, you know, full creative self-expression, there’s no blueprint for that life.

You don’t probably know anyone that’s living that most people do not know anyone who is living that life in total integrity.

All right. So there’s no checklist for it, which is why you start to feel a little lost in the woods at the beginning of this process.

All right, there’s no checklist there’s no blueprint, but I got you on some mentorship, some assistance, some guidance, some tools, and what you do have and can always trust in is that there is a pipeline.

Okay, there is not a blueprint, there is a pipeline. And that pipeline is within you. You possess running up the inside of your spirit, an inner, limitless reservoir and pipeline through which all inspiration, all creative power, all divine intelligence, all the limitless love that you know, drapes, so that is your divine inheritance that flows through every cell of your body if you can learn to let it, you have that pipeline within you.

And productivity, culture, tracking, rushing, judging your process, all that stuff does is clog up the pipeline and constrict it. So what that what is trying to come through you cannot come through you, okay.

And so the practices you know, the daily ritual practices of sitting, the practices of freewriting, practices of prompted journaling, all the feminine divine feminine self-care practices of like closing out the world a bit getting in the Steam Room, turning inward reflection, pause and reflection.

I saw an email from Peloton this week, they said they took a bunch of their live classes off the calendar so that the whole company could have a moment of pause and reflection. And I was like, I don’t know how it’s gonna go for them. But what I do know is that is a very countercultural, and it is actually a mature divine feminine trait to take moments sacred pause, turn inward, reflect.

Okay, those things feel like they’re taking more time allowing yourself to write a really messy rough draft of whatever you’re writing or create a really messy, rough draft of whatever you’re creating.

That feels like it’s taking more time. But the truth is, it’s opening your inner pipeline. It’s opening you up to inspired ideas, it’s opening you up to golden threads of inspiration to drop in and flow in.

Right. And so I wanted to share a tiny bit about my own process, because I do these things now, they are matter of ritual for me, not habit, but ritual.

So I wanted to share, because I know many of you know me in my work, and you know that I’m prolific.

Depending on where I’m at and what projects I’m working on, I can write, you know, for years, I’ve written on average 20 or 25,000 words, a week, a normal book right now is about 50 in the marketplace today is like 50 or 60,000 words. So I’m writing about half a book every week. And it’s good.

It’s good, y’all know I ain’t humble. I’m thinking humble is cute. So it’s like very good writing. And I will tell you, I spend about three to five times as much time, every day, every week, and on every project, managing my state of openness, getting into that place of inspiration.

I spend three to five times as much time on cultivating that openness and inspired state and flow state. And getting back into connection with All That Is getting back into connection with my sacred strengths and gifts and talents and geniuses and inner genius and unleashing that inner genius. I spend three to five times as much time doing that as I spend actually writing. Three to five times. That’s why I only coach and teach and take meetings one day a week.

So like today, I spent till about 10:30 this morning just getting into the state. I only have childcare till like I mean, I have it for a lot longer than I use it. But I only have childcare, you know, I’ll go pick her up at like maybe 3, but that’s okay. Because by 10:30, 11 I’m so deep in my zone of genius that I’m creating. I’m like Hamilton like I’m running out of time but it feels like I’ve got all the time in the world.

Someone on Instagram is saying, “Tell me who that is.” It’s someone I know if you spin 1425 love she loves the habit versus ritual reframe here in SoulTour Landia in the metaphysician Landia we do ritual, versus just habit.

You have some habits. But habits are sort of automatic and mindless. Ritual is sacred and meaningful. It’s like we are setting this apart and saying this is an important meaningful thing. That’s what we’re doing.

So I invite you to trade in your concept of productivity. For the concept of fruitfulness, a fruitful creation. And fruitful creation has seeds, it’s cyclical, it’s seasonal, you’re going to take the time to get into the flow mode, you’re going to take the time to let things flow, you’re going to let the early writing early creating be bad, you’re going to understand that your assignment in the earliest stage is not just to get things out, it’s to get yourself in a state of back in connection, have tuned in and tapped back into your own natural strengths and power and work so that you can get the flow going.

Alright, and these are spiritual muscles. There is never a need for any judgment about whether you’ve been doing it right or wrong.

Truly the reason you have these dreams is not even so that the book can get created or so the thing can business can get out in the world. It’s that those dreams really want to do work in you including having that career in you of teaching you to deeply in your body and your spirit trust that divine order and divine timing are real. They run the show around here. And they are in your favor all the time. All the time. All the time. All the time all the time.

I love Tosha Silver says “even your delays are benefiting you.”

Even the things you feel like are you slowing down, are you procrastinating, even that benefits you in the end if you do it this way. Okay, great.

Ashley, thank you. She says she’s a vocal participant, a serious lover of things that I do. And you’ve been following for a couple of years. I cherish you too. This is co-creation, we’re not just doing that. I’m not just out, you’re doing this in my living room on my own. There is an energy of co-creation here. And so I love that it’s good for me to know your name. Ashley. Thank you.

So before I sign off, I just want to share a couple of the declarations that I do every day that I think help put you into the practice of these principles that I’ve taught on this session.

When I wake up in the morning, I say a lot of things and one of the most important is that, “I give thanks that the divine genius plan for our lives me and my family, my me and my clients me and my business, me and my team and my vendors, I give thanks that the divine genius plan for our lives now comes to pass under grace, overcome seas, and imperfect, wonderful, surprising and delightful ways. I now release resistance to every element and stage of that divine genius plan. And I give thanks for knowing that right now today, in every moment of this day is an element and stage of the Divine genius plan. So I now surrender my calendar to divine order and timing.”

Now, so those are a couple of those declarations that I use all the time to get me on the same page and on the same calendar and on the same timeline as divine order and timing.

And I will tell you that once I really am practicing that declaration a lot. There’s my declaration shift over the months and years. When I practice that one very quickly, you know, it’s working because your day stops going your way.

What you wake up and plan to do is rarely what actually happens that day. Like I didn’t plan to do this live right now. My plan was to do a live for Transformation Tuesday, tomorrow on Tuesday. But then my client sent this email, and it had a couple things in it. And I was like no, she needs an answer to that now. I feel an answer to that now.

There’s somebody who needs to hear this now. And I come on Instagram Live and Ashley’s like, oh, I needed this exact confirmation of what I’ve been doing this exact time because I’m starting Do Your Dream again. And oh my gosh, this is exactly. That’s how this works.

I get that email 20 times a week seriously, somebody being like, “Oh my gosh, you said this exact thing that I needed to hear at that exact moment” and it came into my inbox or my you know, Insta feed at the exact moment in time. And I’m like, right. That’s because I’m surrendering my calendar to divine order and timing every single day.

So yeah, it means that my best-laid plans for my day don’t always go that way. But usually, my day goes a million times better than anything like, like the old Bible verse says anything that I could ask, think of or imagine, like my actual day turns out way better than that. And it’s more joyful than that in the work I create, whether it’s a video, whether it’s writing, whatever it is, is 10 times better.

Alright, so it’s 11:11 on the west coast of North America right in this moment, which I think is a perfect time to end this session.

I will see you guys on the next transformation Tuesday. I love you. Keep your head up, keep your heart out and know that I am like in the lab cooking some delicious things up for us to rendezvous together on and with.

Yes, these declarations are a practice of total trust. And I promise you when you begin to trust something greater than you for the plans for your day, and for your life, all you do is open your inner pipeline and let everything this universe is trying to get to you. You just open up and let it in.

Alright, I love you. I’ll see you soon.

Head up + heart out,

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Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

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