Transformation Tuesday | Spiritual Skin Care šŸ’†šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø

Iā€™ve been asked about my skin care regimen several times lately.

The subject came up again when I posted the sneak peek behind-the-scenes pics from my photo shoot last week. Click here to check ā€˜em out!

When I share my ā€œskin care regimenā€,  I always test the waters first. I want to see how receptive to my personal flavor of weirdness the ask-er will be. 

So first I share a few of the only-slightly-out-there things I put in, on and around my body that help.

For example: When I cook, I usually smear a bit of my avocado cooking oil on my skin. (Which, by the way, my dog LOVES.)

And I sweat every single day, intentionally. Steam room, hot tub, rowing, strength trainingā€¦ I get it in. 

But then I go deeper and share this revelation: that most of my skin care is internal

I brew up all sorts of concoctions and take all sorts of supplements that cultivate radiant health and wellbeing of my skin and joints and cells. 

I take more Vitamin D than youā€™d think is sensible. (But given my bodyā€™s unique needs and demands, it really works for me.)

I drink a boat load of bone broth and eat a few servings a day of fermented foods.

Iā€™ve concocted a mix of probiotics, mushrooms, collagen andā€¦ my favoriteā€¦ chlorella that I just call by the code word LIFE. 

I take some digestive enzymes and acids that I know for sure keep my body and skin nourished and electric.

And every day, I steam some kale and broccoli and blend it up with a little coconut milk and some filtered water into a super-pure smoothie ā€¦ mmmmmmmmm.

(Side note that I think this is delicious but my friends disagree.)

And with all of that, the most powerful part of my internal skin care regimen is SPIRITUAL.

Meditation. Journaling. Daily declarations. Prayer. Movement. Connecting with all that is. Every day. 

But say you donā€™t have the time or interest in doing all of that, I say, when asked. There is one hackā€¦ one single thing you can count on to age your skin and your body in reverse.

And that is to make a self-honoring, Inner Guidance following, life-and-self-aligning, Inner Critic overrling, cultural-rule-breaking decision anytime the opportunity presents itself. 

Every time you make a decision to stop overruling and overriding your own Inner Guidanceā€¦ every time you unpack a part of yourself youā€™ve been shoving down and holding backā€¦ every time you drop the rope in the tug of war between your Inner Critic and your Wise Inner Being, your cellular inflammation dies down and your telomeres get a little bit longer. 

So if you want your skin to look better, fastā€¦? 

Move where you want to move.

Sell the house or rent it out.

Trust that youā€™ll figure it out. Trust that it will all come together. Trust that everything is always working out for you. 

Quit that job. Or put yourself out there for that new, scarier job. 

Stop wringing your hands and start doing your dream.

Speak up for yourself. Say what you mean. Ask for what you need. 

You might even need to divorce that person. Or those parents. Or those friends. 

Or find your prodigal child and embrace them, so-called bad behavior and all. 

Stop divorcing yourself.

Face the fear. 

Do the damn thing.

Stop trying to evade your greatness. You canā€™t evade it, Brilliant One. Itā€™ll just keep haunting you. You have no other choice but to give into it.  

And if you only have the capacity to make one single decision differently today than you did yesterday in the interest of causing your physical body to age in reverse, make this one: 

Stop saying yes when you really mean no. 

Stop saying yes when you really mean no. 

Stop saying yes when you really mean no. 

And just watch the frown lines disappear.

Let me know how it goes.

Head up + heart out,

P.S.: *These are the Daily Rituals and practices I guide my people through in Life and Self Mastery, by the way, so get on the waiting list if you want in next time I open the doors.

P.P.S.: Want more like this? Become a SoulTour subscriber for just $11 a month.

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coachā„¢ļø
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

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